ДСТУ EN 12952-5:2015 Котлы водотрубные и вспомогательное оборудование. Часть 5. Качество изготовления и конструкция частей котлов, находящихся под давлением (EN 12952-5:2011, IDT)

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Державне підприємство «Український науково-дослідний і навчальний центр проблем стандартизації, сертифікації та якості» (   
(ДП «УкрНДНЦ»))

Наказ від 25.12.2015 № 207 (у редакції наказу від 20.05.2016 № 137)

EN 12952-5:2011

Water-tube boilers and auxiliary installations - Part 5: Workmanship and construction of pressure parts of the boiler

прийнято як національний стандарт методом «підтвердження» за позначенням

ДСТУ EN 12952-5:2015

(EN 12952-5:2011, IDT)

Котли водотрубні та допоміжне устатковання. Частина 5. Якість виготовлення та конструкція складників котлів, що перебувають під тиском

З наданням чинності від 2016-01-01




1 Scope

2 Normative references

3 Terms and definitions

4 Symbols and abbreviations

5 General

6 Pressure part

6.1 Drums, headers and similar pressure parts

6.2 Material identification

6.3 Material marking

6.4 Marking during manufacture

7 Cutting, forming and fabrication tolerances

7.1 Cutting material

7.2 Forming of drums, headers and ends

7.3 Forming of tube bends

7.4 Drum and header fabrication tolerances

8 Welding

8.1 Design and other requirements specific to welding

8.2 Welding consumables

8.3 Welding approvals

8.4 General production requirements for welding

8.5 Repairs to welds

8.6 Pre-heating

8.7 Post-weld heat treatment

8.8 Welding subsequent to final post-weld heat treatment

8.9 Welded joints, connections and production test plates

8.10 Attachment of non-pressure parts to drums and headers by welding

8.11 Welding of tubes

8.12 Flash butt welding of tubes

8.13 Welded tube water walls

8.14 Arc stud welding

9 Mechanical connections

9.1 General

9.2 Access openings

9.3 Branches and nozzles mechanically connected to the main pressure parts

9.4 Tube connections

10 Thermal treatment

10.1 General

10.2 Heating cycles and heat treatment(s) associated with plate forming operations

10.3 Pre-heating for welding and thermal cutting

10.4 Post weld heat treatment

10.5 Heat treatment of production test plates

Annex A (normative) Tube bending procedure tests

Annex В (informative) Welded pressure connections and non-pressure containing attachments

Annex С (normative) Manufacture of welded tubewalls

Annex D (normative) Coiled boilers and coiled superheaters

Annex E (normative) Special requirements for composite tubes

Annex F (informative) Guidelines for the determination of the competency of boiler manufacturers

Annex G (informative) Significant technical changes between this European Standard and the previous edition

Annex ZA (informative) Relationship between this European Standard and the Essential Requirements of EU Directive 97/23/EC


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