ДСТУ CLC/TR 60079-32-1:2022 Вибухонебезпечні атмосфери. Частина 32-1. Електростатичні небезпеки, настанова (CLC/TR 60079-32-1:2018, IDT; IEC/TS 60079-32-1:2013, IDT)

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ДСТУ CLC/TR 60079-32-1:2022
(CLC/TR 60079-32-1:2018, IDT; IEC/TS 60079-32-1:2013, IDT)

Вибухонебезпечні атмосфери. Частина 32-1. Електростатичні небезпеки,

Не є офіційним виданням.
Офіційне видання розповсюджує національний орган стандартизації
(ДП «УкрНДНЦ» http://uas.gov.ua)




1 Scope

2 Normative references

3 Terms and definitions

4 Nomenclature

5 General

6 Static electricity in solid materials

6.1 General considerations

6.2 The use of conductive or dissipative materials in place of insulating ones

6.3 Precautions required when using insulating solid materials

6.4 Conveyor belts and transmission belts

7 Static electricity in liquids

7.1 General considerations

7.2 Summary of precautions against ignition hazards during liquid handling operations

7.3 Tanks and Containers

7.4 High viscosity liquids

7.5 High charging equipment

7.6 Gauging and sampling in tanks

7.7 Pipes and hose assemblies for liquids

7.8 Special filling procedures

7.9 Plant processes (blending, stirring, mixing, crystallisation and stirred reactors)

7.10 Spraying liquids and tank cleaning

7.11 Glass systems

8 Static electricity in gases

8.1 General

8.2 Grit blasting

8.3 Fire extinguishers

8.4 Inerting

8.5 Steam cleaning

8.6 Accidental leakage of compressed gas

8.7 Spraying of flammable paints and powders

8.8 Vacuum cleaners, fixed and mobile

9 Static electricity in powders

9.1 General

9.2 Discharges, occurrence and incendivity

9.3 Procedural measures

9.4 Bulk materials in the absence of flammable gases and vapours

9.5 Additional requirements for bulk material in the presence of flammable gases and vapours

9.6 Flexible intermediate bulk containers (FIBC)

10 Static electricity when handling explosives and electro-explosive devices

10.1 Explosives manufacture, handling and storage

10.2 Handling of electro-explosive devices

11 Static electricity on people

11.1 General considerations

11.2 Static dissipative floors

11.3 Dissipative and conductive footwear

11.4 Supplementary devices for earthing of people

11.5 Clothing

11.6 Gloves

11.7 Other Items

12 Electrostatic shock

12.1 Introduction

12.2 Discharges relevant to electrostatic shocks

12.3 Sources of electrostatic shock

12.4 Precautions to avoid electrostatic shocks

12.5 Precautions in special cases

13 Earthing and bonding

13.1 General

13.2 Criteria for the dissipation of static electricity from a conductor

13.3 Earthing requirements in practical systems

13.4 The establishment and monitoring of earthing systems

14 Special requirements for equipment according to I EC 60079-0

14.1 General

14.2 Electrostatic charges on external non-metallic materials

14.3 Electrostatic charges on external conductive parts

Annex A (informative) Fundamentals of static electricity

Annex В (informative) Electrostatic discharges in specific situations

Annex C (informative) Flammability properties of substances

Annex D (informative) Classification of hazardous areas

Annex E (informative) Classification of equipment protection level

Annex F (informative) Flow chart for a systematic electrostatic evaluation

Annex G (informative) Tests


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