ДСТУ EN 14127:2014 Неруйнівний контроль. Ультразвукове вимірювання товщини (EN 14127:2011, IDT)

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Наказом Міністерства економічного розвитку і торгівлі України

від 30.12.2014 № 1494

EN 14127:2011

en: Non-destructive testing - Ultrasonic thickness measurement

прийнято як національний стандарт
методом «підтвердження» за позначенням

ДСТУ EN 14127:2014

uk: Неруйнівний контроль. Ультразвукове вимірювання товщини

(EN 14127:2011, IDT)

З наданням чинності від 2016—01—01



1 Scope

2 Normative references

3 Terms and definitions

4 Measurement modes

5 General requirements

5.1 Instruments

5.2 Probes

5.3 Couplant

5.4 Reference blocks

5.5 Test objects

5.6 Qualification of personnel 

6 Application of the technique

6.1 Surface conditions and surface preparation

6.2 Technique

6.2.1 General

6.2.2 Measurement during manufacture

6.2.3 In-service measurement of residual wall thickness

6.3 Selection of probe

6.4 Selection of instrument 

6.5 Materials different from the reference

6.6 Special measuring conditions

6.6.1 General

6.6.2 Measurements at temperatures below 0 °C

6.6.3 Measurements at elevated temperatures

6.6.4 Hazardous atmospheres

7 Instrument setting

7.1 General

7.2 Methods

7.2.1 General

7.2.2 Digital thickness instruments

7.2.3 A-scan Instruments

7.3 Check of settings

8 Influence on accuracy

8.1 Operational conditions

8.1.1 Surface conditions

8.1.2 Surface temperature

8.1.3 Metallic coating

8.1.4 Non-metallic coating

8.1.5 Geometry

8.2 Equipment

8.2.1 Resolution

8.2.2 Range

8.3 Evaluation of accuracy

8.3.1 General

8.3.2 Influencing parameters

8.3.3 Method of calculation

9 Influence of materials

9.1 General

9.2 Inhomogeneity

9.3 Anisotropy

9.4 Attenuation

9.5 Surface conditions

9.5.1 General

9.5.2 Contact surface

9.5.3 Reflecting surface

9.5.4 Corrosion and erosion

10 Test report 

10.1 General

10.2 General information

10.3 Inspection data

Annex A (informative) Corrosion in vessels and piping

A.1 General

A.2 Measurement of general corrosion

A.2.1 Instrument

A.2.2 Probes

A.2.3 Setting of the instrument

A.2.4 Measuring

A.3 Measurement of corrosion with pitting

A.3.1 Instrument

A.3.2 Probes

A.3.3 Setting of the instrument

A.3.4 Measuring

Annex B (informative) Instrument settings

Annex C (informative) Parameters influencing accuracy

C.1 Parameters influencing accuracy

C.2 Methods of calculation

Annex D (informative) Measuring technique selection


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