ДСТУ EN 15859:2014 Качество воздуха. Сертификация автоматических мониторов пылеулавливающих установок. Технические требования и методы испытания (EN 15859:2010, IDT)

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Міністерство економічного розвитку і торгівлі України

Наказ від 30.12.2014 № 1494

EN 15859:2010

Air Quality - Certification of automated dust arrestment
plant monitors for use on stationary sources -
Performance criteria and test procedures

прийнято як національний стандарт
методом «підтвердження» за позначенням

 ДСТУ EN 15859:2014
(EN 15859:2010, IDT)

Якість повітря. Сертифікація автоматичних
моніторів пилоуловлювальних установок.
Технічні вимоги та методи випробування

З наданням чинності від 2016–01–01  



0 Introduction

1 Scope

2 Normative references

3 Terms and definitions

4 Symbols and abbreviations

4.1 Symbols

4.2 Abbreviations

5 General requirements

5.1 Application of performance criteria

5.2 Ranges to be tested

5.3 Manufacturing consistency and changes to instrument design

5.4 Qualifications of test laboratories

6 Performance characteristics for laboratory testing

6.1 Instrument for testing

6.2 CE labelling

6.3 Security

6.4 Output ranges and zero-point

6.5 Additional outputs on filter leakage monitors

6.6 Display of operational status signals

6.7 Degrees of protection provided by enclosures

6.8 Response time

6.9 Detection time

6.10 Repeatability standard deviation at automatic internal zero point

6.11 Repeatability standard deviation at automatic internal reference point

6.12 Automatic internal zero and reference point checks

6.13 Influence of ambient temperature

6.14 Influence of sample gas flow for extractive instrument

6.15 Influence of voltage variations

6.16 Influence of vibration

6.17 Cross-sensitivity

6.18 Excursion of measurement beam of cross-stack in situ instruments

6.19 Detection limit

7 Performance characteristics for field testing

7.1 Calibration function for filter dust monitors

7.2 Functional test of filter leakage monitor

7.3 Maintenance interval

7.4 Drift of automatic internal zero point and automatic internal reference point

7.5 Availability

7.6 Reproducibility

8 Performance criteria

9 General test requirements

10 Test procedures for laboratory tests

10.1 Instrument for testing

10.2 CE labelling

10.3 Security

10.4 Output ranges and zero point

10.5 Additional outputs on filter leakage monitors

10.6 Display of operational status signals

10.7 Degrees of protection provided by enclosures

10.8 Response time

10.9 Detection time

10.10 Repeatability standard deviation at automatic internal zero and reference points

10.11 Influence of ambient temperature

10.12 Influence of sample gas flow for extractive instruments

10.13 Influence of voltage variations

10.14 Influence of vibration

10.15 Cross-sensitivity

10.16 Excursion of measurement beam of cross-stack in situ instruments

10.17 Detection limit

11 Requirements for field tests

11.1 Provisions

11.2 Field test duration

12 Test procedures for field tests

12.1 Calibration function for filter dust monitor

12.2 Functional test of filter leakage monitor

12.3 Maintenance interval

12.4 Drift of automatic internal zero point and automatic internal reference point

12.5 Availability

12.6 Reproducibility

13 Test report

Annex A (informative) Elements of recommended performance testing report


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