ДСТУ ISO/IEC 11577:2017 Информационные технологии. Взаимосвязь открытых систем. Протокол защиты сетевого уровня (ISO/IEC 11577:1995, IDT)

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Наказ від 04.08.2017 № 207

ISO/IEC 11577:1995

Information technology — Open Systems Interconnection —
Network layer security protocol

прийнято як національний стандарт
методом «підтвердження» за позначенням

ДСТУ ISO/IEC 11577:2017
(ISO/IEC 11577:1995, IDT)

Інформаційні технології. Взаємозв’язок відкритих систем.
Протокол захисту мережевого рівня

З наданням чинності від 2017-10-01


1 Scope

2 Normative references

2.1 Identical Recommendations I International Standards

2.2 Paired Recommendations I International Standards equivalent in technical content

2.3 Additional References

3 Definitions

3.1 Reference Model definitions

3.2 Security Architecture definitions

3.3 Service Convention definitions

3.4 Network Service definitions

3.5 Internal Organisation of the Network Layer definitions

3.6 Connectionless Network Protocol definitions

3.7 Upper Layer Security Model definitions

3.8 Conformance Testing definitions

3.9 Additional definitions

4 Abbreviations

4.1 Data Units

4.2 Protocol Data Unit Fields

4.3 Parameters

4.4 Miscellaneous

5 Overview of the Protocol

5.1 Introduction

5.2 Overview of Services Provided

5.3 Overview of Services Assumed

5.4 Security Associations and Security Rules

5.5 Overview of Protocol - Protection Functions

5.6 Overview of Protocol - NLSP-CL

5.7 Overview of Protocol - NLSP-CO

6 Protocol Functions Common to NLSP-CL and NLSP-CO

6.1 Introduction

6.2 Common SA Attributes

6.3 Common Functions on a Request for an Instance of Communication

6.4 Secure Data Transfer Protocol Functions

6.5 Use of a Security Association Protocol

7 Protocol Functions FOR NLSP-CL

7.1 Services Provided by NLSP-CL

7.2 Services Assumed

7.3 Security Association Attributes

7.4 Checks

7.5 In-Band SA Establishment

7.6 Processing NLSP-UNITDATA Request

7.7 Processing UN-UNITDATA Indication

8 Protocol Functions for NLSP-CO

8.1 Services Provided by NLSP-CO

8.2 Services Assumed

8.3 Security Association Attributes

8.4 Checks and other Common Functions

8.5 NLSP-Connect Functions

8.6 NLSP-DATA Functions


8.8 RESET Functions



8.11 Other Functions

8.12 Peer Entity Authentication

9 Overview of Mechanisms used

9.1 Security Services and Mechanisms

9.2 Functions Supported

10 Connection security control (NLSP-CO only)

10.1 Overview

10.2 SA-Attributes

10.3 Procedures

10.4 CSC-PDU Fields used

11 SDT PDU Based encapsulation Function

11.1 Overview

11.2 SA Attributes

11.3 Procedures

11.4 PDU Fields used

12 No-Header Encapsulation Function (NLSP-CO only)

12.1 Overview

12.2 SA Attributes

12.3 Procedures

13 Structure and Encoding of PDUS

13.1 Introduction

13.2 Content Field Format

13.3 Protected Data

13.4 Security Association PDU

13.5 Connection Security Control PDU

14 Conformance

14.1 Static Conformance Requirements

14.2 Dynamic Conformance Requirements

14.3 Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement

Annex A - Mapping UN primitives to ССIТТ Rec. X.213 I ISO 8348

Annex В - Mapping UN Primitives to CCITT Rec. X.25 I ISO 8208

Annex C - Security Association Protocol Using Key Token Exchange and Digital Signatures

Annex D - NLSP PICS Proforma

Annex E - Tutorial on some Basic Concepts of NLSP

Annex F - Example of an Agreed Set of Security Rules

Annex G - Security Associations and Attributes

Annex H - Example Key Token Exchange - EKE Algorithm

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