ДСТУ EN 14359:2019 Аккумуляторы газовые для оборудования гидроэнергетики (EN 14359:2017, IDT)
Державне підприємство
«Український науково-дослідний і навчальний центр
проблем стандартизації, сертифікації та якості»
(ДП «УкрНДНЦ»))
Наказ від 12.12.2019 № 410
EN 14359:2017
Gas-loaded accumulators
for fluid power applications
прийнято як національний стандарт
методом «підтвердження» за позначенням
ДСТУ EN 14359:2019
(EN 14359:2017, IDT)
Акумулятори газові
для устатковання гідроенергетики
З наданням чинності від 2020–01–01
European foreword
1 Scope
2 Normative references
3 Terms, definitions, symbols and units
3.1 Terms and definitions
3.2 Symbols and units
4 Materials
4.1 Requirements for metallic materials
4.2 Material certificates for components of the pressure containing envelope
5 Basic design and calculation criteria
5.1 General
5.2 Corrosion
5.3 Qualification by similarity
5.4 Design methods
5.5 Design and calculation methods common to all accumulator types
5.6 Specific design criteria for piston accumulators
5.7 Specific design criteria for diaphragm accumulators
5.8 Specific design criteria for oil ports mainly used in bladder type accumulators
6 Manufacture
6.1 General
6.2 Special manufacturing processes for welded diaphragm accumulators
6.3 Forming of bladder accumulator shells
7 Inspection and testing
7.1 General
7.2 Design documentation
7.3 Design review and design verification
7.4 Inspection during manufacture
7.5 Hydrostatic pressure test
7.6 Fatigue performance evaluation
7.7 Marking and labelling
7.8 Documentation
8 Safety instructions and equipment for accumulators
8.1 Introduction
8.2 Safety equipment
8.3 Tests and examinations before first operation
8.4 Supervision and maintenance
Annex A (informative) Examples of safety equipment configuration
Annex B (informative) Manufacturer's declaration of conformity form
Annex C (informative) Basics of statistics and probability analysis of fatigue test results
Annex D (informative) Example of the application of the fatigue test method
Annex E (informative) Example of similarity analysis
Annex F (informative) Preliminary choice of ∆Ptesti and extrapolation limits of S-N curve
Annex ZA (informative) Relationship between this European Standard and the Essential Requirements of Directive 2014/68/EU aimed to be covered
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