ДСТУ IEC 61968-11:2014 Інтеграція прикладних програм на електромережних підприємствах. Системні інтерфейси в менеджменті розподілу електроенергії. Частина 11. Розширення загальної інформаційної моделі (CIM) д...

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Частина 11. Розширення загальної інформаційної моделі (СІМ) для розподільчих компаній

(ІЕС 61968-11:2013, IDT)
ДСТУ ІЕС 61968-11:2014

Відповідає офіційному тексту



1 ВНЕСЕНО: TOB «Укренергоналадка», Технічний комітет стандартизації «Керування енергетичними системами та пов'язані з ним процеси інформаційної взаємодії» (ТК 162)

ОФОРМЛЕННЯ: І. Блінов, канд. техн. наук; І. Блощаневич; А. Гінайло; С. Танкевич, канд. техн. наук

2 НАДАНО ЧИННОСТІ: наказ Мінекономрозвитку України від 2 грудня 2014 р. № 1428 з 2015-06-01

3 Національний стандарт відповідає ІЕС 61968-11:2013 Application integration at electric utilities — System interfaces for distribution management— Part 11: Common information model (СІМ) extensions for distribution (Інтеграція прикладних програм на електромережних підприємствах. Системні інтерфейси в менеджменті розподілу електроенергії. Частина 11. Розширення загальної інформаційної моделі (СІМ) для розподільчих компаній)

Ступінь відповідності — ідентичний (IDТ)



Цей стандарт ідентичний ІЕС 61968-11:2013 Application integration at electric utilities — System interfaces for distribution management — Part 11: Common information model (СІМ) extensions for distribution (Інтеграція прикладних програм на електромережних підприємствах. Системні інтерфейси в менеджменті розподілу електроенергії. Частина 11. Розширення загальної інформаційної моделі (СІМ) для розподільчих компаній).

Технічний комітет, відповідальний за цей стандарт в Україні, — ТК 162 «Керування енергетичними системами та.пов’язані з ним процеси інформаційної взаємодії».

Стандарт містить вимоги, які відповідають чинному законодавству України.

До стандарту внесено такі редакційні зміни:

— структурні елементи цього стандарту: «Титульний аркуш», «Передмову», «Національний вступ» та «Бібліографічні дані» — оформлено згідно з вимогами комплексу стандартів «Національна стандартизація»;

— зважаючи на інтереси користувачів, наведено національний додаток НА «Перелік національних стандартів України, згармонізованих із міжнародними нормативними документами, на які є посилання в ІЕС 61968-11:2013».

ІЕС 61968-2, ІЕС 61970-301 та ІЕС 61970-501, на які є посилання в ІЕС 61968-11:2013, запроваджують в Україні як національні стандарти, решту міжнародних нормативних документів, на які є посилання в ІЕС 61968-11:2013, не прийнято як національні стандарти і немає чинних замість них документів.




1 Scope

2 Normative references

3 Terms and definitions

4 CIM specification

4.1 CIM modelling notation

4.2 CIM packages

4.2.1 General

4.2.2 CIM packages

4.2.3 CIM extensions for distribution packages (this part of IEC 61968)

4.3 CIM UML modelling

4.3.1 General

4.3.2 Scope of UML model

4.3.3 Extensibility

4.3.4 Message payload (profile) definition

4.4 DCIM model concepts and examples

4.4.1 General

4.4.2 Common concepts

4.4.3 Network modelling concepts and examples

4.4.4 Customers model

4.4.5 Metering model

4.4.6 Payment metering

4.5 Other

5 Detailed model

5.1 Overview

5.2 Context

6 Top package IEC61968

6.1 General

6.2 IEC61968CIMVersion root class

6.3 Package Common

6.3.1 General

6.3.2 Status compound

6.3.3 PostalAddress compound

6.3.4 StreetAddress compound

6.3.5 StreetDetail compound

6.3.6 TownDetail compound

6.3.7 ElectronicAddress compound

6.3.8 TelephoneNumber compound

6.3.9 ActivityRecord

6.3.10 Agreement

6.3.11 ConfigurationEvent

6.3.12 CoordinateSystem

6.3.13 Document

6.3.14 Location

6.3.15 Organisation

6.3.16 OrganisationRole

6.3.17 PositionPoint root class

6.3.18 TimePoint

6.3.19 TimeSchedule

6.3.20 UserAttribute root class

6.4 Package Assets

6.4.1 General

6.4.2 AcceptanceTest compound

6.4.3 LifecycleDate compound

6.4.4 AssetModelUsageKind enumeration

6.4.5 CorporateStandardKind enumeration

6.4.6 SealConditionKind enumeration

6.4.7 SealKind enumeration

6.4.8 Asset

6.4.9 AssetContainer

6.4.10 AssetFunction

6.4.11 Assetlnfo

6.4.12 AssetModel

6.4.13 AssetOrganisationRole

6.4.14 AssetOwner

6.4.15 ComMedia

6.4.16 Manufacturer

6.4.17 ProductAssetModel

6.4.18 Seal

6.5 Package Assetlnfo

6.5.1 General

6.5.2 BusbarSectionlnfo

6.5.3 CableConstructionKind enumeration

6.5.4 Cablelnfo

6.5.5 CableOuterJacketKind enumeration

6.5.6 CableShieldMaterialKind enumeration

6.5.7 ConcentricNeutralCablelnfo

6.5.8 NoLoadTest

6.5.9 OpenCircuitTest

6.5.10 OverheadWirelnfo

6.5.11 PowerTransformerlnfo

6.5.12 ShortCircuitTest

6.5.13 Switchlnfo

6.5.14 TapChangerlnfo

6.5.15 TapeShieldCablelnfo

6.5.16 TransformerEndlnfo

6.5.17 TransformerTanklnfo

6.5.18 TransformerTest

6.5.19 Wirelnfo

6.5.20 WirelnsulationKind enumeration

6.5.21 WireMaterialKind enumeration

6.5.22 WirePosition

6.5.23 WireSpacinglnfo

6.6 Package Work

6.6.1 General

6.6.2 WorkKind enumeration

6.6.3 Work

6.7 Package Customers

6.7.1 General

6.7.2 CustomerKind enumeration

6.7.3 RevenueKind enumeration

6.7.4 ServiceKind enumeration

6.7.5 Customer

6.7.6 CustomerAccount

6.7.7 CustomerAgreement

6.7.8 PricingStructure

6.7.9 ServiceCategory

6.7.10 ServiceLocation

6.7.11 Tariff

6.8 Package Metering

6.8.1 General

6.8.2 AmiBillingReadyKind enumeration

6.8.3 ComDirectionKind enumeration

6.8.4 ComTechnologyKind enumeration

6.8.5 EndDeviceFunctionKind enumeration

6.8.6 MeterMultiplierKind enumeration

6.8.7 RandomisationKind enumeration

6.8.8 ReadingReasonKind enumeration

6.8.9 ServiceMultiplierKind enumeration

6.8.10 TransmissionModeKind enumeration

6.8.11 UsagePointConnectedKind enumeration

6.8.12 ControlledAppliance compound

6.8.13 EndDeviceCapability compound

6.8.14 EndDeviceTiming compound

6.8.15 RationalNumber compound

6.8.16 Readinglnterharmonic compound

6.8.17 BaseReading

6.8.18 Channel

6.8.19 ComFunction

6.8.20 ComModule

6.8.21 DemandResponseProgram

6.8.22 EndDevice

6.8.23 EndDeviceAction root class

6.8.24 EndDeviceControl

6.8.25 EndDeviceControlType

6.8.26 EndDeviceEvent

6.8.27 EndDeviceEventDetail root class

6.8.28 EndDeviceEventType

6.8.29 EndDeviceFunction

6.8.30 EndDeviceGroup

6.8.31 EndDevicelnfo

6.8.32 IntervalBlock root class

6.8.33 IntervalReading

6.8.34 Meter

6.8.35 MeterMultiplier

6.8.36 MeterReading

6.8.37 MeterServiceWork

6.8.38 MetrologyRequirement

6.8.39 PanDemandResponse

6.8.40 PanDisplay

6.8.41 PanPricing

6.8.42 PanPricingDetail root class

6.8.43 PendingCalculation root class

6.8.44 Reading

6.8.45 ReadingQuality root class

6.8.46 ReadingQualityType

6.8.47 ReadingType

6.8.48 Register

6.8.49 ServiceMultiplier

6.8.50 SimpleEndDeviceFunction

6.8.51 UsagePoint

6.8.52 UsagePointGroup

6.8.53 UsagePointLocation

6.9 Package LoadControl

6.9.1 General

6.9.2 RemoteConnectDisconnectlnfo compound

6.9.3 ConnectDisconnectFunction

6.10 Package PaymentMetering

6.10.1 General

6.10.2 AccountMovement compound

6.10.3 AccountingUnit compound

6.10.4 BankAccountDetail compound

6.10.5 Due compound

6.10.6 LineDetail compound

6.10.7 ChargeKind enumeration

6.10.8 ChequeKind enumeration

6.10.9 SupplierKind enumeration

6.10.10 TenderKind enumeration

6.10.11 TransactionKind enumeration

6.10.12 AuxiliaryAccount

6.10.13 AuxiliaryAgreement

6.10.14 Card root class

6.10.15 Cashier

6.10.16 CashierShift

6.10.17 Charge

6.10.18 Cheque root class

6.10.19 ConsumptionTarifflnterval root class

6.10.20 MerchantAccount

6.10.21 MerchantAgreement

6.10.22 PointOfSale

6.10.23 Receipt

6.10.24 ServiceSupplier

6.10.25 Shift

6.10.26 TariffProfile

6.10.27 Tender

6.10.28 TimeTarifflnterval root class

6.10.29 Transaction

6.10.30 Transactor

6.10.31 Vendor

6.10.32 VendorShift


Figure 1 - CIM packages

Figure 2 - CIM extensions for distribution (DCIM) top-level packages

Figure 3 - DCIM key classes

Figure 4 - DCIM power system resource and asset locations

Figure 5 - DCIM organization model

Figure 6 - DCIM assets model

Figure 7 - DCIM assets - specialising guidelines

Figure 8 - DCIM phase modelling

Figure 9 - DCIM load model

Figure 10 - DCIM line connectivity model

Figure 11 - DCIM conductor (line and cable datasheet) model

Figure 12 - DCIM transformer connectivity model

Figure 13 - DCIM transformer datasheet model

Figure 14 - DCIM tap changer model

Figure 15 - Example of a distribution transformer that can be modelled with DCIM Figure 16 - Example of a two-winding transformer connected as an autotransform

Figure 17 - DCIM auxiliary equipment

Figure 18 - DCIM customers model

Figure 19 - DCIM metering model

Figure 20 - DCIM usage point model

Figure 21 - DCIM end device model

Figure 22 - Configuration events for metering

Figure 23 - DCIM meter readings model

Figure 24 - DCIM end device controls and events model

Figure 25 - DCIM transacting model

Figure 26 - DCIM receipting model

Figure 27 - DCIM auxiliary agreement model

Figure 28 - DCIM pricing structure model

Figure 29 - Package diagram IEC61968::IEC61968Dependencies

Figure 30 - Class diagram Common::Commonlnheritance

Figure 31 - Class diagram Common::CommonOverview

Figure 32 - Class diagram Assets::Assetslnheritance

Figure 33 - Class diagram Assets::AssetsOverview

Figure 34 - Class diagram Assetlnfo::Assetlnfolnheritance

Figure 35 - Class diagram Assetlnfo::AssetlnfoOverview

Figure 36 - Class diagram Assetlnfo::DCIMWirelnfo

Figure 37 - Class diagram Assetlnfo::DCIMTransformerlnfo

Figure 38 - Class diagram Work::Worklnheritance

Figure 39 - Class diagram Work::WorkOverview

Figure 40 - Class diagram Customers::Customerslnheritance

Figure 41 - Class diagram Customers::CustomersOverview

Figure 42 - Class diagram Metering::Meteringlnheritance

Figure 43 - Class diagram Metering::MeteringDatatypes

Figure 44 - Class diagram Metering::MeteringOverviewShort

Figure 45 - Class diagram Metering::MeteringUsagePoints

Figure 46 - Class diagram Metering::MeteringEndDevices

Figure 47 - Class diagram Metering::MeteringConfigurationEvents

Figure 48 - Class diagram Metering::MeteringMeterReadings

Figure 49 - Class diagram Metering::MeteringEventsAndControls

Figure 50 - Class diagram Metering::MeteringMultipliers

Figure 51 - Class diagram Metering::MeteringTypes

Figure 52 - Class diagram LoadControl::LoadControllnheritance

Figure 53 - Class diagram LoadControl::LoadControlOverview

Figure 54 - Class diagram PaymentMetering::PaymentMeteringlnheritance

Figure 55 - Class diagram PaymentMetering::PaymentMeteringOverview

Figure 56 - Class diagram PaymentMetering::PaymentMeteringRelationships ..

Figure 57 - Class diagram PaymentMetering::Transacting

Figure 58 - Class diagram PaymentMetering::Receipting

Figure 59 - Class diagram PaymentMetering::AuxiliaryAgreement

Figure 60 - Class diagram PaymentMetering::TariffProfile

Table 1 - Open wye/open delta transformer bank connections

Table 2 - Attribute documentation

Table 3 - Association ends documentation

Table 4 - Enums documentation

Table 5 - Attributes of IEC61968::IEC61968CIMVersion

Table 6 - Attributes of Common::Status

Table 7 - Attributes of Common::PostalAddress

Table 8 - Attributes of Common::StreetAddress

Table 9 - Attributes of Common::StreetDetail

Table 10 - Attributes of Common::TownDetail

Table 11 - Attributes of Common::ElectronicAddress

Table 12 - Attributes of Common::TelephoneNumber

Table 13 - Attributes of Common::ActivityRecord

Table 14 - Association ends of Common::ActivityRecord with other classes

Table 16 - Association ends of Common::Agreement with other classes

Table 17 - Attributes of Common::ConfigurationEvent

Table 18 - Association ends of Common::ConfigurationEvent with other classes

Table 19 - Attributes of Common::CoordinateSystem

Table 20 - Association ends of Common::CoordinateSystem with other classes

Table 21 - Attributes of Common::Document

Table 22 - Association ends of Common::Document with other classes

Table 23 - Attributes of Common::Location

Table 24 - Association ends of Common::Location with other classes

Table 25 - Attributes of Common::Organisation

Table 26 - Association ends of Common::Organisation with other classes

Table 27 - Attributes of Common::OrganisationRole

Table 28 - Association ends of Common::OrganisationRole with other classes

Table 29 - Attributes of Common::PositionPoint

Table 30 - Association ends of Common::PositionPoint with other classes

Table 31 - Attributes of Common::TimePoint

Table 32 - Association ends of Common::TimePoint with other classes

Table 33 - Attributes of Common::TimeSchedule

Table 34 - Association ends of Common::TimeSchedule with other classes

Table 35 - Attributes of Common::UserAttribute

Table 36 - Association ends of Common::UserAttribute with other classes

Table 37 - Attributes of Assets::AcceptanceTest

Table 38 - Attributes of Assets::LifecycleDate

Table 39 - Literals of Assets::AssetModelUsageKind

Table 40 - Literals of Assets::CorporateStandardKind

Table 41 - Literals of Assets::SealConditionKind

Table 42 - Literals of Assets::SealKind

Table 43 - Attributes of Assets::Asset

Table 44 - Association ends of Assets::Asset with other classes

Table 45 - Attributes of Assets::AssetContainer

Table 46 - Association ends of Assets::AssetContainer with other classes

Table 47 - Attributes of Assets::AssetFunction

Table 48 - Association ends of Assets::AssetFunction with other classes

Table 49 - Attributes of Assets::Assetlnfo

Table 50 - Association ends of Assets::Assetlnfo with other classes

Table 51 - Attributes of Assets::AssetModel

Table 52 - Association ends of Assets::AssetModel with other classes

Table 53 - Attributes of Assets::AssetOrganisationRole

Table 54 - Association ends of Assets::AssetOrganisationRole with other classes

Table 55 - Attributes of Assets::AssetOwner

Table 56 - Association ends of Assets::AssetOwner with other classes

Table 57 -Attributes of Assets::ComMedia

Table 58 - Association ends of Assets::ComMedia with other classes

Table 59 - Attributes of Assets::Manufacturer

Table 60 - Association ends of Assets::Manufacturer with other classes

Table 61 - Attributes of Assets::ProductAssetModel

Table 62 - Association ends of Assets::ProductAssetModel with other classes

Table 63 - Attributes of Assets::Seal

Table 64 - Association ends of Assets::Seal with other classes

Table 65 - Attributes of Assetlnfo::BusbarSectionlnfo

Table 66 - Association ends of Assetlnfo::BusbarSectionlnfo with other classes

Table 67 - Literals of Assetlnfo::CableConstructionKind

Table 68 - Attributes of Assetlnfo::Cablelnfo

Table 69 - Association ends of Assetlnfo::Cablelnfo with other classes

Table 70 - Literals of Assetlnfo::CableOuterJacketKind

Table 71 - Literals of Assetlnfo::CableShieldMaterialKind

Table 72 - Attributes of Assetlnfo::ConcentricNeutralCablelnfo

Table 73 - Association ends of Assetlnfo::ConcentricNeutralCablelnfo with other classes

Table 74 - Attributes of Assetlnfo::NoLoadTest

Table 75 - Association ends of Assetlnfo::NoLoadTest with other classes

Table 76 - Attributes of Assetlnfo::OpenCircuitTest

Table 77 -Association ends of Assetlnfo::OpenCircuitTest with other classes

Table 78 - Attributes of Assetlnfo::OverheadWirelnfo

Table 79 - Association ends of Assetlnfo::OverheadWirelnfo with other classes

Table 80 - Attributes of Assetlnfo::PowerTransformerlnfo

Table 81 - Association ends of Assetlnfo::PowerTransformerlnfo with other classes . ..

Table 82 - Attributes of Assetlnfo::ShortCircuitTest

Table 83 - Association ends of Assetlnfo::ShortCircuitTest with other classes

Table 84 - Attributes of Assetlnfo::Switchlnfo

Table 85 - Association ends of Assetlnfo::Switchlnfo with other classes

Table 86 - Attributes of Assetlnfo::TapChangerlnfo

Table 87 - Association ends of Assetlnfo::TapChangerlnfo with other classes

Table 88 - Attributes of Assetlnfo::TapeShieldCablelnfo

Table 89 - Association ends of Assetlnfo::TapeShieldCablelnfo with other classes

Table 90 - Attributes of Assetlnfo::TransformerEndlnfo

Table 91 - Association ends of Assetlnfo::TransformerEndlnfo with other classes

Table 92 - Attributes of Assetlnfo::TransformerTanklnfo

Table 93 - Association ends of Assetlnfo::TransformerTanklnfo with other classes

Table 94 - Attributes of Assetlnfo::TransformerTest

Table 95 - Association ends of Assetlnfo::TransformerTest with other classes

Table 96 - Attributes of Assetlnfo::Wirelnfo

Table 97 -Association ends of Assetlnfo::Wirelnfo with other classes

Table 98 - Literals of Assetlnfo::WirelnsulationKind

Table 99 - Literals of Assetlnfo::WireMaterialKind

Table 101 - Association ends of Assetlnfo::WirePosition with other classes

Table 102 - Attributes of Assetlnfo::WireSpacinglnfo

Table 103 - Association ends of Assetlnfo::WireSpacinglnfo with other classes

Table 104 - Literals of Assetlnfo::WireUsageKind

Table 105 - Literals of Work::WorkKind

Table 106 - Attributes of Work::Work

Table 107 - Association ends ofWork::Work with other classes

Table 108 - Literals of Customers::CustomerKind

Table 109 - Literals of Customers::RevenueKind

Table 110 - Literals of Customers::ServiceKind

Table 111 - Attributes of Customers::Customer

Table 112 - Association ends of Customers::Customer with other classes

Table 113 - Attributes of Customers::CustomerAccount

Table 114 - Association ends of Customers::CustomerAccount with other classes

Table 115 - Attributes of Customers::CustomerAgreement

Table 116 - Association ends of Customers::CustomerAgreement with other classes .

Table 117 - Attributes of Customers::PricingStructure

Table 118 - Association ends of Customers::PricingStructure with other classes

Table 119 - Attributes of Customers::ServiceCategory

Table 120 - Association ends of Customers::ServiceCategory with other classes

Table 121 - Attributes of Customers::ServiceLocation

Table 122 - Association ends of Customers::ServiceLocation with other classes

Table 123 - Attributes of Customers::Tariff

Table 124 - Association ends of Customers::Tariff with other classes

Table 125 - Literals of Metering::AmiBillingReadyKind

Table 126 - Literals of Metering::ComDirectionKind

Table 127 - Literals of Metering::ComTechnologyKind

Table 128 - Literals of Metering::EndDeviceFunctionKind

Table 129 - Literals of Metering::MeterMultiplierKind

Table 130 - Literals of Metering::RandomisationKind

Table 131 - Literals of Metering::ReadingReasonKind

Table 132 - Literals of Metering::ServiceMultiplierKind

Table 133 - Literals of Metering::TransmissionModeKind

Table 134 - Literals of Metering::UsagePointConnectedKind

Table 135 - Attributes of Metering::ControlledAppliance

Table 136 - Attributes of Metering::EndDeviceCapability

Table 137 - Attributes of Metering::EndDeviceTiming

Table 138 - Attributes of Metering::RationalNumber

Table 139 - Attributes of Metering::Readinglnterharmonic

Table 140 - Attributes of Metering::BaseReading

Table 141 - Association ends of Metering::BaseReading with other classes

Table 142 - Attributes of Metering::Channel

Table 143 - Association ends of Metering::Channel with other classes

Table 144 - Attributes of Metering::ComFunction

Table 145 - Association ends of Metering::ComFunction with other classes

Table 146 - Attributes of Metering::ComModule

Table 147 - Association ends of Metering::ComModule with other classes

Table 148 - Attributes of Metering::DemandResponseProgram

Table 149 - Association ends of Metering::DemandResponseProgram with other classes

Table 150 - Attributes of Metering::EndDevice

Table 151 - Association ends of Metering::EndDevice with other classes

Table 152 - Attributes of Metering::EndDeviceAction

Table 153 - Association ends of Metering::EndDeviceAction with other classes

Table 154 - Attributes of Metering::EndDeviceControl

Table 155 - Association ends of Metering::EndDeviceControl with other classes

Table 156 - Attributes of Metering::EndDeviceControlType

Table 157 - Association ends of Metering::EndDeviceControlType with other classes

Table 158 - Attributes of Metering::EndDeviceEvent

Table 159 - Association ends of Metering::EndDeviceEvent with other classes

Table 160 - Attributes of Metering::EndDeviceEventDetail

Table 161 - Association ends of Metering::EndDeviceEventDetail with other classes

Table 162 - Attributes of Metering::EndDeviceEventType

Table 163 - Association ends of Metering::EndDeviceEventType with other classes

Table 164 - Attributes of Metering::EndDeviceFunction

Table 165 - Association ends of Metering::EndDeviceFunction with other classes

Table 166 - Attributes of Metering::EndDeviceGroup

Table 167 - Association ends of Metering::EndDeviceGroup with other classes

Table 168 - Attributes of Metering::EndDevicelnfo

Table 169 - Association ends of Metering::EndDevicelnfo with other classes

Table 170 - Association ends of Metering::lntervalBlock with other classes

Table 171 - Attributes of Metering::lntervalReading

Table 172 - Association ends of Metering::lntervalReading with other classes

Table 173 - Attributes of Metering::Meter

Table 174 - Association ends of Metering::Meter with other classes

Table 175 - Attributes of Metering::MeterMultiplier

Table 176 - Association ends of Metering::MeterMultiplier with other classes

Table 177 - Attributes of Metering::MeterReading

Table 178 - Association ends of Metering::MeterReading with other classes

Table 179 - Attributes of Metering::MeterServiceWork

Table 180 - Association ends of Metering::MeterServiceWork with other classes

Table 181 - Attributes of Metering::MetrologyRequirement

Table 182 - Association ends of Metering::MetrologyRequirement with other classes

Table 183 - Attributes of Metering::PanDemandResponse

Table 184 - Association ends of Metering::PanDemandResponse with other classes

Table 185 - Attributes of Metering::PanDisplay

Table 186 - Association ends of Metering::PanDisplay with other classes

Table 187 - Attributes of Metering::PanPricing

Table 188 - Association ends of Metering::PanPricing with other classes

Table 189 - Attributes of Metering::PanPricingDetail

Table 190 - Association ends of Metering::PanPricingDetail with other classes

Table 191 - Attributes of Metering::PendingCalculation

Table 192 - Association ends of Metering::PendingCalculation with other classes

Table 193 - Attributes of Metering::Reading

Table 194 - Association ends of Metering::Reading with other classes

Table 195 - Attributes of Metering::ReadingQuality

Table 196 - Association ends of Metering::ReadingQuality with other classes

Table 197 - Attributes of Metering::ReadingQualityType

Table 198 - Association ends of Metering::ReadingQualityType with other classes

Table 199 - Attributes of Metering::ReadingType

Table 200 - Association ends of Metering::ReadingType with other classes

Table 201 - Attributes of Metering::Register

Table 202 - Association ends of Metering::Register with other classes

Table 203 - Attributes of Metering::ServiceMultiplier

Table 204 - Association ends of Metering::ServiceMultiplier with other classes

Table 205 - Attributes of Metering::SimpleEndDeviceFunction

Table 206 - Association ends of Metering::SimpleEndDeviceFunction with other classes

Table 207 - Attributes of Metering::UsagePoint

Table 208 - Association ends of Metering::UsagePoint with other classes

Table 209 - Attributes of Metering::UsagePointGroup

Table 210 - Association ends of Metering::UsagePointGroup with other classes

Table 211 - Attributes of Metering::UsagePointLocation

Table 212 - Association ends of Metering::UsagePointLocation with other classes

Table 213 - Attributes of LoadControl::RemoteConnectDisconnectlnfo

Table 214 - Attributes of LoadControl::ConnectDisconnectFunction

Table 215 - Association ends of LoadControl::ConnectDisconnectFunction with other classes

Table 216 - Attributes of PaymentMetering::AccountMovement

Table 217 - Attributes of PaymentMetering::AccountingUnit

Table 218 - Attributes of PaymentMetering::BankAccountDetail

Table 219 - Attributes of PaymentMetering::Due

Table 220 - Attributes of PaymentMetering::LineDetail

Table 221 - Literals of PaymentMetering::ChargeKind

Table 222 - Literals of PaymentMetering::ChequeKind

Table 223 - Literals of PaymentMetering::SupplierKind

Table 224 - Literals of PaymentMetering::TenderKind

Table 225 - Literals of PaymentMetering::TransactionKind

Table 226 - Attributes of PaymentMetering::AuxiliaryAccount

Table 227 - Association ends of PaymentMetering::AuxiliaryAccount with other classes...

Table 228 - Attributes of PaymentMetering::AuxiliaryAgreement

Table 229 - Association ends of PaymentMetering::AuxiliaryAgreement with other classes

Table 230 - Attributes of PaymentMetering::Card

Table 231 - Association ends of PaymentMetering::Card with other classes

Table 232 - Attributes of PaymentMetering::Cashier

Table 233 - Association ends of PaymentMetering::Cashier with other classes

Table 234 - Attributes of PaymentMetering::CashierShift

Table 235 - Association ends of PaymentMetering::CashierShift with other classes

Table 236 - Attributes of PaymentMetering::Charge

Table 237 - Association ends of PaymentMetering::Charge with other classes

Table 238 - Attributes of PaymentMetering::Cheque

Table 239 - Association ends of PaymentMetering::Cheque with other classes

Table 240 - Attributes of PaymentMetering::ConsumptionTarifflnterval

Table 241 - Association ends of PaymentMetering::ConsumptionTarifflnterval with other classes

Table 242 - Attributes of PaymentMetering::MerchantAccount

Table 243 - Association ends of PaymentMetering::MerchantAccount with other classes

Table 244 - Attributes of PaymentMetering::MerchantAgreement

Table 245 - Association ends of PaymentMetering::MerchantAgreement with other classes

Table 246 - Attributes of PaymentMetering::PointOfSale

Table 247 - Association ends of PaymentMetering::PointOfSale with other classes

Table 248 - Attributes of PaymentMetering::Receipt

Table 249 - Association ends of PaymentMetering::Receipt with other classes

Table 250 - Attributes of PaymentMetering::ServiceSupplier

Table 251 - Association ends of PaymentMetering::ServiceSupplier with other classes ....

Table 252 - Attributes of PaymentMetering::Shift

Table 253 - Association ends of PaymentMetering::Shift with other classes

Table 254 - Attributes of PaymentMetering::TariffProfile

Table 255 - Association ends of PaymentMetering::TariffProfile with other classes

Table 256 - Attributes of PaymentMetering::Tender

Table 257 - Association ends of PaymentMetering::Tender with other classes

Table 258 - Attributes of PaymentMetering::TimeTarifflnterval

Table 259 - Association ends of PaymentMetering::TimeTarifflnterval with other classes

Table 260 - Attributes of PaymentMetering::Transaction

Table 261 - Association ends of PaymentMetering::Transaction with other classes

Table 262 - Attributes of PaymentMetering::Transactor

Table 263 - Association ends of PaymentMetering::Transactor with other classes

Table 264 - Attributes of PaymentMetering::Vendor

Table 266 - Attributes of PaymentMetering::VendorShift

Table 267 - Association ends of PaymentMetering::VendorShift with other classes

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