ДСТУ EN IEC 62097:2022 Гідравлічні машини, радіальні та осьові. Методологія перенесення характеристик від моделі до прототипу (EN IEC 62097:2019, IDT; IEC 62097:2019, IDT)

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ДСТУ EN IEC 62097:2022
(EN IEC 62097:2019, IDT; IEC 62097:2019, IDT)

Гідравлічні машини, радіальні та осьові.
Методологія перенесення характеристик від моделі до прототипу

Не є офіційним виданням.
Офіційне видання розповсюджує національний орган стандартизації
(ДП «УкрНДНЦ» http://uas.gov.ua)




0.1 General remarks

0.2 Basic features

1 Scope

2 Normative references

3 Terms, definitions, units, subscripts, and symbols

3.1 Terms and definitions

3.2 List of definitions by topic

3.3 Subscripts and symbols

3.4 Geometric terms

3.5 Physical quantities and properties

3.6 Discharge, velocity, and speed terms

3.7 Pressure terms

3.8 Specific energy terms

3.9 Head terms

3.10 Power and torque terms

3.11 Efficiency terms

3.12 Fluid dynamics and scaling terms

3.13 Dimensionless terms

4 Scale-effect formula

4.1 General

4.2 Specific hydraulic energy efficiency

4.3 Volumetric efficiency

4.4 Power efficiency (disk friction)

5 Surface roughness of model and prototype

5.1 General

5.2 Measurement of surface roughness

5.3 Surface roughness ranges

6 Standardized values of scalable losses and pertinent parameters

6.1 General

6.2 Specific speed

6.3 Parameters for specific hydraulic energy efficiency transposition

6.4 Francis turbines

7 Transposition to prototype

7.1 General

7.2 Assumed maximum hydraulic efficiency

7.3 Hydraulic efficiency

7.4 Specific hydraulic energy

7.5 Discharge

7.6 Torque

7.7 Power

8 Calculation procedure

8.1 General

8.2 Reference model

8.3 Comparison of different models

8.4 Normalization procedure of the test data: Step 1

8.5 Prototype transposition procedure: Step 2

8.6 Alternative one-step method for the optimum point

8.7 Required input data

Annex A (informative): Basic formulae and their approximation

Annex B (informative): Scale effect on specific hydraulic energy losses of radial flow machines

Annex C (informative): Scale effect on specific hydraulic energy losses of axial flow machines

Annex D (informative): Scale effect on disk friction loss

Annex E (informative): Comparison of IEC 60193 and IEC 62097 hydraulic efficiency transposition methods for reaction machines

Annex F (informative): Leakage loss evaluation for non-homologous seals

Annex G (normative): Guide for detailed calculations by means of the attached Excel workbook

Annex H (informative): Example of a calculation with the attached Excel workbook


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