ДСТУ CLC/TS 60034-25:2022 Машины электрические вращающиеся. Часть 25. Руководство по проектированию и характеристикам переменного тока двигателя, специально разработанные для питания преобразователя (CLC/TS 6...

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«Український науково-дослідний і навчальний центр
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(ДП «УкрНДНЦ»)

Наказ від 28.12.2022 № 285

CLC/TS 60034-25:2008

Rotating electrical machines - Part 25: Guidance for the design and
performance of a.c. motors specifically designed for converter supply

прийнято як національний стандарт
методом «підтвердження» за позначенням

ДСТУ CLC/TS 60034-25:2022
(CLC/TS 60034-25:2008, IDT; IEC/TS 60034-25:2007, IDT)

Машини електричні обертові. Частина 25. Настанови щодо
проєктування та характеристик змінного струму двигуна,
спеціально розроблені для живлення перетворювача

З наданням чинності від 2023-12-31


Не є офіційним виданням.
Офіційне видання розповсюджує національний орган стандартизації
(ДП «УкрНДНЦ» http://uas.gov.ua)




1 Scope

2 Normative references

3 Terms and definitions

4 System characteristics

4.1 General

4.2 System information

4.3 Torque/speed considerations

4.4 Motor requirements

5 Losses and their effects (for induction motors fed from U-converters)

5.1 General

5.2 Location of the additional losses due to converter supply and ways to reduce them

5.3 Converter features to reduce the motor losses

5.4 Use of filters to reduce additional motor losses due to converter supply

5.5 Temperature and life expectancy

5.6 Determination of motor efficiency

6 Noise, vibration and torsional oscillation

6.1 Noise

6.2 Vibration (excluding torsional oscillation)

6.3 Torsional oscillation

7 Motor insulation electrical stresses

7.1 General

7.2 Causes

7.3 Winding electrical stress

7.4 Insulation stress limitation

7.5 Responsibilities

7.6 Converter characteristics

7.7 Methods of reduction of voltage stress

7.8 Motor choice

8 Bearing currents

8.1 Sources of bearing currents in converter-ieo motors

8.2 Generation of high-frequency bearing currents

8.3 Common mode circuit

8.4 Stray capacitances

8.5 Consequences of excessive bearing currents

8.6 Preventing high-frequency bearing current damage

8.7 Additional considerations for motors fed by high voltage U-converters

8.8 Bearing current protection for motors fed by high-voltage current-source converters (I-converters)

9 Installation

9.1 Earthing, bonding and cabling

9.2 Reactors and filters

9.3 Integral motors (integrated motor and drive modules)

10 Additional considerations for permanent magnet (PM) synchronous motors fed by U-converters

10.1 System characteristics

10.2 Losses and their effects

10.3 Noise, vibration and torsional oscillation

10.4 Motor insulation electrical stresses

10.5 Bearing currents

10.6 Particular aspects of permanent magnets

11 Additional considerations for cage induction motors fed by high voltage U-converters

11.1 General

11.2 System characteristics

11.3 Losses and their effects

11.4 Noise, vibration and torsional oscillation

11.5 Motor insulation electrical stresses

11.6 Bearing currents

12 Additional considerations for synchronous motors fed U-converters

12.1 System characteristics

12.2 Losses and their effects

12.3 Noise, vibration and torsional oscillation

12.4 Motor insulation electrical stresses

12.5 Bearing currents

13 Additional considerations for cage induction motors fed by block-type I-converters

13.1 System characteristics

13.2 Losses and their effects

13.3 Noise, vibration and torsional oscillation

13.4 Motor insulation electrical stresses

13.5 Bearing currents

13.6 Additional considerations for six-phase cage induction motors

14 Additional considerations for synchronous motors fed by LCI

14.1 System characteristics

14.2 Losses and their effects

14.3 Noise, vibration and torsional oscillation

14.4 Motor insulation electrical stresses

14.5 Bearing currents

15 Additional considerations for pulsed I-converters (PWM CSI) feeding induction motors

15.1 System characteristics

15.2 Losses and their effects

15.3 Noise, vibration and torsional oscillation

15.4 Motor insulation electrical stresses

15.5 Bearing currents

16 Other motor/converter systems

16.1 Drives supplied by cyclo-converters

16.2 Wound rotor induction (asynchronous) machines supplied by I-converters in the rotor circuit

16.3 Wound rotor induction (asynchronous) machines supplied by U-converters in the rotor circuit

Annex A (normative) Converter characteristics

Annex В (informative) Converter output spectra

Annex C (informative) Noise increments due to converter supply


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