ДСТУ CEN/TR 14383-7:2014 Предотвращение преступлений. Местное планирование и проектирование зданий. Часть 7. Проектирование и управление объектами общественного транспорта (CEN/TR 14383-7:2009, IDT)

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Наказом Міністерства економічного розвитку і торгівлі України
від 30.12.2014 № 1494

CEN/TR 14383-7:2009
en: Prevention of crime - Urban planning and building design - Part 7: Design and
management of public transport facilities

прийнято як національний стандарт
методом підтвердження за позначенням

ДСТУ CEN/TR 14383-7:2014

uk: Запобігання злочинам. Місцеве планування та проектування будівель.
Частина 7. Проектування та управління об’єктами громадського транспорту
(CEN/TR 14383-7:2009, IDТ)

З наданням чинності від 2016-01-01




1 Scope

2 Normative references

3 Terms and definitions

4 Design and management processes for transport-dedicated areas

4.1 General

4.2 Organization of the contracting authority and the stakeholders

4.2.1 General

4.2.2 Contracting authorities

4.2.3 Contract partners

4.2.4 Specialists who bring their expertise to the project

4.2.5 Customers, commercial partners and staff

4.2.6 The project managers

4.3 The core stages of a project

4.4 Creating a new location

4.5 Location management

5 Analysis, actions and assessment: question-asking methods

5.1 General

5.2 Crime, antisocial behaviour and fear of crime

5.3 General principles on security-related questioning

5.4 Design strategies

5.4.1 General

5.4.2 Anticipation on location management

5.4.3 Space usage

5.4.4 Legibility

5.4.5 Location compatibility with security measures

5.5 Management strategies

5.5.1 General

5.5.2 Responsive location management policy

5.5.3 Regulating space usage

5.5.4 Legibility and orientation

5.5.5 Location compatibility with security measures

Annex A (informative) Types of crime against people (including staff) and buildings

A.1 Offence against person

A.1.1 Assault with physical violence (without theft)

A.1.2 Assault without physical violence (without theft)

A.1.3 Sexual assault

A.1.4 Theft against person

A.2 Assault against companies, properties and plants

A.2.1 Assault against properties and plants by damage and /or destruction

A.2.2 Theft against companies

A.2.3 Threat

A.2.4 Trespass

A.3 Other offence relative to public transport rules and antisocial behaviour

A.3.1 Behavioural offence

A.3.2 Traffic offence

Annex В (informative) Summary of the process

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