ДСТУ EN 60255-27:2016 Измерительные реле и устройства защиты. Часть 27. Требования безопасности изделий (EN 60255-27:2005, IDT)

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Наказ від 08.07.2016 № 204

EN 60255-27:2005

Measuring relays and protection equipment —
Part 27: Product safety requirements

прийнято як національний стандарт
методом «підтвердження» за позначенням

ДСТУ EN 60255-27:2016
(EN 60255-27:2005, IDT)

Вимірювальні реле та обладнання захисту.
Частина 27. Вимоги щодо безпеки виробів

З наданням чинності від 2016-07-13


(ДП "УкрНДНЦ" http://uas.org.ua)



1 Scope and object

2 Normative references

3 Terms and definitions

4 General safety requirements

4.1 Earthing requirements (grounding, earthing and screening)

5 Protection against electric shock

5.1 Requirements for protection against electric shock

5.2 Single-fault conditions

6 Mechanical aspects

6.1 Protection against mechanical hazards

6.2 Mechanical requirements

6.3 Mechanical security of terminations

7 Flammability and resistance to fire

7.1 General

7.2 General hazards from overheating and fire

7.3 Minimization of fire risk

7.4 Cabling and fusing

7.5 Flammability of materials and components

7.6 Fire ignition sources

7.7 Conditions for a fire enclosure

7.8 Requirements for primary circuits and circuits exceeding ELV limits

7.9 Fire enclosures and flame barriers

7.10 Assessment of the fire risk due to a single-fault condition

7.11 Limited-energy circuit

8 General and fundamental design requirements for safety

8.1 Climatic conditions for safety

8.2 Electrical connections

8.3 Components

8.4 Connection to communication networks

8.5 Connection to other equipment

8.6 Laser sources

8.7 Explosion

9 Marking, documentation and packaging

9.1 Marking

9.2 Documentation

9.3 Packaging

10 Type tests and routine tests

10.1 Safety type tests

10.2 Routine testing or sample testing

10.3 Conditions for testing

10.4 Verification procedure

10.5 Tests

Annex A (normative) Isolation class requirements and example diagrams

Annex В (informative) Nominal voltages of supply systems

Annex C (normative) Rated impulse voltages

Annex D (normative) Guidance for the determination of clearance, creepage distance and withstand voltages

Annex E (informative) Measurement of creepage distances and clearances

Annex F (normative) Standard test fingers

Annex G (informative) Guidance for impulse voltage test

Annex H (informative) Components

Annex I (informative) Safe maximum short-term voltage duration and capacitor size under a single-fault condition

Annex J (informative) External wiring terminations

Annex К (informative) Examples of battery protection

Annex L (informative) Reasons why functional safety is excluded from the scope of IEC 60255-27

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