ДСТУ EN 303-5:2014 Котлы отопительные. Часть 5. Отопительные котлы на твердом топливе с ручной и автоматической загрузкой топки и номинальной теплотворной способностью до 500 кВт. Терминология, требования, ис...
Наказом Міністерства економічного
розвитку і торгівлі України
від 29.12.2014 № 1479
EN 303-5:2012
en: Heating boilers - Part 5: Heating boilers for solid
fuels, manually and
automatically stoked, nominal heat output of up to 500 kW -
requirements, testing and marking
прийнято як національний стандарт
методом «підтвердження» за позначенням
ДСТУ EN 303-5:2014
uk: Котли опалювальні. Частина 5. Опалювальні котли на твердому паливі
ручним і автоматичним завантаженням топки і номінальною теплотворною
здатністю до 500 кВт. Термінологія, вимоги, випробування та маркування
(EN 303-5:2012, IDT)
З наданням чинності від 2016-01-01
1 Scope
1.1 General
1.2 Fuels
1.2.1 Biogenic fuels
1.2.2 Fossil fuels
1.2.3 Other solid fuels
2 Normative references
3 Terms and definitions
4 Requirements
4.1 General requirements
4.2 Construction requirements
4.2.1 Production documentation
4.2.2 Heating boilers made of steel and non-ferrous materials
4.2.3 Boilers made of cast materials
4.2.4 Design requirements
4.3 Safety requirements
4.3.1 General
4.3.2 Manual stoking
4.3.3 Safety against back burning for automatic stoked boilers
4.3.4 Safety against fuel overload of the boiler or interruption in fuel supply
4.3.5 Safety against lack of air supply or insufficient combustion
4.3.6 Surface temperatures
4.3.7 Leakage of the combustion system
4.3.8 Temperature control and limiting devices
4.3.9 Heating boiler accessories
4.4 Performance requirements
4.4.1 General
4.4.2 Boiler efficiency
4.4.3 Flue gas temperature
4.4.4 Draught
4.4.5 Combustion period
4.4.6 Minimum heat output
4.4.7 Emission limits
5 Test
5.1 Test conditions
5.1.1 General
5.1.2 Choice of boiler and fittings to be tested
5.1.3 Condition of the boiler
5.1.4 Type test
5.2 Measuring instruments and methods
5.3 Test fuel
5.4 Pressure test for boilers of sheet or sheet metal of non-ferrous metal
5.4.1 Tests to be carried out before production
5.4.2 Test during production
5.5 Pressure test for boilers of cast iron or non-ferrous metals
5.5.1 Test to be carried out before production
5.5.2 Test during production
5.6 Test for gas side soundness
5.7 Conducting the boiler performance test
5.7.1 General
5.7.2 Setting up the test rig
5.7.3 Measured quantities
5.7.4 Test method and test duration
5.8 Determination of the heat output and the efficiency of the boiler
5.8.1 Method for the measurement of the heat output
5.8.2 Determining the nominal heat output
5.8.3 Determining the minimum heat output
5.8.4 Determination of the boiler efficiency (direct method)
5.8.5 Electrical consumption
5.9 Determination of the emission values
5.9.1 Heating boiler with manual stoking
5.9.2 Heating boiler with automatic stoking
5.9.3 Determination of the emissions at minimum heat output
5.10 Calculation
5.10.1 Boiler heat output
5.10.2 The heat input
5.10.3 Boiler efficiency
5.10.4 Emissions
5.11 Determination of the waterside resistance
5.12 Surface temperature
5.13 Function check of the temperature controller and safety temperature limiter at the boiler
5.14 Function test for the rapidly disconnect able firing system
5.15 Function test on the device for dissipating excess heat (partly or non disconnectable firing system)
5.16 Check of the safety and risk assessment
5.16.1 General
5.16.2 Safety test of consequences of fuel overload and effect of a blockage of the fuel supply
5.16.3 Loss of combustion air supply
5.16.4 Resistance to thermal conductance
5.16.5 Additional tests for alternative verification of the safety against back burning
6 Test report and other documents
7 Marking
7.1 General
7.2 Information on the boiler plate
7.3 Boiler plate requirements
8 Technical documentation, supplied with boiler
8.1 General
8.2 Technical information and installation instructions
8.3 Operating instructions
Annex A (informative) Manual measurement of particles in the gas flow, gravimetric determination of particle load with filter systems
Annex В (normative) Design criteria for solutions to prevent back burning
Annex С (informative) A-deviations
C.1 General
C.2 Deviations from Austria
C.2.1 General
C.2.2 Boiler efficiency for nominal heat output and minimum heat output
C.2.3 Emission limits
C.3 Deviations from CROATIA
C.4 Deviations from DENMARK
C.4.1 Subclause 4.4.2 Boiler Efficiency
C.4.2 Subclause 4.4.7 Emission Limits
C.4.3 Subclause 5.1 Test Base
C.5 Deviations from Germany
C.5.1 Clause 4.4.7 Emission limits
C.5.2 Clause 5.9
C.6 Deviations from Switzerland
C.7 Deviations from United Kingdom
C.8 Deviations for Italy
Annex ZA (informative) Relationship between this European Standard and the Essential Requirements of EU Directive 2006/42/EC Machinery Directive
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