ДСТУ EN 62271-206:2016 Устройства контрольные распределительные высоковольтные. Часть 206. Системы индикации наличия напряжения на номинальное напряжение свыше 1 кВ и до 52 кВ включительно (EN 62271-206:2011,...

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Наказ від 07.09.2016 № 266

EN 62271-206:2011

High-voltage switchgear and controlgear —
Part 206: Voltage presence indicating systems for rated

voltages above 1 kV and up to and including 52 kV

прийнято як національний стандарт
методом «підтвердження» за позначенням

ДСТУ EN 62271-206:2016
(EN 62271-206:2011, IDT)

Пристрої контрольні розподільчі високовольтні. Частина 206. Системи індикації
наявності напруги на номінальну напругу понад 1 кВ і до 52 кВ включно

З наданням чинності від 2016-09-15


1 General

1.1  Scope

1.2  Normative references

2 Service conditions

3 Terms and definitions

4 Ratings

4.1 Rated voltage9

4.2 Rated insulation level

4.3 Rated frequency

5 Design and construction

5.1 General

5.1.1 Parts of VPIS

5.1.2 Phase comparison

5.1.3 Degree of protection (IP code)

5.1.4 Impact resistance

5.1.5 Testing element

5.2 Threshold values for voltage presence indication

5.3 Indication and perceptibility

5.3.1 General

5.3.2 Frequency of repetition

5.3.3 Response time

5.3.4 Indication until power source is exhausted

5.4 Coupling element and voltage limiting device

5.4.1 Insulation of coupling element

5.4.2 Voltage limiting device

5.4.3 Threshold voltage of voltage limiting device

5.4.4 Earth fault conditions

5.4.5 Maximum current delivered by the connecting point

5.5 Marking

5.6 Phase comparator and connecting point 11

5.6.1 General

5.6.2 Clear indication of phase comparators

5.6.3 Perceptibility of indication

5.6.4 Indication in case of absence of voltage on one side

5.6.5 Indication in case of absence of voltage on both sides

5.7 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)

6  Type tests

6.1 General

6.1.1 Sequence of tests

6.1.2 Test specimens

6.1.3 Conditioning procedure

6.1.4 Test voltages

6.1.5 Test conditions

6.1.6 Values of currents and voltages

6.1.7 Tolerances

6.2 Arrangement, assembly, marking, and instructions for use

6.3 Clear indication of VPIS

6.4 Response time of VPIS

6.5 Dielectric strength of the coupling element of VPIS

6.6 Maximum current delivered by the connecting point

6.7 Voltage limiting device

6.7.1 General

6.7.2 Threshold voltage

6.7.3 Current-carrying capacity

6.8 Clear perceptibility of visual indication

6.8.1 Test voltages

6.8.2 Test set-up

6.8.3 Test procedure

6.8.4 Test assessment

6.8.5 Perceptibility of indication at maximum applied voltage

6.8.6 Perceptibility of indication at low light level

6.9 Impact resistance

6.10 Clear indication of phase comparators

6.10.1 Test set-up

6.10.2 Incorrect phase relationship

6.10.3 Correct phase relationship

6.10.4 Absence of voltage on one side

6.10.5 Absence of voltage on both sides

6.11 Electromagnetic compatibility tests (EMC)

6.12 Indication until power source is exhausted

6.12.1 Test set-up

6.12.2 Determination of test voltage

6.12.3 Test procedure

6.12.4 Repetition of test

6.12.5 Multiple power sources

6.12.6 Test assessment

7 Routine

7.1  General

7.2  Clear indication

8 Guide to the selection of VPIS

9 Information to be given with enquiries, tenders and orders

10 Instructions for use

10.1  General

10.2  Instructions for use of VPIS

10.3  Instructions for use of phase comparators

11 Safety


Figure 1 – Voltage presence indicating system

Figure 2 – Examples for measuring the response time

Figure 3 – Test set-up for perceptibility of visual indication

Table 1 – Indication corresponding to "voltage present"

Table 2 – Sequence of type tests for VPIS and phase comparators (PC)

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