ДСТУ EN 60079-7:2017 Взрывоопасные среды. Часть 7. Электрическое оборудование. Вид взрывозащиты: повышенная безопасность e (EN 60079-7:2015, IDT)
Державне підприємство
«Український науково-дослідний і навчальний центр
проблем стандартизації, сертифікації та якості»
(ДП «УкрНДНЦ»))
Наказ від 25.07.2017 № 192
EN 60079-7:2015
Explosive atmospheres — Part 7: Equipment protection
by increased safety «е»
прийнято як національний стандарт
методом «підтвердження» за позначенням
ДСТУ EN 60079-7:2017
(EN 60079-7:2015, IDT)
Вибухонебезпечні середовища. Частина 7. Електричне устатковання.
Вид вибухозахисту: підвищена безпека «е»
З наданням чинності від 2017-07-26
European foreword
Annex ZA (normative) Normative references to international publications with their corresponding European publications
Annex ZZ (informative) Relationship between this European standard and the essential requirements of Directive 94/9/EC aimed to be covered
1 Scope
2 Normative references
3 Terms and definitions
4 Constructional requirements
4.1 Level of Protection
4.2 Electrical connections
4.2.1 General
4.2.2 Field wiring connections
4.2.3 Factory connections
4.2.4 External plug and socket connections for field wiring connection
4.3 Clearances
4.4 Creepage distances
4.5 Printed wiring boards with conformal coating, Level of Protection “ec”
4.6 Solid electrical insulating materials
4.6.1 Specification
4.6.2 Long-term thermal stability
4.7 Windings
4.7.1 General
4.7.2 Insulated conductors
4.7.3 Winding impregnation
4.7.4 Conductor dimensions
4.7.5 Sensing elements
4.8 Temperature limitations
4.8.1 General
4.8.2 Conductors
4.8.3 Insulated windings
4.9 Wiring internal to equipment
4.10 Degrees of protection provided by enclosures
4.11 Fasteners
5 Supplementary requirements for specific electrical equipment
5.1 General
5.2 Electrical machines
5.2.1 General
5.2.2 Degrees of protection provided by electrical machines, Level of Protection “eb”
5.2.3 Degrees of protection provided by electrical machines, Level of Protection “ec”
5.2.4 Connection facilities for external conductors
5.2.5 Internal fans
5.2.6 Minimum air gap
5.2.7 Rotating electrical machines with cage rotors
5.2.8 Limiting temperature
5.2.9 Machines with permanent magnet rotors
5.2.10 Stator winding insulation system
5.2.11 Supplemental winding requirements Level of Protection “eb”
5.2.12 Bearing seals and shaft seals
5.2.13 Neutral point connections
5.3 Luminaires, hand lights, or caplights
5.3.1 General
5.3.2 Light source
5.3.3 Minimum distance between lamp and protective cover
5.3.4 Electrical spacings
5.3.5 Lampholders and lamp caps
5.3.6 Auxiliaries for Luminaires in Level of Protection “ec”
5.3.7 Surface temperatures
5.3.8 Limiting temperatures
5.3.9 Luminaires for tubular fluorescent bi-pin lamps
5.3.10 Tests for resistance to impact
5.4 Analog measuring instruments and instrument transformers
5.4.1 General
5.4.2 Limiting temperature
5.4.3 Short-circuit currents
5.4.4 Short time thermal current
5.4.5 Measuring instruments supplied by current transformers
5.4.6 Moving coils
5.4.7 External secondary circuits
5.5 Transformers other than instrument transformers
5.6 Supplementary requirements for equipment incorporating cells and batteries
5.6.1 Type of cells and batteries
5.6.2 Requirements for cells and batteries ≤ 25 Ah
5.6.3 Requirements for valve-regulated or vented cells or batteries > 25 Ah
5.6.4 Charging of cells and batteries
5.7 General purpose connection and junction boxes
5.8 Resistance heating equipment (other than trace heating systems)
5.8.1 General
5.8.2 Heating resistors
5.8.3 Temperature coefficient
5.8.4 Insulating material
5.8.5 Cold-start current
5.8.6 Electrical safety device
5.8.7 Electrically conductive covering
5.8.8 Exclusion of explosive atmosphere
5.8.9 Conductor cross-section
5.8.10 Limiting temperature
5.8.11 Safety device
5.9 Supplementary requirements for fuses
5.9.1 General
5.9.2 Temperature class of equipment
5.9.3 Fuse mounting
5.9.4 Fuse enclosures
5.9.5 Replacement fuse identification
5.10 Other electrical equipment
6 Type verifications and type tests
6.1 Dielectric strength
6.2 Rotating electrical machines
6.2.1 Determination of starting current ratio IA/ IN and the time tE
6.2.2 Mounting of machine for test
6.2.3 Additional tests for machines
6.2.4 Overspeed test of cemented magnets
6.3 Luminaires
6.3.1 Battery operated luminaires
6.3.2 Impact and drop tests
6.3.3 Mechanical tests for screw lampholders other than E10
6.3.4 Abnormal operation of luminaires
6.3.5 Sulphur dioxide test for Level of Protection “eb” for the connection of bi-pin lamp caps to lampholders
6.3.6 Vibration test for Level of Protection “eb” for luminaires with bi-pin lamps
6.3.7 Test for wiring of luminaires subject to high-voltage impulses from ignitors
6.3.8 Tests for electronic starters for tubular fluorescent lamps and for ignitors in Level of Protection “ec” for discharge lamps
6.3.9 Test for starter holders for luminaires in Level of Protection “ec”
6.4 Measuring instruments and instrument transformers
6.5 Transformers other than instrument transformers
6.6 Verification and tests for cells and batteries of Level of Protection “eb”
6.6.1 General
6.6.2 Insulation resistance
6.6.3 Mechanical shock test
6.6.4 Test for ventilation of Level of Protection “eb” battery container
6.7 Verification and tests for cells and batteries of Level of Protection “ec”
6.7.1 General
6.7.2 Insulation resistance
6.7.3 Mechanical shock test
6.7.4 Test for ventilation of Level of Protection “ec” battery container
6.8 General purpose connection and junction boxes
6.8.1 General
6.8.2 Maximum dissipated power method
6.8.3 Defined arrangement method
6.9 Resistance heating equipment
6.10 Terminal insulating material tests
7 Routine verifications and routine tests
7.1 Dielectric tests
7.2 Dielectric tests for batteries
7.3 Inter-turn overvoltage tests
8 Ex Component certificates
8.1 General
8.2 Terminals
9 Marking and instructions
9.1 General marking
9.2 Ex Component enclosures
9.3 Instructions for use
9.3.1 Battery operated equipment
9.3.2 Terminals
9.3.3 Luminaires
9.3.4 Machines
9.4 Warning markings
10 Documentation
Annex A (normative) Temperature determination of electrical machines – Methods of test and of calculation
A.1 General
A.2 Determination of maximum service temperatures
A.2.1 Rotor temperature – normal operation
A.2.2 Winding temperature – normal operation
A.3 Determination of maximum surface temperatures
A.3.1 General
A.3.2 Locked rotor tests
A.4 Optional calculation of maximum surface temperature
A.4.1 General
A.4.2 Rotor temperature
A.4.3 Stator temperature
A.5 Determination of tE time
A.6 Arduous starting conditions
A.7 Motors operated with a converter
Annex B (normative) Type tests for specific forms of resistance heating devices or resistance heating units (other than trace heater)
B.1 Resistance heating devices subjected to mechanical stresses
B.2 Resistance heating devices or units intended for immersion
B.3 Resistance heating devices or units having hygroscopic insulating material
B.4 Verification of limiting temperature of resistance heating devices (other than trace heaters)
B.4.1 General
B.4.2 Safety devices
B.4.3 Resistance heating unit of stabilized design
B.4.4 Heating device with temperature self-limiting characteristic
Annex C (informative) Cage motors – Thermal protection in service
Annex D (informative) Resistance heating devices and units – Additional electrical protection
D.1 Objective
D.2 Method of protection
Annex E (informative) Combinations of terminals and conductors for general purpose connection and junction boxes
E.1 General
E.2 Maximum dissipated power method
E.3 Defined arrangement method
Annex F (normative) Dimensions of copper conductors
Annex G (normative) Test procedure for T5 (only 8 W),T8, T10 and T12 lamps
G.1 Asymmetric pulse test
G.1.1 General
G.1.2 Test procedure
G.2 Asymmetric power test
G.2.1 General
G.2.2 Test procedure
Annex H (normative) Alternative separation distances for Level of Protection “ec” equipment under controlled environments
H.1 General
H.2 Specific Conditions of Use
H.3 Control of pollution access
H.4 Voltage limitation
H.5 Control of overvoltages and transient protection
H.6 Alternative separation distances
Annex I (informative) Application, installation, and testing considerations for Level of Protection “ec” asynchronous machines
I.1 Surface temperature
I.2 Starting
I.3 Rated voltage and surface discharges
Annex J (informative) Luminaires incorporating LEDs
J.1 LEDs for EPL Gb
J.2 LEDs for EPL Gc
Figure 1 – Determination of creepage distances and clearances
Figure 2 – Minimum values of the time tE (in seconds) of motors in relation to the starting current ratio IA/IN
Figure 3 – Arrangement for the luminaire vibration test
Figure A.1 – Diagram illustrating the determination of time tE
Figure E.1 – Example of defined terminal/conductor arrangement table
Figure G.1 – Asymmetric pulse test circuit
Figure G.2 – Asymmetric power detection circuit
Figure G.3 – Flow Chart – Asymmetric power Test for T8, T10, T12 and T5 (8 W lamps)
Table 1 – Tracking resistance of insulating materials
Table 2 – Minimum Creepage distances, clearances and separations
Table 3 – Conditions for the determination of maximum surface temperature
Table 4 – Maximum temperatures for insulated windings
Table 5 – Potential air gap sparking risk assessment for cage rotor ignition risk factors
Table 6 – Stator insulation system tests of Level of Protection “ec” machines
Table 7 – Assumed voltage of neutral points
Table 8 – Minimum distance between lamp and protective cover
Table 9 – Creepage distances and clearances at peak values of pulse voltages greater than 1,5 kV
Table 10 – Creepage distances and clearances for screw lampholder and lamp cap
Table 11 − Resistance to the effect of short-circuit currents
Table 12 – Types and use of cells and batteries
Table 13 – Explosion test mixtures
Table 14 – Tests for resistance to impact
Table 15 – Insertion torque and minimum removal torque
Table 16 – Power dissipation of cathodes of lamps supplied by electronic ballasts
Table 17 – Value for pull-out tests
Table 18 – Creepage distances and clearances for screw lamp caps
Table 19 − Text of warning markings
Table F.1 – Standard cross-sections of copper conductors
Table H.1 – Alternative separation distances for equipment under controlled environments
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