ДСТУ EN 60834-1:2015 Оборудование телезащиты для силовых систем. Требования к эксплуатационным характеристикам и испытания. Часть 1. Системы управления (EN 60834-1:1999, IDT)

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Наказ від 25.12.2015 № 205

EN 60834-1-1999

Teleprotection equipment of power systems-Performance and testing-Part 1: Command systems

прийнято як національний стандарт
методом «підтвердження» за позначенням

ДСТУ EN 60834-1:2015
(EN 60834-1:1999, IDT)

Обладнання телезахисту для силових систем. Вимоги до експлуатаційних характеристик
та випробування. Частина 1. Системи керування

З наданням чинності від 2016-01-01


1 General

1.1 Scope

1.2 Normative references

1.3 Service conditions

1.4 Telecommunication system used

1.5 Definitions

2 Characteristics of command type teleprotection systems

2.1 Types of teleprotection command schemes

2.2 Overall operating time of teleprotection systems (telecommunication circuit included)

2.3 Transmission times (telecommunication circuit excluded)

2.4 Security

2.5 Dependability

2.6 Nominal frequency band or bit rate

2.7 Nominal impedance

2.8 Guard signals/Command signals

2.9 Levels of guard signals (analogue systems only)

2.10 Levels of command signals (analogue systems only)

3 Requirements for command type teleprotection systems

3.1 General equipment interface requirements

3.2 Specific power supply requirements

3.3 Teleprotection system performance requirements

4 Methods for performance testing

4.1 General equipment interface tests

4.2 Specific power supply tests

4.3 Teleprotection system performance tests

Annex A (informative) Teleprotection system performance tests

Annex В (informative) Binary symmetric channel (BSC) model

Annex C (informative) Example of a security analysis for a simple protocol

Annex ZA (normative) Normative references to international publications with their corresponding European publication

Figure 1 - Voice frequency configuration

Figure 2 - Power line carrier frequency configuration

Figure 3 - Directly connected digital teleprotection (example)

Figure 4 - Digital teleprotection connected via a multiplexed communication system

Figure 5 - Fundamental terms on protection and teleprotection

Figure 6 - Typical operating times for protection systems incorporating teleprotection

Figure 7 - Test circuit for testing power supply interruptions

Figure 8 - Test circuit for LF disturbance emission measurement

Figure 9 - Examples of the probability of missing command versus signal-to-noise ratio

Figure 10 - Test set-up for dependability measurement (analogue teleprotection)

Figure 11 - Test set-up for dependability measurement (digital teleprotection)

Figure 12 - Test set-up for security measurement (analogue teleprotection)

Figure 13 - Test set-up for security measurement (digital teleprotection)

Figure 14 - Examples of probability of unwanted commands versus signal-to-noise ratio for 200 Bd channel

Figure 15 - Test set-up for measuring transmission time

Figure 16 - Test set-up for measuring interference by discrete frequencies

Figure 17 - Test set-up for measuring interference by frequency deviation

Figure 18 - Frequency deviation versus time for test set-up in figure 17

Figure 19 - Test set-up for recovery time measurement for digital teleprotection

Figure 20 - Test set-up for recovery time measurement for analogue teleprotection

Figure 21 - Performance guidance figures for various teleprotection schemes

Figure 22 - Example of dependability curves for digital teleprotection

Figure 23 - Example of security curve for digital teleprotection

Figure 24 - Test set-up for measuring jitter at the output of a digital teleprotection transmitter

Figure 25 - Jitter mask for testing jitter at the input of a digital teleprotection receiver

Figure A.1 - Graph showing the uncertainty of probability for a confidence level of 95 % for various values of E and N

Figure A.2 - Examples of probability of unwanted commands versus signal-to-noise ratio for a 200 Bd channel

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