ДСТУ EN 60439-1:2015 Оборудование комплектных распределительных устройств низковольтное. Часть 1. Оборудование, прошедшее испытание типа полностью или частично (EN 60439-1:1999, IDT)

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Наказ від 12.02.2016 № 34

EN 60439-1:1999

Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear assemblies -
Part 1: Type-tested and partially type-tested assemblies

прийнято як національний стандарт
методом «підтвердження» за позначенням

ДСТУ EN 60439-1:2015
 (EN 60439-1:1999 IDT)

Устатковання комплектних розподільчих пристроїв низьковольтне.
Частина 1. Устатковання, що пройшло випробування типу повністю чи частково

З наданням чинності від 2016-01-01



1 General

1.1 Scope and object

1.2 Normative references

2 Definitions

2.1 General

2.2 Constructional units of ASSEMBLIES

2.3 External design of ASSEMBLIES

2.4 Structural parts of ASSEMBLIES

2.5 Conditions of installation of ASSEMBLIES

2.6 Protective measures with regard to electric shock

2.7 Gangways within ASSEMBLIES

2.8 Electronic functions

2.9 Insulation co-ordination

2.10 Short-circuit currents

3 Classification of ASSEMBLIES

4 Electrical characteristics of ASSEMBLIES

4.1 Rated voltages

4.2 Rated current (ln) (of a circuit of an ASSEMBLY)

4.3 Rated short-time current (lcw) (of a circuit of an ASSEMBLY)

4.4 Rated peak withstand current (lpk) (of a circuit of an ASSEMBLY)

4.5 Rated conditional short-circuit current (lcc) (of a circuit of an ASSEMBLY)

4.6 Rated fused short-circuit current (lcf) (of a circuit of an ASSEMBLY)

4.7 Rated diversity factor

4.8 Rated frequency

5 Information to be given regarding the ASSEMBLY

5.1 Nameplates

5.2 Markings

5.3 Instructions for installation, operation and maintenance

6 Service conditions

6.1 Normal service conditions

6.2 Special service conditions

6.3 Conditions during transport, storage and erection

7 Design and construction

7.1 Mechanical design

7.2 Enclosure end degree of protection

7.3 Temperature rise

7.4 Protection against electric shock

7.5 Short-circuit protection and short-circuit withstand strength

7.6 Switching devices and components installed in ASSEMBLIES

7.7 Internal separation of ASSEMBLIES by barriers or partitions

7.8 Electrical connections inside an ASSEMBLY: bars and insulated conductors

7.9 Retirements for electronic equipment supply circuits

7.10 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)

7.11 Description of the types of electrical connections of functional units

8 Test specifications

8.1 Classification of tests

8.2 Type tests

8.3 Routine tests

Annex A (normative) Minimum and maximum cross-sections of copper conductors suitable for connection

Annex B (normative) Method of calculating the cross-sectional area of protective conductors with regard to thermal stresses due to currents of short duration

Annex C (informative) Typical examples of assemblies

Annex D (informative) Forms of internal separations

Annex E (informative) Hems subject to agreement between manufacturer and user

Annex F (normative) Measurement of creepage distances and clearances

Annex G (normative) Correlation between the nominal voltage of the supply system and the rated impulse withstand voltage of the equipment


Figure 1 Ratio as a function of time

Figure 2 Maximum permitted harmonic component of the nominal system voltage

Figure C.1 Open-type ASSEMBLY (see 2.3.1)

Figure C.2 Dead-front ASSEMBLY (see 2.3.2)

Figure C.3 Cubicle-type ASSEMBLY (see

Figure C.4 Multi-cubicle-type ASSEMBLY (see

Figure C.5 Desk-type ASSEMBLY (see 2,3.3.3)

Figure C 6 Multi-box-type ASSEMBLY (see

Figure C.7 Busbar trunking system (2.3.4

Figure C 8 Mounting structure (see 2.4.2)

Figure C.9 Fixed parts (see 2.2.5, 2.4.3, 2 .4 .4)

Figure C.10 Withdrawable part (see 2.2.7)

Figure D.1 Symbols used in figures D.2

Figure D.2 Forms 1 and 2

Figure D.2 Forms 3 and 4

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