ДСТУ EN 397:2017 Каски защитные промышленные (EN 397:2012 + А1:2012, IDT)

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Наказ від 27.12.2017 № 477

EN 397:2012 + А1:2012

Industrial safety helmets

прийнято як національний стандарт
методом «підтвердження» за позначенням

ДСТУ EN 397:2017
(EN 397:2012 + А1:2012, IDT)

Каски захисні промислові

З наданням чинності від 2018–02–01 



1 Scope

2 Normative references

3 Terms and definitions

4 Physical requirements

4.1 Materials and construction

4.2 External vertical distance

4.3 Internal vertical distance

4.4 Internal vertical clearance

4.5 Horizontal distance

4.6 Wearing height

4.7 Harness

4.7.1 Headband/nape strap

4.7.2 Cradle

4.7.3 Comfort band or sweatband

4.8 Chin strap

4.9 Ventilation

4.10 Accessories

5 Performance requirements

5.1 Mandatory requirements

5.1.1 Shock absorption

5.1.2 Resistance to penetration

5.1.3 Flame resistance

5.1.4 Chin strap anchorages

5.1.5 Label

5.2 Optional requirements

5.2.1 Very low temperature (– 20 °C or – 30 °C)

5.2.2 Very high temperature (+ 150 °C)

5.2.3 Electrical properties

5.2.4 Lateral deformation

5.2.5 Molten metal splash

6 Test requirements

6.1 Samples

6.2 Conditioning for testing

6.2.1 Temperature conditioning cabinet

6.2.2 Pre-conditioning

6.2.3 Low temperature

6.2.4 High temperature

6.2.5 Water immersion

6.2.6 Artificial ageing

6.2.7 Very low temperature

6.2.8 Very high temperature

6.3 Testing atmosphere

6.4 Headforms

6.4.1 Construction

6.4.2 Selection of size

6.5 Measurement of clearance, distances and wearing height

6.6 Shock absorption

6.6.1 Principle

6.6.2 Apparatus

6.6.3 Test procedure

6.7 Resistance to penetration

6.7.1 Principle

6.7.2 Apparatus

6.7.3 Test procedure

6.8 Resistance to flame

6.8.1 Principle

6.8.2 Apparatus

6.8.3 Test procedure

6.9 Chin strap anchorage

6.9.1 Principle

6.9.2 Apparatus

6.9.3 Procedure

6.10 Electrical properties

6.10.1 Test 1

6.10.2 Test 2

6.10.3 Test 3

6.11 Lateral deformation

6.11.1 Principle

6.11.2 Procedure

6.12 Molten metal splash

6.12.1 Principle

6.12.2 Apparatus

6.12.3 Procedure

7 Marking

7.1 Markings on the helmet

7.2 Additional information

Annex A (informative) Recommendations for the materials and construction of industrial safety helmets

Annex B (informative) Alternative procedure for artificial ageing

Annex C (normative) Test results — Uncertainty of measurement

Annex D (informative) Significant technical changes between this European Standard and EN 397:1995

Annex ZA (informative) Relationship between this European Standard and the Essential Requirements of EU Directive 89/686/EEC Personal Protective Equipment


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