ДСТУ EN 12831-1:2017 Энергоэффективность зданий. Метод расчета проектной тепловой нагрузки. Часть 1. Тепловая нагрузка, Модуль M3-3 (EN 12831-1:2017, IDT)

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«Український  науково-дослідний  і  навчальний  центр
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Наказ від  13.12.2017  №414

EN  12831-1:2017

Energy performance of buildings —
Method for calculation of the design  heat load —
Part 1:  Space  heating  load,  Module  M3-3

прийнято  як  національний  стандарт
методом  підтвердження  за  позначенням

ДСТУ EN  12831-1:2017
(EN  12831-1:2017,  IDТ)

Енергоефективність будівель.
Метод розрахунку проектного теплового  навантаження.
Частина  1.  Теплове  навантаження,  Модуль  М3-3

З  наданням  чинності  від  2017-12-15


European  foreword


1  Scope

2  Normative references

3  Terms and definitions

4  Symbols and abbreviations

4.1  Symbols

4.2  Subscripts

5  Description of the methods

6  Standard  method -  Heat load of rooms, building entities and buildings

6.1  Output data

6.2  Input data

6.3  Calculation procedure

6.3.1  Design heat load

6.3.2  Design transmission heat losses of a heated space (i)

6.3.3  Design ventilation heat loss

6.3.4  Additional heating-up power in intermittently heated spaces

6.3.5  Time constant

6.3.6  Heat transfer coefficients without temperature adjustment

6.3.7  External design temperature (climatic data)

6.3.8  Influence of the heat emission system in high rooms (ceiling height ≥ 4 m )

7  Simplified method for the calculation of the design heat load of a heated space (single rooms)

7.1  Output data

7.2  Input data

7.3  Calculation  procedure

7.3.1  Design heat load of a heated space

7.3.2  Design transmission heat loss of a heated space

7.3.3  Design ventilation heat loss of a heated space

8  Simplified method  for the calculation of the building design heat load

8.1  Output data

8.2  Input data

8.3  Calculation  procedure

8.3.1  Building design heat load

8.3.2  Building design transmission heat loss

8.3.3  Design ventilation heat loss of a building

9  Compliance check

9.1  General

9.2  Dimensioning of heat emission systems

9.3  Dimensioning of heat generators

Annex A (normative)  Input data, structure for default values

A.1  General

A.2  Input data  for the standard  method  (6)

A.2.1  Consideration of thermal bridges

A.2.2  Correction of U-values for the influence of building element properties and meteorological conditions

A.2.3  Heat loss through the ground

A.2.4  Temperature adjustment for heat loss to unheated spaces

A.2.5  Internal temperatures of adjacent building entities

A.2.6  Influence of the heat emission system in high rooms

A.2.7  Specific thermal storage capacity ceff

A.2.8  Specific properties of air

A.2.9  Volume flow ratio between room  (i) and zone (z)

A.2.10  Airtightness

A.2.11  Minimum air change rate

A.2.12  Coefficient for the volume flow ratio fqv,z

A.2.13  Estimation of design data of external ATDs

A.2.14  Pressure exponent for leakages

A.2.15  Adjustment factor for the orientation of the zone (orientation factor)

A.2.16  Adjustment factor for the number of exposed facades

A.2.17  Air volume flowthrough large openings

A.2.18  Additional heating-up power in intermittently heated spaces ϕhu

A.2.19  Heat gains Φgain

A.3  Input data for the simplified methods (7,8 )

A.3.1  Ratio between external and internal surface areas

A.3.2  Thermal bridges

A.3.3  Temperature correction factor fx

A.3.4  Air change rate

A.4  Input data for the standard method and the simplified methods

A.4.1  Climatic data

A.4.2  Internal design temperature

A.  4.3  Simplified determination of U-Values

Annex В  (informative)  Input data, default values

B.1  General

B.2  Input data for the standard method (6)

B.2.1  Consideration of thermal bridges

B.2.2  Correction of U-values for the influence of building element properties and meteorological conditions

B.2.3  Heat loss through the ground

B.2.4  Temperature adjustment for heat loss to unheated spaces

B.2.5  Internal temperatures of adjacent building entities

B.2.6  Influence of the heat emission system in high rooms

B.2.7  Specific thermal storage capacity ceff

B.2.8  Specific properties of air

B.2.9  Volume flow ratio between room  (i) and zone (z)

B.2.10  Airtightness

B.2.11  Coefficient for the volume flow ratio fqv,z

B.2.12  Estimation of design data of external ATDs

B.2.13  Pressure exponent for leakages

B.2.14  Adjustment factor for the orientation of the zone (orientation factor)

B.2.15  Adjustment factor for the number of exposed facades

B.2.16  Air volume flow through large openings

B.2.17  Additional heating-up power in intermittently heated spaces ϕhu

B.2.18  Heat gains Φgain

B.3  Input data for the simplified methods (7, 8)

В.3.1  Ratio between external and internal surface areas

B.3.2  Thermal bridges

B.3.3  Temperature correction factor fx

B.3.4  Air change rate

B.4  Input data for the standard method and the simplified methods

B.4.1  Climatic data

B.4.2  Internal design temperature

B.4.3  Simplified determination of U-Values

Annex C (informative)  Detailed consideration of thermal bridges

Annex D  (informative)  Internal temperatures θu of adjacent building entities or adjacent unheated spaces within the same building

Annex E (informative)  Equivalent thermal transmittance of building elements against ground

Annex F (informative)  Estimation of heating-up power in intermittently heated spaces (6.3.4)

F.1  General

F.2  Determination of the specific heating-up power φhu,i based on the time of disuse

F.3  Determination of the specific heating-up power φhu,i based on the internal temperature drop during setback

Annex G (informative)  External air volume flow through large openings


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