ДСТУ EN 45510-2-3:2015 Руководство по поставкам оборудования электростанций. Часть 2-3. Электрооборудование. Стационарные аккумуляторы и зарядные устройства (EN 45510-2-3:2000, IDT)

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Наказ від 12.02.2016 № 34

EN 45510-2-3:2000

Guide for procurement of power station equipment -
 Part 2-4: Electrical equipment – Stationary batteries and chargers

прийнято як національний стандарт
методом «підтвердження» за позначенням

ДСТУ EN 45510-2-3:2015
(EN 45510-2-3:2000, IDT)

Настанова щодо поставок обладнання електростанцій.
Частина 2-3. Електрообладнання. Стаціонарні акумулятори та зарядні пристрої

З наданням чинності від 2016–01–01



1 Scope

2 Normative references

3 Definitions

3.1 Organizational terms

3.2 Technical terms

3.3 General terms

4 Brief overall project description

4.1 Role and organization of purchaser

4.2 Site location

4.3 Equipment task

4.4 Equipment to be purchased

4.5 Control and instrumentation

4.6 Electrical supplies and other services

4.7 Other interfaces

4.8 Project programme

4.9 Equipment identification systems

5 Extent of supply

6 Terminal points

7 Operational requirements

7.1 Operating environment

7.2 Manning levels

7.3 Normal operation

7.4 Operating hours

7.5 Start-up and shut-down

7.6 Abnormal conditions

7.7 Further operational requirements

8 Life expectancy

8.1 Design life

8.2 Components requiring periodic maintenance

9 Performance requirements

9.1 Duty

9.2 Performance

9.3 Equipment margins

9.4 Availability

9.5 Levels of component redundancy

9.6 Further performance requirements

10 Design and fabrication

10.1 Specific equipment features

10.2 Design justification

10.3 Material selection

10.4 Safety

10.5 Interchangeability

10.6 Fabrication methods

11 Maintenance requirements

11.1 Planned maintenance

11.2 Personnel safety

11.3 Requirements for access

11.4 Lifting requirements

11.5 Special tools

11.6 Test equipment

11.7 Spare parts strategy

11.8 Special precautions

12 Technical documentation requirements

12.1 Tender documentation

12.2 Contract documentation

13 Applicable legislation, regulations, standards and further requirements

13.1 Legislation and regulations

13.2 Standards

13.3 Further requirements

14 Evaluation criteria

14.1 General

14.2 Technical criteria

15 Quality measures

15.1 General

15.2 Approvals procedure

15.3 Inspection requirements

15.4 Non-conformity

16 Site factors

16.1 Access

16.2 Facilities

16.3 Site specific requirements

17 Verification of specified performance

17.1 General

17.2 Works tests

17.3 Tests during installation and commissioning

17.4 Technical conditions for trial run

17.5 Functional and performance tests

Annex A (informative) Bibliography

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