ДСТУ EN IEC 62820-2:2019 Системы внутренней связи здания. Часть 2. Требования к системам расширенного внутренней связи здания (ASBIS) (EN IEC 62820-2:2018, IDT; IEC 62820-2:2017, IDT)

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Наказ від 13.06.2019 № 154

EN IEC 62820-2:2018

Building intercom systems —
Part 2: Requirements for advanced security
building intercom systems (ASBIS)

прийнято як національний стандарт
методом «підтвердження» за позначенням

ДСТУ EN IEC 62820-2:2019
(EN IEC 62820-2:2018, ІDT;
IEC 62820-2:2017, IDT)

Системи внутрішнього зв’язку будівлі.
Частина 2. Вимоги до систем розширеного
внутрішнього зв’язку будівлі (ASBIS)

З наданням чинності від 2019–08–01




1 Scope

2 Normative references

3 Terms, definitions and abbreviated terms

3.1 Terms and definitions

3.2 Abbreviated terms

4 Functional requirements

4.1 General

4.2 Call function

4.3 Unlocking function

4.4 Emergency call

4.5 Manually controlled half duplex (non-simultaneous conversation)

4.6 High priority call

4.7 Direct communication between the security management units and m aster-stations

4.8 Audio and optical indicators

4.9 Help call (call for assistance)

4.10 Call queue

4.11 Image transmission

4.12 Entrance warning message

4.13 Event logs

4.14 SMU system test

4.15 Overall system test

4.16 Intercom unit full duplex

4.17 Intercom unit voice switched duplex (automatic half duplex)

4.18 Intercom unit call queue

4.19 Intercom unit call transfer

4.20 Intercom unit keep on hold

4.21 Intercom unit privacy protection

4.22 Intercom unit privacy communication

4.23 Intercom unit microphone status

4.24 System status monitoring

4.25 System event monitoring

4.26 System fault monitoring

4.27 Network security

4.28 Service staff and system administrators authentication and authorization

4.29 Network authentication and authorisation

4.30 System access control

4.31 Deleted

4.32 Interconnection security

4.33 Integrity protection

4.34 Building warnings distribution

4.35 Environmental noise cancellation

4.36 Void

4.37 Automatic aggression detection (scream, shoot, glass-break, etc)

4.38 System redundancy

4.39 Inductive loop

4.40 Interfacing

4.41 User interface

4.42 Software download/upgrade

4.43 Void

4.44 System test

4.45 Voice communication test

4.46 Error report

4.47 Conversation transfer

5 Performance requirements

5.1 General

5.2 Audio characteristics

5.3 Other performances

6 Test methods

6.1 General

6.2 The measurement of the frequency response

6.3 Acoustic pressure level

6.4 Acoustic distortion

6.5 Channel S/N ratio

6.6 Automatic volume control

6.7 Measurement of STI for laboratory test as well as for an onsite test of an installed system

6.8 Other measurements

Annex A (normative) Pictograms: Symbols for important functions

Annex B (normative) System composition


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