ДСТУ ISO/IEC/IEEE 15289:2019 Инженерия систем и программных средств. Содержимое информационных объектов жизненного цикла (документации) (ISO/IEC/IEEE 15289:2017, IDT)
Державне підприємство
«Український науково-дослідний і навчальний центр
проблем стандартизації, сертифікації та якості»
(ДП «УкрНДНЦ»))
Наказ від 03.07.2019 № 193
ISO/IEC/IEEE 15289:2017
Systems and software engineering —
Content of life-cycle information items
прийнято як національний стандарт
методом «підтвердження» за позначенням
ДСТУ ISO/IEC/IEEE 15289:2019
(ISO/IEC/IEEE 15289:2017, IDT)
Інженерія систем і програмних засобів.
Уміст інформаційних об’єктів
життєвого циклу (документації)
З наданням чинності від 2019-08-01
1 Scope
2 Normative references
3 Terms, definitions, and abbreviated terms
3.1 Terms and definitions
3.2 Abbreviated terms
4 Applicability
4.1 Purpose
4.2 Intended users of this document
4.3 Applicability to work efforts
4.4 Applicability to information item audiences
5 Conformance
5.1 Definition of conformance
5.2 Conformance situations
5.3 Type of conformance
6 Life-cycle data and information items
6.1 Life-cycle data characteristics
6.2 Records compared to information items (documents)
6.3 Management of life-cycle data (records)
6.4 Management of information items (documents)
7 Generic types of information items
7.1 General
7.2 Description - generic content
7.3 Plan - generic content
7.4 Policy - generic content
7.5 Procedure - generic content
7.6 Report - generic content
7.7 Request - generic content
7.8 Specification - generic content
8 Mapping of information items to the life cycle and service management processes
8.1 Mapping of information items to the system life cycle
8.2 Mapping of information items to the software life cycle
8.3 Mapping of information items to the service management processes
9 Records
9.1 Record-generic content
9.2 Specific record contents
10 Specific information item (document) contents
10.1 General
10.2 Acceptance plan
10.3 Acceptance report
10.4 Acquisition plan
10.5 Asset management plan
10.6 Audit acknowledgement report
10.7 Audit plan
10.8 Audit procedure
10.9 Audit report
10.10 Capacity plan
10.11 Capacity management procedure
10.12 Change request
10.13 Communication procedure
10.14 Complaint procedure
10.15 Concept of operations
10.16 Configuration management plan and policy
10.17 Configuration management procedure
10.18 Configuration status report
10.19 Contract
10.20 Customer satisfaction survey
10.21 Database design description
10.22 Development plan
10.23 Disposal plan
10.24 Documentation plan
10.25 Documentation procedure
10.26 Domain engineering plan
10.27 Evaluation report
10.28 Implementation procedure
10.29 Improvement plan
10.30 Improvement procedure
10.31 Incident management procedure
10.32 Incident report
10.33 Information management plan
10.34 Information management procedure
10.35 Information security plan
10.36 Information security policy
10.37 Information security procedure
10.38 Installation plan
10.39 Installation report
10.40 Integration and test report
10.41 Integration plan
10.42 Interface description
10.43 Life-cycle policy and procedure
10.44 Maintenance plan
10.45 Maintenance procedure
10.46 Measurement plan
10.47 Measurement procedure
10.48 Monitoring and control report
10.49 Operational test procedure
10.50 Problem management procedure
10.51 Problem report
10.52 Process assessment procedure
10.53 Process improvement report
10.54 Product need assessment
10.55 Progress report
10.56 Project management plan
10.57 Proposal
10.58 Qualification test procedure
10.59 Qualification test report
10.60 Quality management plan
10.61 Quality management policy and procedure
10.62 Release plan (and policy)
10.63 Request for proposal (RFP)
10.64 Resource request
10.65 Reuse plan
10.66 Review minutes
10.67 Risk action request
10.68 Risk management policy and plan
10.69 Service catalog
10.70 Service continuity and availability plan
10.71 Service level agreement (SLA)
10.72 Service management plan (and policy)
10.73 Service plan
10.74 Service report
10.75 Software architecture description
10.76 Software design description
10.77 Software requirements specification
10.78 Software unit description
10.79 Software unit test procedure
10.80 Software unit test report
10.81 Supplier management procedure
10.82 Supplier selection procedure
10.83 System architecture description
10.84 System element description
10.85 System requirements specification
10.86 Training documentation
10.87 Training plan
10.88 User documentation
10.89 User notification
10.90 Validation plan
10.91 Validation procedure (validation test specification)
10.92 Validation report
10.93 Verification plan
10.94 Verification procedure
10.95 Verification report
Annex A (informative) Procedure for identifying information items and their contents
Annex В (informative) Information items and records by source
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