ДСТУ EN ISO 12215-5:2019 Суда малые. Строительство и наборы корпуса судна. Часть 5. Проектное давление для однокорпусных судов, проектное напряжение и определение наборов корпусов судна (EN ISO 12215-5:2019,...

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Державне підприємство
«Український науково-дослідний і навчальний центр
проблем стандартизації, сертифікації та якості»
(ДП «УкрНДНЦ»))

Наказ від 04.12.2019 № 401

EN ISO 12215-5:2018

Small craft — Hull construction and scantlings —
Part 5: Design pressures for monohulls,
design stresses, scantlings determination
(ISO 12215-5:2008)

прийнято як національний стандарт
методом «підтвердження» за позначенням

ДСТУ EN ISO 12215-5:2019
(EN ISO 12215-5:2018, IDT; ISO 12215-5:2008, IDT)

Судна малі. Будівництво та набори корпусу судна.
Частина 5. Проектний тиск для однокорпусних суден,
проектні напруги та визначення наборів корпусів судна

З наданням чинності від 2020–01–01




1 Scope

2 Normative references

3 Terms and definitions

4 Symbols

5 General

5.1 Materials

5.2 Overall procedure for scantlings determination

6 Main dimensions, data and areas

6.1 Dimensions and data

6.2 Areas

7 Dimensions of panels and stiffeners

7.1 General

7.2 Rectangular grid of panels and stiffeners

7.3 Non-rectangular panels

7.4 Pressure on a panel or a stiffener

8 Pressure adjusting factors

8.1 General

8.2 Design category factor kDC

8.3 Dynamic load factor kDYN

8.4 Longitudinal pressure distribution factor kI

8.5 Area pressure reduction factor kAR

8.6 Superstructures and deckhouse pressure reduction factor kSUP

8.7 Pressure correcting factor kSLS for slamming of light and stable sailing craft

9 Design pressures

9.1 Design pressure for motor craft

9.2 Design pressure for sailing craft

9.3 Watertight bulkheads and integral tank boundaries design pressure

10 Mechanical properties and design stresses

10.1 Boat building quality factor kBB

10.2 Assessment method factor kAM

10.3 Design stresses according to material and calculation method

11 Methods for structural analysis and scantlings determination

11.1 The six available methods

11.2 Method 1: "Simplified" method

11.3 Method 2: "Enhanced" method (ply by ply analysis)

11.4 Method 3: "Developed" method for any laminate, including non-balanced laminates

11.5 Method 4: "Direct test method"

11.6 Method 5: "FEM" Finite Element Method

11.7 Method 6: Alternative test: Drop test

11.8 "Good practice" minimal thickness

12 Craft for professional use: Commercial craft and workboats

13 Owner’s manual

13.1 General

13.2 Normal mode of operation

13.3 Information to take care of sandwich plating

13.4 Information required by Annex J for commercial craft and workboats

14 Application form

Annex A (normative) Application of methods of analysis 1 to 3 of Table

Annex В (normative) Mechanical properties and design stress of metals

Annex C (normative) FRP laminates properties and calculations

Annex D (normative) Drop test for craft <6 m

Annex E (normative) Sandwich calculations

Annex F (normative) Wood/plywood laminate properties and calculations

Annex G (normative) Geometric properties of stiffeners

Annex H (normative) Laminate stack analysis for plating and stiffeners

Annex I (informative) "Good practice" values for minimum thickness or dry fibre mass

Annex J (normative) Commercial craft and workboats — Additional requirements

Annex К (informative) Loads induced by outboard engines

Annex L (informative) Application form of ISO 12215-5


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