ДСТУ EN 30-1-4:2019 Плиты газовые бытовые. Часть 1-4. Требования безопасности. Плиты с одной или более горелками с системой автоматического управления (EN 30-1-4:2002, IDT)

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«Український науково-дослідний і навчальний центр
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(ДП «УкрНДНЦ»))

Наказ від 12.12.2019 № 410

EN 30-1-4:2002

Domestic cooking appliances burning gas —
Part 1-4: Safety —
Appliances having one or more burners with
an automatic burner control system

прийнято як національний стандарт
методом «підтвердження» за позначенням

ДСТУ EN 30-1-4:2019
(EN 30-1-4:2002, IDT)

Плити газові побутові.
Частина 1-4. Вимоги щодо безпеки.
Плити з одним чи більше пальниками
із системою автоматичного керування

З наданням чинності від 2020-01-01



1 Scope

2 Normative references

3 Terms and definitions

3.1 Definitions concerning parts of the appliance

3.2 Additional definitions concerning appliances having burners with an automatic burner control system

4 Classification

5 Constructional requirements

5.1 General

5.2 Special requirements

5.3 Additional requirements for appliances having one or more burners with an automatic burner control system

5.4 Additional requirements for burners having automatic burner control systems

6 Performance requirements

6.1 General

6.2 Special requirements for hotplates

6.3 Special requirements for ovens and grills

6.4 Additional requirements for appliances having burners with automatic burner control systems

6.5 Additional requirements for hotplate burners having automatic burner control systems

6.6 Additional requirements for oven and grill burners having automatic burner control systems

7 Test methods

7.1 General

7.2 Verification of the constructional requirements

7.3 Verification of operational requirements

7.4 Verification of the constructional requirements specific to parts of the appliance having burners with an automatic burner control system

7.5 Verification of the operational requirements specific to parts of the appliance having burners with an automatic burner control system

8 Marking and instructions

8.1 Appliance marking

8.2 Marking of the packaging

8.3 Instructions

Annex A (informative)

Annex В (informative)

Annex C (normative)

Annex D (normative)

Annex E (normative)

Annex F (normative)

Annex ZA (informative) Clauses of this European Standard addressing essential requirements or other provisions of EC Directives

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