ДСТУ EN 14140:2019 Оборудование и комплектование для сжиженного газа. Транспортабельные стальные сварные баллоны для сжиженного газа. Альтернативное проектирование и конструирование (EN 14140:2003, IDT)

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ДСТУ EN 14140:2019
(EN 14140:2003, IDT)

Обладнання та комплектовання для зрідженого газу.
Транспортабельні сталеві зварні балони для зрідженого газу.
Альтернативне проектування та конструювання


Не є офіційним виданням.
Офіційне видання розповсюджує національний орган стандартизації
(ДП «УкрНДНЦ» http://uas.gov.ua)




1 Scope

2 Normative references

3 Terms, definitions and symbols

3.1 Terms and definitions

3.2 Symbols

4 Materials

5 Design

5.1 General requirements

5.2 Calculation of cylindrical shell wall thickness

5.3 Design of torispherical and semi-ellipsoidal ends concave to pressure

5.4 Ends of other shapes

5.5 Minimum wall thickness

5.6 Design of openings

5.7 Valve protection

5.8 Non-pressure containing attachments welded to the cylinder

5.9 Resistance against external corrosion

5.10 Over-moulded cylinders

5.11 Hot air balloon cylinders

6 Construction and workmanship

6.1 General

6.2 Environment

6.3 Welding qualification

6.4 Plates and pressed parts

6.5 Welded joints

6.6 Tolerances

6.7 Closure of openings

6.8 Heat treatment

7 Tests and examinations

7.1 General

7.2 Types of test and evaluation of test results

7.3 Test specimens and related tests and examinations

7.4 NDT

7.5 Prototype and production batch testing

8 Technical requirements for type approval

8.1 General

8.2 Extent of testing

8.3 Design type variations

9 Initial inspection and tests

9.1 Tests and examinations applicable to all cylinders

9.2 Radiographic examination

9.3 Macro examination

9.4 Examination of bung welding

9.5 Examination of welding of non-pressure containing attachments

9.6 Unacceptable imperfections in radiographic or macro examination

9.7 Production pressure test

9.8 Production batch testing (Mechanical/Burst tests)

9.9 Failure to meet mechanical and burst test requirements

9.10 Production adhesion test for over-moulded cylinders

9.11 Production water absorption test for over-moulded cylinders

10 Marking

11 Documentation

12 Certification

Annex A (normative) Additional manufacturers markings

Annex B (informative) Over-moulded cylinder

Annex C (informative) Hot Air Balloon Cylinders

Annex D (informative) Environmental checklist


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