ДСТУ EN 60554-2:2022 Папір целюлозний електроізоляційний. Частина 2. Методи випробування (EN 60554-2:2002, IDT; IEC 60554-2:2001, IDT)

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ДСТУ EN 60554-2:2022
(EN 60554-2:2002, IDT; IEC 60554-2:2001, IDT)

 Папір целюлозний електроізоляційний.
Частина 2. Методи випробування

Не є офіційним виданням.
Офіційне видання розповсюджує національний орган стандартизації
(ДП «УкрНДНЦ» http://uas.gov.ua)



1 Scope

2 Normative references

3 Definitions

4 General notes on tests

5 Thickness

5.1 Determination of the thickness of single sheets of paper (ISO 534)

5.2 Determination of mean thickness of paper

6 Substance (mass per square metre, basic weight or grammage)

7 Apparent density

8 Tensile strength and elongation

9 Internal tearing resistance

10 Edge-tearing resistance

10.1 Test apparatus

10.2 Test pieces

10.3 Procedure

10.4 Results

11 Bursting strength

12 Folding endurance

12.1 Test apparatus

12.2 Test pieces

12.3 Procedure

12.4 Results

13 Moisture content

14 Ash content

15 Conductivity of aqueous extract

15.1 Test apparatus

15.2 Procedure

15.3 Results

16 pH of aqueous extract

16.1 Test apparatus

16.2 Procedure

16.3 Results

17 Chloride content of aqueous extract

17.1 Method 1

17.2 Method 2

18 Sulphate content

19 Conductivity of organic extract

19.1 Test apparatus

19.2 Procedure

19.3 Results

20 Determination of sodium and potassium content; flame atomic absorption spectrometric method

21 Air permeability

21.1 Test apparatus

21.2 Test pieces

21.3 Procedure

21.4 Results

22 Rate of water absorption (wicking)

22.1 Principle

22.2 Reagent

22.3 Apparatus

22.4 Conditioning

22.5 Test pieces

22.6 Procedure

22.7 Results

22.8 Test report

23 Oil absorption (modified Cobb method)

23.1 Test apparatus

23.2 Test pieces

23.3 Procedure

23.4 Results

24 Electric strength

24.1 Test apparatus

24.2 Test pieces

24.3 Procedure

24.4 Results

24.5 Test method using d.c. voltage

25 Dissipation factor and permittivity of unimpregnated paper

25.1 Test apparatus

25.2 Test pieces

25.3 Procedure

25.4 Results

26 Conducting paths

26.1 Method 1

26.2 Method 2

27 Heat stability

27.1 Internal tearing resistance

27.2 Bursting strength

27.3 Degree of polymerization

Annex ZA (normative) Normative references to international publications with their corresponding European publication

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