ДСТУ HD 620 S2:2022 Розподільні кабелі з екструдованою ізоляцією на номінальну напругу від 3,6/6 (7,2) кВ до 20,8/36 (42) кВ включно (HD 620 S2:2010, IDT)
ДСТУ HD 620 S2:2022
(HD 620 S2:2010, IDT)
Розподільні кабелі з екструдованою ізоляцією
на номінальну напругу
від 3,6/6 (7,2) кВ до 20,8/36 (42) кВ включно
Не є офіційним виданням.
Офіційне видання розповсюджує національний орган стандартизації
(ДП «УкрНДНЦ» http://uas.gov.ua)
PART 1 General requirements
PART 2 (Spare)
PART 3 (Spare)
PART 4 (Spare)
PARTS 5 & 6 (Combined as new Part 10)
PARTS 7 & 8 (Combined as new Part 11)
PART 9 HEPR insulated single core cables, and single core pre-assembled cables
9-E Cables with polyolefine compound sheath (Types 9E-1, 9E-3, 9E-4 and 9E-5)
9-I Cables with HEPR insulation and PVC sheath, single core
PART 10 XLPE insulated single core and 3 core cables, and single core pre-assembled cables
10-A Cables with XLPE insulation; PE or PVC sheath
10-B Cables with XLPE insulation; PE or PVC or polyolefine compound sheath
10-C Cables with XLPE insulation; PE or PVC sheath
10-D Cables with XLPE insulation, PE or PVC or polyolefine sheath
10-E Cables with polyolefine compound sheath (Types 10E-1, 10E-3, 10E-4 and 10E-5)
10-F Single-core cables with PVC sheath (Type 10F-1),
single-core cables with PE sheath, laid-up (Type 10F-2),
cables with PE sheath, laid-up around a bare earth conductor (Type 10F-3),
cables with aluminium conductors and PE sheath, laid-up around a steel messenger (Type 10F-4),
cables with solid aluminium conductors and PE sheath, laid-up (Type 10F-5),
cables with aluminium conductors and PE sheath, laid-up around an insulated steel messenger
(Type 10F-6),
cables with common PVC sheath and individual copper screen (Type 10F-11),
cables with common PE sheath and individual copper screen (Type 10F-12),
cables with common PE sheath and common copper screen (Type 10F-13),
cables with common PVC sheath and common copper screen (Type 10F-14)
10-G Cables with PVC or PE sheath, laid up (Type 10G-1),
cables with PVC or PE sheath, laid up around a messenger (Type 10G-2),
cables with PVC or PE sheath, not laid up (Type 10G-3),
cables with PVC or PE sheath, laid up (Type 10G-4),
cables with PVC or PE sheath, not
laid up (Type 10G-5)
10-I1 Triplexed medium voltage cables, aluminium conductor with XLPE insulation of reduced thickness, aluminium tape screen and PE outer sheath for direct burying
10-I2 Triplexed medium voltage cables with XLPE insulation of reduced thickness, aluminium tape screen and PE sheath, laid up around an aluminium clad steel messenger
10-I3 Triplexed medium voltage cables, aluminium conductor with XLPE insulation of reduced thickness, aluminium tape screen and PE outer sheath with improved impact performance
10-J Single core and three core cables with PE sheath (Type 10J-1) or PVC sheath (Type 10J-2) or PVC-flame retardant sheath (Type 10J-3)
10-K Cables with PE sheath (Type 10K-1) or PVC sheath (Type 10K-2)
10-L Cables with PVC sheath, laid-up (Type 10L-1) or not (Type 10L-2) around an additional conductor
10-M Single and three core cables with PE sheath (Type 10M-1) and PVC sheath (Type 10M-2)
10-N Cables with PE sheath (Type 10N)
10-O XLPE insulated cables: 11 kV and 33 kV copper wire screened with PE or polyolefine sheath, and 33 kV lead sheathed with PE oversheath
10-P Cables with PVC sheath laid up around an earth conductor (Type 10P-1 and Type 10P-2), cables with PVC sheath laid around a messenger (Type 10P-3)
PART 11 EPR insulated single core and 3 core cables
11-N EPR insulated cables with PE sheath (Type 11N)
11-O EPR insulated cables: 11 kV and 33 kV copper wire screened with PE or polyolefine sheath
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