ДСТУ HD 632 S3:2022 Силові кабелі з екструдованою ізоляцією та аксесуари до них на номінальну напругу понад 36 кВ (Um = 42 кВ) до 150 кВ (Um = 170 кВ) (HD 632 S3:2016, IDT)

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Державне підприємство
«Український науково-дослідний і навчальний центр
проблем стандартизації, сертифікації та якості»
(ДП «УкрНДНЦ»)

Наказ від 28.12.2022 № 285

HD 632 S3:2016

Power cables with extruded insulation and their accessories
for rated voltages above 36 kV (Um = 42 kV) up to 150 kV
(Um = 170 kV)

прийнято як національний стандарт
методом «підтвердження» за позначенням

ДСТУ HD 632 S3:2022
(HD 632 S3:2016, IDT)

Силові кабелі з екструдованою ізоляцією
та аксесуари до них на номінальну напругу понад 36 кВ (Um = 42 кВ)
до 150 кВ (Um = 170 кВ)

З наданням чинності від 2023-12-31


Не є офіційним виданням.
Офіційне видання розповсюджує національний орган стандартизації
(ДП «УкрНДНЦ» http://uas.gov.ua)


1 Scope

2 Normative references

3 Terms and definitions

3.1 Definitions of dimensional values (thicknesses, cross-sections, etc.)

3.2 Definitions concerning tests

3.3 Other definitions

4 Voltage designations and materials

4.1 Rated voltages

4.2 Cable insulating materials

4.3 Cable metal screens/sheaths

4.4 Cable oversheathing materials

5 Precautions against water penetration in cables

6 Cable characteristics

7 Accessory characteristics

8 Test conditions

8.1 Ambient temperature

8.2 Frequency and waveform of power frequency test voltages

8.3 Waveform of lightning impulse test voltages

8.4 Relationship of test voltages to rated voltages

8.5 Determination of the cable conductor temperature

9 Routine tests on cables and on the main insulation of prefabricated accessories

9.1 General

9.2 Partial discharge test

9.3 Voltage test

9.4 Electrical test on oversheath of the cable

10 Sample tests on cables

10.1 General

10.2 Frequency of tests

10.3 Repetition of tests

10.4 Conductor examination

10.5 Measurement of electrical resistance of conductor and metal screen

10.6 Measurement of thickness of cable insulation and oversheath

10.7 Measurement of thickness of metal sheath

10.8 Measurement of diameters

10.9 Hot set test for XLPE, EPR and HEPR insulations

10.10 Measurement of capacitance

10.11 Measurement of density of HDPE insulation

10.12 Lightning impulse voltage test

10.13 Water penetration test

10.14 Tests on components of cables with a longitudinally applied metal tape or foil, bonded to the oversheath

11 Sample tests on accessories

11.1 Tests on components

11.2 Tests on complete accessory

12 Type tests on cable systems

12.1 General

12.2 Range of type approval

12.3 Summary of type tests

12.4 Electrical type tests on complete cable systems

12.5 Non-electrical type tests on cable components and on complete cable

13 Prequalification test of the cable system

13.1 General and range of prequalification test approval

13.2 Prequalification test on complete system

13.3 Tests for the extension of the prequalification of a cable system

14 Type tests on cables

14.1 General

14.2 Range of type approval

14.3 Summary of type tests

14.4 Electrical type tests on completed cables

15 Type tests on accessories

15.1 General

15.2 Range of type approval

15.3 Summary of type tests

15.4 Electrical type tests on accessories

16 Electrical tests after installation

16.1 General

16.2 DC voltage test of the oversheath

16.3 AC voltage test of the insulation

Annex A (informative) Determination of the cable conductor temperature

Annex В (normative) Rounding of numbers

Annex C (informative) List of type, prequalification and extension of prequalification tests for cable systems, cables and accessories

Annex D (normative) Method of measuring resistivity of semi-conducting screens

Annex E (normative) Water penetration test

Annex F (normative) Tests on components of cables with a longitudinally applied metal tape or foil, bonded to the oversheath

Annex G (normative) Tests of outer protection for joints

Annex H (normative) Determination of hardness of HEPR insulations


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