ДСТУ EN ISO 6892-1:2022 Металеві матеріали. Випробування на розтягування. Частина 1. Метод випробування за кімнатної температури (EN ISO 6892-1:2019, IDT; ISO 6892-1:2019, IDT)

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ДСТУ EN ISO 6892-1:2022
(EN ISO 6892-1:2019, IDT; ISO 6892-1:2019, IDT)

Металеві матеріали. Випробування на розтягування.
Частина 1. Метод випробування за кімнатної температури

Не є офіційним виданням.
Офіційне видання розповсюджує національний орган стандартизації
(ДП «УкрНДНЦ» http://uas.gov.ua)




1 Scope

2 Normative references

3 Terms and definitions

4 Symbols

5 Principle

6 Test pieces

6.1 Shape and dimensions

6.2 Types

6.3 Preparation of test pieces

7 Determination of original cross-sectional area

8 Original gauge length and extensometer gauge length

8.1 Choice of the original gauge length

8.2 Marking the original gauge length

8.3 Choice of the extensometer gauge length

9 Accuracy of testing apparatus

10 Conditions of testing

10.1 Setting the force zero point

10.2 Method of gripping

10.3 Testing rates

11 Determination of the upper yield strength

12 Determination of the lower yield strength

13 Determination of proof strength, plastic extension

14 Determination of proof strength, total extension

15 Method of verification of permanent set strength

16 Determination of the percentage yield point extension

17 Determination of the percentage plastic extension at maximum force

18 Determination of the percentage total extension at maximum force

19 Determination of the percentage total extension at fracture

20 Determination of percentage elongation after fracture

21 Determination of percentage reduction of area

22 Test report

23 Measurement uncertainty

23.1 General

23.2 Test conditions

23.3 Test results

Annex A (informative) Recommendations concerning the use of computer-controlled tensile testing machines

Annex B (normative) Types of test pieces to be used for thin products: sheets, strips, and flats between 0,1 mm and 3 mm thick

Annex C (normative) Types of test pieces to be used for wire, bars, and sections with a diameter or thickness of less than 4 mm

Annex D (normative) Types of test pieces to be used for sheets and flats of thickness equal to or greater than 3 mm and wire, bars, and sections of diameter or thickness equal to or greater than 4 mm

Annex E (normative) Types of test pieces to be used for tubes

Annex F (informative) Estimation of the crosshead separation rate in consideration of the stiffness (or compliance) of the testing equipment

Annex G (normative) Determination of the modulus of elasticity of metallic materials using a uniaxial tensile test

Annex H (informative) Measuring the percentage elongation after fracture if the specified value is less than 5 %

Annex I (informative) Measurement of percentage elongation after fracture based on subdivision of the original gauge length

Annex J (informative) Determination of the percentage plastic elongation without necking, Awn, for long products such as bars, wire, and rods

Annex K (informative) Estimation of the uncertainty of measurement

Annex L (informative) Precision of tensile testing — Results from interlaboratory programmes


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