ДСТУ EN 13732:2023 Машини для харчової промисловості об`ємні охолоджувачі молока для ферм. Вимоги до робочих характеристик, безпеки та гігієни (EN 13732:2022, IDT)

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ДСТУ EN 13732:2023
(EN 13732:2022, IDT)

Машини для харчової промисловості об'ємні охолоджувачі молока для ферм.
Вимоги до робочих характеристик, безпеки та гігієни


Не є офіційним виданням.
Офіційне видання розповсюджує національний орган стандартизації
(ДП «УкрНДНЦ» http://uas.gov.ua)


European foreword


1 Scope

2 Normative references

3 Terms and definitions

4 Safety requirements and/or protective measures — Performance

4.1 General

4.2 Mechanical hazards

4.3 Electrical hazards

4.4 Thermal hazards and hazards generated by materials and substances used

4.5 Hygiene

4.6 Energy consumption

4.7 Ergonomics

4.8 Provisions for maintenance

4.9 Other general requirements for tanks

4.10 Additional requirements for ice bank tanks

4.11 Noise

5 Verification and tests

6 Information for use

6.1 General

6.2 Warning signs and signals

6.3 Instruction handbook

6.4 Instructions check list

6.5 Installation and maintenance instructions

6.6 Minimum marking

Annex A (informative) List of significant hazards

Annex В (normative) Noise test code (Grade 2 of accuracy)

Annex C (normative) Electrical requirements for bulk milk coolers according to EN 60204-1:2018

Annex D (normative) Electrical requirements for bulk milk coolers according to EN 60335-1:2012

Annex E (normative) Test for cooling, thermal insulation, mixing tests

Annex F (normative) Test for cleanability and cleaning performance

Annex G (normative) Sampling methods for milk mixing tests

Annex H (normative) Equipment and installation for the tests for cleanability and cleaning performance required in Annex F

Annex I (normative) Evaluation of stainless steel equivalence

Annex J (informative) Example of milk tank service record

Annex К (informative) Estimation and measurement of the energy consumption

Annex L (informative) Safe access and rescue

Annex ZA (informative) Relationship between this European Standard and the essential requirements of Directive 2006/42/EC aimed to be covered


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