ДСТУ EN 50126-2:2022 Залізничний транспорт. Специфікація та демонстрація надійності, доступності, ремонтопридатності та безпеки (RAMS). Частина 2. Системний підхід до безпеки (EN 50126-2:2017, IDT)

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ДСТУ EN 50126-2:2022
(EN 50126-2:2017, IDT)

Залізничний транспорт. Специфікація та демонстрація надійності,

доступності, ремонтопридатності та безпеки (RAMS). Частина 2. Системний підхід до безпеки


Не є офіційним виданням.
Офіційне видання розповсюджує національний орган стандартизації
(ДП «УкрНДНЦ» http://uas.gov.ua)


European foreword


1 Scope

2 Normative references

3 Terms and definitions

4 Abbreviations

5 Safety process

5.1 Risk assessment and hazard control

5.2 A. Risk assessment

5.3 B. Outcome of the risk assessment

5.4 C. Hazard control

5.5 D. Revision of risk assessment

5.6 Responsibilities

6 Safety demonstration and acceptance

6.1 Introduction

6.2 Safety demonstration and safety acceptance process

6.3 Responsibility in managing the Safety Case

6.4 Modifications after safety acceptance

6.5 Dependencies between Safety Cases

6.6 Relationship between safety cases and system architecture

7 Organisation and Independence of Roles

7.1 General

7.2 Early phases of the lifecycle (phases 1 to 4)

7.3 Later phases of the lifecycle (starting from phase 5)

7.4 Personnel Competence

8 Risk assessment

8.1 Introduction

8.2 Risk Analysis

8.3 Risk acceptance principles and risk evaluation

8.4 Application of explicit risk estimation

3 9 Specification of System Safety Requirements

9.1 General

9.2 Safety requirements

9.3 Categorization of Safety Requirements

10 Apportionment of functional Safety Integrity requirements

10.1 Deriving and apportioning system safety requirements

10.2 Functional safety integrity for electronic systems

10.3 Safety Integrity for non-electronic systems – Application of CoP

11 Design and implementation

11.1 Introduction

11.2 Causal analysis

11.3 Hazard identification (refinement)

11.4 Common cause analysis

Annex A (informative) ALARP, GAME, MEM

Annex B (informative) Using failure and accident statistics to derive a THR

Annex C (informative) Guidance on SIL Allocation

Annex D (informative) Safety target apportionment methods

Annex E (informative) Common mistakes in quantification

Annex F (informative) Techniques / methods for safety analysis

Annex G (informative) Key system safety roles and responsibilities

Annex ZZ (informative) Relationship between this European Standard and the Essential Requirements of EU Directive 2008/57/EC


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