ДСТУ EN 12405-2:2014 Коректори до лічильників газу електронні. Частина 2. Обчислення енергії (EN 12405-2:2012, IDT)

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Міністерство економічного розвитку і торгівлі України

Наказ від 30.12.2014 № 1494

EN 12405-2:2012

Gas meters - Conversion devices -
Part 2: Energy conversion

прийнято як національний стандарт
методом «підтвердження» за позначенням

ДСТУ EN 12405-2:2014
(EN 12405-2:2012, IDT)

Коректори до лічильників газу електронні.
Частина 2. Обчислення енергії

З наданням чинності від 2016–01–01




1 Scope

2 Normative references

3 Terms, definitions and symbols

3.1 Terms and definition

3.2 Symbols and subscripts

3.3 Classification

4 Principles of energy determination

5 Rated operating conditions

5.1 General

5.2 Specified field of measurement

5.3 Environmental conditions

5.4 Power supply

6 Construction requirements

6.1 General

6.2 General (including software)

6.3 Casings (and sealing)

6.4 Indications

6.5 Inputs and outputs for energy determination

6.6 Battery powered ECD

6.7 Security devices and alarms

6.8 Specific provisions applicable to gas chromatographs

7 Installation requirements

7.1 General

7.2 CVDD

8 Metrological requirements

8.1 Reference conditions

8.2 Rated operating conditions

8.3 MPEs

8.4 Conditions for matching associated measurement instruments (modular approach)

8.5 Influence factor tests

8.6 Disturbance tests

8.7 Verification of data transmission interfaces

8.8 CVDD metrological requirements

9 Tests of conformity

9.1 General

9.2 Verification of construction requirements

9.3 Verification of performance requirements

10 Marking

10.1 General

10.2 Marking of energy calculator (or ECD)

10.3 Marking of CVDD

11 Installation and operating instructions

Annex A (normative) Type test of the energy calculator (EC)

Annex B (normative) Type test of the calorific value determination device (CVDD)

Annex C (normative) Type approval tests of volume conversion device (VCD)

Annex D (normative) Compatibility test for the set of VCD + CVDD + EC

Annex E (normative) Type approval test of the VCD/EC

Annex F (normative) Type approval test of the EC/CVDD

Annex G (normative) Type approval test of the VCD/EC/CVDD

Annex H (normative) Environmental influences (test procedures)

Annex I (normative) Testing of the data transmission interface of ECD


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