ДСТУ IEC 61850-7-4:2014 Комунікаційні мережі та системи для автоматизації електроенергетичних підприємств. Частина 7-4. Базова комунікаційна структура. Сумісні класи логічних вузлів та класи даних (IEC 61850-...
Частина 7-4. Базова комунікаційна структура Сумісні класи логічних
вузлів та класи даних
(ІЕС 61850-7-4:2010, IDT)
ДСТУ ІЕС 61850-7-4:2014
Національний вступ
ІЕС 61850-7-4:2010
Додаток НА Перелік національних стандартів України, згармонізованих із міжнародними нормативними документами, на які є посилання в ІЕС 61850-7-4:2010
1 Scope
2 Normative references
3 Terms and definitions
4 Abbreviated terms
5 Logical node classes
5.1 Logical node groups
5.2 Interpretation of logical node tables
5.3 System logical nodes LN group: L
5.3.1 LN: relationships
5.3.2 LN: Physical device information Name: LPHD
5.3.3 LN: common logical node Name: Common LN
5.3.4 LN: Logical node zero Name: LLNO
5.3.5 LN: Physical communication channel supervision Name: LCCH
5.3.6 LN: GOOSE subscription Name: LGOS
5.3.7 LN: Sampled value subscription Name: LSVS
5.3.8 LN: Time management Name: LTIM
5.3.9 LN: Time master supervision Name: LTMS
5.3.10 LN: Service tracking Name: LTRK
5.4 Logical nodes for automatic control LN Group: A
5.4.1 Modelling remarks
5.4.2 LN: Neutral current regulator Name: ANCR
5.4.3 LN: Reactive power control Name: ARCO
5.4.4 LN: Resistor control Name: ARIS
5.4.5 LN: Automatic tap changer controller Name: ATCC
5.4.6 LN: Voltage control Name: AVCO
5.5 Logical nodes for control LN Group: С
5.5.1 Modelling remarks
5.5.2 LN: Alarm handling Name: CALH
5.5.3 LN: Cooling group control Name: CCGR
5.5.4 LN: Interlocking Name: CILO
5.5.5 LN: Point-on-wave switching Name: CPOW
5.5.6 LN: Switch controller Name: CSWI
5.5.7 LN: Synchronizer controller Name: CSYN
5.6 Logical nodes for functional blocks LN group F
5.6.1 Modelling remarks
5.6.2 LN: Counter Name: FCNT
5.6.3 LN: Curve shape description Name: FCSD
5.6.4 LN: Generic filter Name: FFIL
5.6.5 LN: Control function output limitation Name: FLIM
5.6.6 LN: PID regulator Name: FPID
5.6.7 LN: Ramp function Name: FRMP
5.6.8 LN: Set-point control function Name: FSPT
5.6.9 LN: Action at over threshold Name: FXOT
5.6.10 LN: Action at under threshold Name: FXUT
5.7 Logical nodes for generic references LN Group: G
5.7.1 Modelling remarks
5.7.2 LN: Generic automatic process control Name: GAPC
5.7.3 LN: Generic process I/O Name: GGIO
5.7.4 LN: Generic log Name: GLOG
5.7.5 LN: Generic security application Name: GSAL
5.8 Logical nodes for interfacing and archiving LN Group: 1
5.8.1 Modelling remarks
5.8.2 LN: Archiving Name: IARC
5.8.3 LN: Human machine interface Name: IHMI
5.8.4 LN: Safety alarm function Name: ISAF
5.8.5 LN: Telecontrol interface Name: ITCI
5.8.6 LN: Telemonitoring interface Name: ITMI
5.8.7 LN: Teleprotection communication interfaces Name: ITPC
5.9 Logical nodes for mechanical and non-electric primary equipment LN group К
5.9.1 Modelling remarks
5.9.2 LN: Fan Name: KFAN
5.9.3 LN: Filter Name: KFIL
5.9.4 LN: Pump Name: KPMP
5.9.5 LN: Tank Name: KTNK
5.9.6 LN: Valve control Name: KVLV
5.10 Logical nodes for metering and measurement LN Group: M
5.10.1 Modelling remarks
5.10.2 LN: Environmental information Name: MENV
5.10.3 LN: Flicker measurement name Name: MFLK
5.10.4 LN: Harmonics or interharmonics Name: MHAI
5.10.5 LN: Non-phase-related harmonics or interharmonics Name: MHAN
5.10.6 LN: Hydrological information Name: MHYD
5.10.7 LN: DC measurement Name: MMDC
5.10.8 LN: Meteorological information Name: MMET
5.10.9 LN: Metering Name: MMTN
5.10.10 LN: Metering Name: MMTR
5.10.11 LN: Non-phase-related measurement Name: MMXN
5.10.12 LN: Measurement Name: MMXU
5.10.13 LN: Sequence and imbalance Name: MSQI
5.10.14 LN: Metering statistics Name: MSTA
5.11 Logical nodes for protection functions LN Group: P
5.11.1 Modelling remarks
5.11.2 LN: Differential Name: PDIF
5.11.3 LN: Direction comparison Name: PDIR
5.11.4 LN: Distance Name: PDIS
5.11.5 LN: Directional overpower Name: PDOP
5.11.6 LN: Directional underpower Name: PDUP
5.11.7 LN: Rate of change of frequency Name: PFRC
5.11.8 LN: Harmonic restraint Name: PHAR
5.11.9 LN: Ground detector Name: PHIZ
5.11.10 LN: Instantaneous overcurrent Name: PIOC
5.11.11 LN: Motor restart inhibition Name: PMRI
5.11.12 LN: Motor starting time supervision Name: PMSS
5.11.13 LN: Over power factor Name: POPF
5.11.14 LN: Phase angle measuring Name: PPAM
5.11.15 LN: Rotor protection Name: PRTR
5.11.16 LN: Protection scheme Name: PSCH
5.11.17 LN: Sensitive directional earthfault Name: PSDE
5.11.18 LN: Transient earth fault Name: PTEF
5.11.19 LN: Thyristor protection Name: PTHF
5.11.20 LN: Time overcurrent Name: PTOC
5.11.21 LN: Overfrequency Name: PTOF
5.11.22 LN: Overvoltage Name: PTOV
5.11.23 LN: Protection trip conditioning Name: PTRC
5.11.24 LN: Thermal overload Name: PTTR
5.11.25 LN: Undercurrent Name: PTUC
5.11.26 LN: Underfrequency Name: PTUF
5.11.27 LN: Undervoltage Name: PTUV
5.11.28 LN: Underpower factor Name: PUPF
5.11.29 LN: Voltage controlled time overcurrent Name: PVOC
5.11.30 LN: Volts per Hz Name: PVPH
5.11.31 LN: Zero speed or underspeed Name: PZSU
5.12 Logical nodes for power quality events LN Group: Q
5.12.1 Modelling remarks
5.12.2 LN: Frequency variation Name: QFVR
5.12.3 LN: Current transient Name: QITR
5.12.4 LN: Current unbalance variation Name: QIUB
5.12.5 LN: Voltage transient Name: QVTR
5.12.6 LN: Voltage unbalance variation Name: QVUB
5.12.7 LN: Voltage variation Name: QVVR
5.13 Logical nodes for protection related functions LN Group: R
5.13.1 Modelling remarks
5.13.2 LN: Disturbance recorder channel analogue Name: RADR
5.13.3 LN: Disturbance recorder channel binary Name: RBDR
5.13.4 LN: Breaker failure Name: RBRF
5.13.5 LN: Directional element Name: RDIR
5.13.6 LN: Disturbance recorder function Name: RDRE
5.13.7 LN: Disturbance record handling Name: RDRS
5.13.8 LN: Fault locator Name: RFLO
5.13.9 LN: Differential measurements Name: RMXU
5.13.10 LN: Power swing detection/blocking Name: RPSB
5.13.11 LN: Autoreclosing Name: RREC
5.13.12 LN: Synchronism-check Name: RSYN
5.14 Logical nodes for supervision and monitoring LN Group: S
5.14.1 Modelling remarks
5.14.2 LN: Monitoring and diagnostics for arcs Name: SARC
5.14.3 LN: Circuit breaker supervision Name: SCBR
5.14.4 LN: Insulation medium supervision (gas) Name: SIMG
5.14.5 LN: Insulation medium supervision (liquid) Name: SIML
5.14.6 LN: Tap changer supervision Name: SLTC
5.14.7 LN: Supervision of operating mechanism Name: SOPM
5.14.8 LN: Monitoring and diagnostics for partial discharges Name: SPDC
5.14.9 LN: Power transformer supervision Name: SPTR
5.14.10 LN: Circuit switch supervision Name: SSWl
5.14.11 LN: Temperature supervision Name: STMP
5.14.12 LN: Vibration supervision Name: SVBR
5.15 Logical nodes for instrument transformers and sensors LN Group: T
5.15.1 Modelling remarks
5.15.2 LN: Angle Name: TANG
5.15.3 LN: Axial displacement Name: TAXD
5.15.4 LN: Current transformer Name: TCTR
5.15.5 LN: Distance Name: TDST
5.15.6 LN: Liquid flow Name: TFLW
5.15.7 LN: Frequency Name: TFRQ
5.15.8 LN: Generic sensor Name: TGSN
5.15.9 LN: Humidity Name: THUM
5.15.10 LN: Media level Name: TLVL
5.15.11 LN: Magnetic field Name: TMGF
5.15.12 LN: Movement sensor Name: TMVM
5.15.13 LN: Position indicator Name: TPOS
5.15.14 LN: Pressure sensor Name: TPRS
5.15.15 LN: Rotation transmitter Name: TRTN
5.15.16 LN: Sound pressure sensor Name: TSND
5.15.17 LN: Temperature sensor Name: TTMP
5.15.18 LN: Mechanical tension / stress Name: TTNS
5.15.19 LN: Vibration sensor Name: TVBR
5.15.20 LN: Voltage transformer Name: TVTR
5.15.21 LN: Water acidity Name: TWPH
5.16 Logical nodes for switchgear LN Group: X
5.16.1 Modelling remarks
5.16.2 LN: Circuit breaker Name: XCBR
5.16.3 LN: Circuit switch Name: XSWI
5.17 Logical nodes for power transformers LN Group: Y
5.17.1 Modelling remarks
5.17.2 LN: Earth fault neutralizer (Petersen coil) Name: YEFN
5.17.3 LN: Tap changer Name: YLTC
5.17.4 LN: Power shunt Name: YPSH
5.17.5 LN: Power transformer Name: YPTR
5.18 Logical nodes for further power system equipment LN Group: Z
5.18.1 Modelling remarks
5.18.2 LN: Auxiliary network Name: ZAXN
5.18.3 LN: Battery Name: ZBAT
5.18.4 LN: Bushing Name: ZBSH
5.18.5 LN: Power cable Name: ZCAB
5.18.6 LN: Capacitor bank Name: ZCAP
5.18.7 LN: Converter Name: ZCON
5.18.8 LN: Generator Name: ZGEN
5.18.9 LN: Gas insulated line Name: ZGIL
5.18.10 LN: Power overhead line Name: ZLIN
5.18.11 LN: Motor Name: ZMOT
5.18.12 LN: Reactor Name: ZREA
5.18.13 LN: Resistor Name: ZRES
5.18.14 LN: Rotating reactive component Name: ZRRC
5.18.15 LN: Surge arrestor Name: ZSAR
5.18.16 LN: Semi-conductor controlled rectifier Name: ZSCR
5.18.17 LN: Synchronous machine Name: ZSMC
5.18.18 LN: Thyristor controlled frequency converter Name: ZTCF
5.18.19 LN: Thyristor controlled reactive component Name: ZTCR
6 Data object name semantics
Annex A (normative) Interpretation of mode and behaviour
Annex В (normative) Local I Remote concept
Annex С (informative) Deprecated logical node classes
Annex D (informative) Relationship between this standard and ІЕС 61850-5
Annex E (informative) Algorithms used in logical nodes for automatic control
Annex F (normative) Statistical calculation
Annex G (normative) Functional relationship of data objects of autorecloser RREC
Annex H (normative) SCL enumerations
Figure 1 - Overview of this standard
Figure 2 - LOGICAL NODE relationships
Figure E.1 - Example of curve based on an indexed gate position providing water flow
Figure E.2 - Example of curve based on an indexed guide vane position (x axis) vs. net head (y axis) giving an interpolated runner blade position (Z axis)
Figure E.3 - Example of a proportional-integral-derivate controller
Figure E.4 - Example of a power stabilisation system
Figure E.5 - Example of a ramp generator
Figure E.6 - Example of an interface with a set-point algorithm
Figure F.1 - Statistical calculation of a vector 168
Figure F.2 - Examples of statistical calculations
Figure G.1 - Diagram of autorecloser function
Table 1 - List of logical node groups
Table 2 - Interpretation of logical node tables
Table 3 - Relation between ІЕС 61850-5 and ІЕС 61850-7-4 for automatic control LNs
Table 4 - Relation between ІЕС 61850-5 and ІЕС 61850-7-4 for control LNs
Table 5 - Conditional attributes in FPID
Table 6 - Relation between ІЕС 61850-5 and ІЕС 61850-7-4 for metering and measurement LNs
Table 7 - Relation between ІЕС 61850-5 and ІЕС 61850-7-4 (this standard) for protection LNs
Table 8 - Relation between ІЕС 61850-5 and . ІЕС 61850-7-4 for protection related LN
Table 9 - Relation between ІЕС 61850-5 and ІЕС 61850-7-4 for supervision and monitoring LNs
Table 10 - Description of data objects
Table A.1 - Values of mode and behaviour
Table A.2 - Definition of mode and behaviour
Table В.1 - Relationship between Loc/Rem data objects and control authority
Table D.1 - Relationship between ІЕС 61850-5 and this standard for some miscellaneous LNs
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