ДСТУ CEN/TR 14383-2:2014 Запобігання злочинам. Місцеве планування та проектування будівель. Частина 2. Місцеве планування (CEN/TR 14383-2:2007, IDT)
Наказом Міністерства економічного розвитку і торгівлі України
від 30.12.2014 № 1494
CEN/TR 14383-2:2007
еn: Prevention of crime - Urban planning and
building design - Part 2: Urban planning
прийнято як національний стандарт
методом «підтвердження» за позначенням
ДСТУ CEN/TR 14383-2:2014
uk: Запобігання злочинам. Місцеве планування та
проектування будівель.
Частина 2. Місцеве планування
(CEN/TR 14383-2:2007, IDT)
З наданням чинності від 2016–01–01
1 Scope
2 Normative references
3 Terms and definitions
4 Preliminary questions: the area, its crime problems and the stakeholders
5 Urban Planning and Design Guidelines
6 Process to prevent and reduce crime and fear of crime by urban planning and management
Annex A (informative) Crime Assessment – Examples of elements to take into account
A.1 Introduction
A.2 Risk assessment: three general aspects
A.3 Specific risk assessment factors for six types of crime and for fear of crime
Annex B (informative) Crime review - Problem identification in an existing area
Annex C (informative) Fear of crime
C.1 Introduction
C.2 Factors which characterise an "unsafe location":
C.2.1 Fear generating activities
C.2.2 Vandalism and bad maintenance
C.3 Problematic urban design
C.3.1 Lack of control
C.3.2 Isolation - lack of visibility by others
C.3.3 Lack of orientation and alternative routes
Annex D (informative) Safety audit framework of an urban project
D.1 The basic principles
D.2 Urban planning strategies
D.2.1 Taking into account the existing social and physical structures
D.2.2 Guaranteeing accessibility and avoiding enclaves
D.2.3 Creating vitality (blending functions and attractive layout)
D.2.4 Providing mixed status (blending socio-economic groups, avoiding isolation and segregation)
D.2.5 Creating adequate urban density to allow vitality and natural surveillance
D.2.6 Avoiding physical barriers (due to infrastructures etc.) and waste land
D.3 Urban design strategies
D.3.1 Layout (continuity of urban fabric and pedestrian and bicycle routes)
D.3.2 Specific location of activities
D.3.3 Time schedules coordination to guarantee continuous natural surveillance
D.3.4 Visibility (overview, sight lines between e.g. dwellings and public space, lighting, etc.)
D.3.5 Accessibility (orientation, space to move, alternatives routes, limiting access for nonauthorized people)
D.3.6 Territoriality (human scale, clear public/private zoning, compartmentalization)
D.3.7 Attractiveness (colour, material, lighting, noise, smell, street furniture)
D.3.8 Robustness (materials e.g. street furniture, fences)
D.4 Management strategies
D.4.1 Target hardening/removal
D.4.2 Maintenance
D.4.3 Surveillance (patrolling, camera monitoring)
D.4.4 Rules (for conduct of the public in public spaces)
D.4.5 Providing infrastructures for particular groups
D.4.6 Communication (of preventive messages and rules of conduct for the public)
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