ДСТУ EN 834:2017 Вимірювачі витрат тепла для визначення тепловіддачі кімнатних опалювальних батарей. Прилади з електроживленням (EN 834:2013, IDT)

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Державне підприємство
«Український науково-дослідний і навчальний центр
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(ДП «УкрНДНЦ»))

Наказ від 31.07.2017 №200

EN 834:2013

Heat cost allocators for the determination of the consumption of
room heating radiators — Appliances with electrical energy supply

прийнято як національний стандарт
 методом «підтвердження» за позначенням

ДСТУ EN 834:2017
(EN 834:2013, IDT)

Вимірювачі витрат тепла для визначення тепловіддачі
кімнатних опалювальних батарей. Прилади з електроживленням

З наданням чинності від 2017-08-01




1 Scope

2 Normative references

3 Terms and definitions

4 Functional principle and measurement methods

 General specifications

5.1 Base condition

5.2 c-value

5.3 Rating factors

5.4 Calendar function

6 Requirements for heat cost allocators

6.1 Requirements concerning temperature stress

6.2 Storage temperature

6.3 Start of counting

6.4 Idle counting rate

6.5 Temperature sensors

6.6 Calculator/central processing unit

6.7 Auxiliary power supply

6.8 Overflow of the display

6.9 Display resolution

6.10 Functional check

6.11 Limits of relative display deviation

6.12 Ageing

6.13 Electrical, electrostatic and magnetic influences

6.14 Thermal impact on heat cost allocators operating in accordance with the single-sensor measurement method

6.15 Thermal impact on heat cost allocators operating in accordance with the two-sensor measurement method

6.16 Thermal impact on other devices or components

6.17 Impact on transmission systems

6.18 Sealing

6.19 Calendar function

6.20 Taking into account operating conditions

7 Requirements for use and installation

7.1 Temperature limits

7.2 Attachment of the sensors

7.3 Attachment position of the sensors

7.4 Connecting cable installation

7.5 Uniformity of heat cost allocators

8 Rating requirements

8.1 Rating factor KQ

8.2 Rating factor KC

8.3 Rating factor KT

8.4 Resulting rating factor K

8.5 c-value

9 Requirements for maintenance and reading

9.1 Visual reading

9.2 Close-range reading

9.3 Remote reading

10 Testing

10.1 General

10.2 Test documents

10.3 Test report

10.4 Test protocols

11 Test procedures

11.1 Construction test

11.2 Sealing test

11.3 Temperature durability test

11.4 Test for compliance with the limits of the relative display deviation

11.5 Ageing resistance test

11.6 Test of the start of counting at normal operation and also, for heat cost allocators with room temperature sensors, at operation with thermal impact

11.7 Test of the idle counting rate

11.8 Test of the counting rate in the case of thermal impact

11.9 Test for external influences

11.10 Test of c-values, procedure

11.11 Test of c-values, scope of testing

11.12 Test of rating factor KQ

11.13 Test of rating factor KC

12 Marking

Annex A (informative) Information and recommendations

 A.1 General

A.2 Heating systems

A.3 Recommended field of application

A.4 Heat emission not controllable by the consumer

A.5 Additional corrections

A.6 Documentation of the relationship between the counting rate and the thermal output


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