ДСТУ EN 50381:2017 Камери переносні вентильовані з внутрішнім джерелом викиду чи без нього (EN 50381:2004; AC:2005, IDT)
ДСТУ EN 50381:2017
(EN 50381:2004, АС:2005, IDT)
Kамери переносні вентильовані з внутрішнім джерелом викиду чи без нього
Не є офіційним виданням.
Офіційне видання розповсюджує національний орган стандартизації
(ДП «УкрНДНЦ» http://uas.gov.ua)
1 Scope
2 Normative references
3 Definitions
4 Construction requirements for TVR's and ducting
4.1 General
4.2 Degree of ingress protection
4.3 Design and construction
4.4 Mechanical strength
4.5 Penetrations
4.6 Floor drains
4.7 Floors
4.8 Doors
4.9 Inspection window(s)
4.10 Apertures
4.11 Enclosures
5 Requirements for TVR's, equipment group I, type of protection vM2
6 Ventilation requirements for TVR's, equipment group II
7 Additional ventilation requirements for TVR'S with an internal source of release
8 Temperature limits
9 Minimum safety provisions and devices
10 Additional safety provisions and devices for TVR's meeting the requirements of type of protection v2 and vM2
11 Additional requirements for TVR’s with an internal source of release
11.1 Assessment of containment systems
11.2 Release conditions
11.3 Design requirements for the containment system
11.4 Ignition capable apparatus in the case of type of protection v2
11.5 Location of apparatus in the case of type of protection v3
11.6 Internal hot surfaces
11.7 Potential source of internal release
12 Requirements for gas detectors
13 Supply of protective gas
13.1 Ventilation
13.2 Leakage Compensation of a Breathable Atmosphere (LCBA)
13.3 Density limits
14 Type verification and tests
14.1 Sequence of tests
14.2 Thermal tests
14.3 Overpressure test
14.4 Purging test
14.5 Verification of minimum pressure differential
14.6 Ventilation flow rate tests for TVR's with an internal source of release
14.7 Overpressure test for containment systems with limited release
14.8 Verification of sequence of operation of the safety devices
14.9 Additional tests
15 Routine tests
15.1 Test conditions
15.2 Verification of minimum pressure differential
15.3 Ventilation flow rate tests for TVR's with an internal source of release
15.4 Overpressure test for containment systems with limited release
15.5 Verification of sequence of operation of the safety devices
15.6 Additional tests
16 Marking
16.1 TVR's all cases
16.2 TVR's with a containment system
16.3 Safety related control systems
16.4 Additional marking
17 Instructions
Annex A (normative) Method of protection of electrical apparatus containing a potential release of a flammable gas or vapour
Annex B (normative) Method of protection of electrical apparatus containing a potential release of a flammable liquid
Annex C (informative) Determination of peak rise in enclosure pressure, resulting from an internal release of a flashing liquid
Annex D (informative) Method of protection of electrical apparatus containing a potential release of a flammable gas or vapour
Annex E (informative) Mathematical model of dilution of a source of release
Annex ZZ (informative) Coverage of Essential Requirements of EC Directives
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