ДСТУ ISO/IEC 23005-2:2017 Інформаційні технології. Контекст і керування медіа. Частина 2. Керування інформацією (ISO/IEC 23005-2:2016, IDT)

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Державне підприємство
«Український науково-дослідний і навчальний центр
проблем стандартизації, сертифікації та якості»
(ДП «УкрНДНЦ»))

Наказ від 20.11.2017 № 373

ISO/IEC 23005-2:2016

Information technology — Media context and control — Part 2: Control

прийнято як національний стандарт
методом «підтвердження» за позначенням

ДСТУ ISO/IEC 23005-2:2017
(ISO/IEC 23005-2:2016, IDT)

Інформаційні технології. Контекст і керування медіа. Частина 2.
Керування інформацією

З наданням чинності від 2018-01-01


1 Scope

2 Normative references

3 Terms, definitions, abbreviated terms and prefixes

3.1 Abbreviated terms

3.2 Use of prefixes

4 Control information description language

4.1 General

4.2 Schema wrapper conventions

4.3 Mnemonics for binary representations

4.4 Common header for binary representations

4.5 Root element and top-level tools

4.6 Sensory device capability description

4.7 Sensor capability description

4.8 User’s sensory preference description

4.9 Sensor adaptation preference description

5 Device capability description vocabulary

5.1 General

5.2 Schema wrapper conventions

5.3 Light capability type

5.4 Flash capability type

5.5 Heating capability type

5.6 Cooling capability type

5.7 Wind capability type

5.8 Vibration capability type

5.9 Scent capability type

5.10 Fog capability type

5.11 Sprayer capability type

5.12 Color correction capability type

5.13 Tactile capability type

5.14 Kinesthetic capability type

5.15 RigidBodyMotion capability type

5.16 Mobile device position capability type

5.17 Bubble capability type

6 Sensor capability description vocabulary

6.1 General

6.2 Schema wrapper conventions

6.3 Light sensor capability type

6.4 Ambient noise sensor capability type

6.5 Temperature sensor capability type

6.6 Humidity sensor capability type

6.7 Distance sensor capability type

6.8 Atmospheric pressure sensor capability type

6.9 Position sensor capability type

6.10 Velocity sensor capability type

6.11 Acceleration sensor capability type

6.12 Orientation sensor capability type

6.13 Angular velocity sensor capability type

6.14 Angular acceleration sensor capability type

6.15 Force sensor capability type

6.16 Torque sensor capability type

6.17 Pressure sensor capability type

6.18 Motion sensor capability type

6.19 Intelligent camera capability type

6.20 Bend sensor capability type

6.21 Gas sensor capability type

6.22 Dust sensor capability type

6.23 Multi interaction point sensor capability type

6.24 Gaze tracking sensor capability type

6.25 Global position sensor capability type

6.26 Altitude sensor capability type

6.27 Weather sensor capability type

6.28 Camera sensor capability type

6.29 Proximity sensor capability type

6.30 Body weight sensor capability type

6.31 Engine oil temperature sensor capability type

6.32 Intake air temperature sensor capability type

6.33 Tire pressure monitor system sensor capability type

6.34 Distance traveled sensor capability type

6.35 Speed sensor capability type

6.36 Vehicle speed sensor capability type

6.37 Mass air flow sensor capability type

6.38 Fuel level sensor capability type

6.39 Manifold absolute pressure sensor capability type

6.40 EngineRPM sensor capability type

7 User's sensory preference vocabulary

7.1 General

7.2 Schema wrapper conventions

7.3 Light preference type

7.4 Flash preference type

7.5 Heating preference type

7.6 Cooling preference type

7.7 Wind preference type

7.8 Vibration preference type

7.9 Scent preference type

7.10 Fog preference type

7.11 Spraying preference type

7.12 Color correction preference type

7.13 Tactile preference type

7.14 Kinesthetic preference type

7.15 RigidBodyMotion preference type

7.16 Bubble preference type

8 Sensor adaptation preference vocabulary

8.1 General

8.2 Schema wrapper conventions

8.3 Light sensor adaptation preference type

8.4 Ambient noise sensor adaptation preference type

8.5 Temperature sensor adaptation preference type

8.6 Humidity sensor adaptation preference type

8.7 Distance sensor adaptation preference type

8.8 Atmospheric pressure sensor adaptation preference type

8.9 Position sensor adaptation preference type

8.10 Velocity sensor adaptation preference type

8.11 Acceleration sensor adaptation preference type

8.12 Orientation sensor adaptation preference type

8.13 Angular velocity sensor adaptation preference type

8.14 Angular acceleration sensor adaptation preference type

8.15 Force sensor adaptation preference type

8.16 Torque sensor adaptation preference type

8.17 Pressure sensor adaptation preference type

8.18 Motion sensor adaptation preference type

8.19 Intelligent camera sensor adaptation preference type

Annex A (normative) Classification schemes

Annex В (informative) Schema documents

Annex C (informative) Patent statements

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