ДСТУ EN 62196-1:2015 Вилки, розетки, транспортні з`єднувачі та вводи. Кондуктивне заряджання електричних транспортних засобів. Частина 1. Загальні вимоги (EN 62196-1:2014, IDT)

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Наказ від 12.02.2016 № 34

EN 62196-1:2014

Plugs, socket-outlets, vehicle connectors and vehicle inlets - Conductive charging of electric vehicles -
Part 1: General requirements

прийнято як зміна до національного стандарту
методом «підтвердження» за позначенням

ДСТУ EN 62196-1:2015
(EN 62196-1:2014, IDT)

Вилки, розетки, транспортні з'єднувачі та вводи. Кондуктивне заряджання електричних транспортних засобів. Частина 1. Загальні вимоги

З наданням чинності від 2016–01–01



1 Scope

2 Normative references

3 Terms and definitions

4 General

4.1 General requirements

4.2 General notes on tests

5 Ratings

5.1 Preferred rated operating voltage ranges

5.2 Preferred rated currents

6 Connection between the power supply and the electric vehicle

6.1 General

6.2 Types of vehicle inlets

6.3 Types of vehicle connectors

6.4 Universal interface

6.5 Basic interface

6.6 D.C. configurations

6.7 Combined interface

6.8 Contact sequencing

7 Classification of accessories

7.1 According to purpose

7.2 According to the method of connecting the conductors

7.3 According to serviceability

7.4 According to electrical operation

7.5 According to interface

7.6 According to use with cable management systems

7.7 According to the locking and interlock functions

7.8 According to the presence of shutter(s)

8 Marking

9 Dimensions

10 Protection against electric shock

11 Size and colour of protective earthing conductors

12 Provisions for protective earthing

13 Terminals

13.1 Common requirements

13.2 Screw type terminals

13.3 Mechanical tests on terminals

14 Interlocks

14.1 Accessories with interlock

14.2 Accessories with integral switching device

14.3 Control circuit devices and switching elements

14.4 Pilot contacts and auxiliary circuits

15 Resistance to ageing of rubber and thermoplastic material

16 General construction

17 Construction of socket-outlets

17.1 General

17.2 Contact tubes

18 Construction of plugs and vehicle connectors

19 Construction of vehicle inlets

20 Degrees of protection

21 Insulation resistance and dielectric strength

22 Breaking capacity

23 Normal operation

24 Temperature rise

25 Flexible cables and their connection

25.1 Strain relief

25.2 Requirements for plugs and vehicle connectors

25.3 Plugs and vehicle connectors provided with a flexible cable

26 Mechanical strength

26.1 General

26.2 Degree of protection

26.3 Rewirable plugs and vehicle connectors

26.4 Non-rewirable accessories

26.5 Cable glands

26.6 Shutters

26.7 Insulated end caps

26.8 Change of temperature test

26.9 Pull test

27 Screws, current-carrying parts and connections

28 Creepage distances, clearances and distances

29 Resistance to heat, to fire and to tracking

30 Corrosion and resistance to rusting

31 Conditional short-circuit current withstand test

31.1 General

31.2 Ratings and test conditions

31.3 Test circuit

31.4 Calibration

31.5 Test procedure

31.6 Behaviour of the equipment under test

31.7 Acceptance conditions

32 Electromagnetic compatibility

32.1 Immunity

32.2 Emission

33 Vehicle driveover


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