ДСТУ CEN/TR 15378-4:2017 Енергоефективність будівель. Системи опалення та гарячого водопостачання будівель. Частина 4. Пояснення та обґрунтування EN 15378-3, Модулі M3-10, M8-10 (CEN/TR 15378-4:2017, IDT)

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Наказ від 13.12.2017 № 414

CEN/TR 15378-4:2017

Energy performance of buildings —
Heating systems and DHW in buildings —
 Part 4: Explanation and justification of EN 15378-3,
Module МЗ-10, M8-10

прийнято як національний стандарт
методом «підтвердження» за позначенням

ДСТУ CEN/TR 15378-4:2017
 (CEN/TR 15378-4:2017, IDT)

Енергоефективність будівель.
Системи опалення та гарячого водопостачання будівель.
Частина 4. Пояснення та обґрунтування EN 15378-3,
Модулі МЗ-10, М8-10

З наданням чинності від 2017-12-15


European foreword


1 Scope

2 Normative references

3 Terms and definitions

4 Symbols, subscripts and abbreviations

4.1 Symbols

4.2 Subscripts

4.3 Abbreviations

5 Description of the methods

5.1 Available procedures

5.2 Assessment of measured heating and domestic hot water delivered energy

5.3 Assessment of measured boiler combustion efficiency

5.4 Assessment of boiler seasonal efficiency

5.5 Domestic hot water system efficiency

5.6 Other measurement methods

6 Measured delivered energy for heating and domestic hot water

6.1 Rationale and output data

6.2 Assessment and measurement periods and intervals

6.3 Input data

6.4 Assessment of delivered and exported energy carriers amount

6.5 Data about boundary conditions

6.6 Converting to delivered and exported energy

6.7 Preparation of data

6.8 Interpolation of seasonal measurements

6.9 Energy signature method

6.10 Special cases

6.11 Plain reporting

6.12 Exported energy

6.13 Reporting

6.14 Limits of application

6.15 Linear regression sub procedure

6.16 Examples

7 Boiler combustion efficiency

7.1 Output data

7.2 Input data

7.3 Measuring procedure

7.4 Combustion efficiency calculation

7.5 Reporting

8 Assessment of measured heating generation efficiency

8.1 Output data

8.2 Input data

8.3 Available methods

8.4 Boiler ficmb (average load) determination

8.5 Estimation of loss factors

8.6 Reporting

9 Assessment of measured domestic hot water delivered energy and system efficiency

9.1 Domestic hot water delivered energy

9.2 Domestic hot water efficiency

9.3 Reporting

10 Assessment of measured heat pump efficiency

11 Assessment of the energy performance for other services

12 Quality control

13 Compliance check

14 Method selection

15 Worked out examples

16 Application range

16.1 Energy performance assessment

16.2 Inspection

16.3 Recommendations (tailored rating)

17 Regulation use

18 Information on the accompanying spreadsheet

19 Results of the validation tests

20 Quality issues

20.1 Assessment of measured delivered energy

20.2 Combustion efficiency

20.3 Seasonal efficiency estimation

Annex A (informative) Template for choices, input data and references

Annex B (informative) Default choices, input data and references

Annex C (informative) Template for the input data preparation and presentation

Annex D (informative) Calculation flowcharts

Annex E (informative) Calculation examples

Annex F (informative) History of this document


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