ДСТУ EN 15316-5:2017 Енергоефективність будівель. Метод розрахунку енергопотреби та енергоефективності системи. Частина 5. Акумуляційні системи для опалення та гарячого водопостачання (крім охолодження), Моду...

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Наказ від 13.12.2017 № 414

EN 15316-5:2017

Energy performance of buildings — Method for calculation of system
energy requirements and system efficiencies — Part 5: Space heating
and DHW storage systems (not cooling), Module M3-7, M8-7

прийнято як національний стандарт
методом «підтвердження» за позначенням

ДСТУ EN 15316-5:2017 (EN 15316-5:2017, IDT)

Енергоефективність будівель. Метод розрахунку енергопотреби
та енергоефективності системи. Частина 5. Акумуляційні системи для опалення
та гарячого водопостачання (крім охолодження), Модулі M3-8-1, M8-8-1

З наданням чинності від 2017-12-15



1 Scope

2 Normative references.

3 Terms and definitions

4 Symbols and abbreviations

4.1 Symbols

4.2 Subscripts.

5 Description of the methods

5.1 Output of the method

5.2 Extension of the method

5.3 Technologies covered and schematisation of the hot water storage system

5.4 Principles for hot water storage systems

6 Calculation of storage systems

6.1 Output data

6.2 Calculation time steps

6.3 Input data

6.3.1 Source of data

6.3.2 Product data

6.3.3 System design data

6.3.4 Control

6.3.5 Operating conditions

6.3.6 Constants and physical data

6.4 Calculation procedure

6.4.1 Applicable time-step

6.4.2 Operating conditions calculation

6.4.3 Energy calculation (storage modelled with multi volumes - Method A)

6.4.4 Simplified calculation procedure (storage modelled with a single volume - Method B)

6.4.5 Thermal losses

6.4.6 Calculation of the auxiliary energy

6.4.7 Recoverable, recovered thermal losses

7 Quality control

8 Compliance check

Annex A (informative) Template for input data and choices..

A.1 Model information

A.2 Product description data.

A.2.1 Storage type.

A.2.2 Type of energy use (services)

A.2.3 Storage fuel

A.2.4 CE marking

A.2.5 Dimension

A.2.6 Energy input/output

A.2.7 Multiple energy input/output

A.2.8 Stand-by thermal losses

A.2.9 Factors for energy recovery

A.3 Design data

A.3.1 Localization

A.3.2 Hydraulic connection

A.3.3 Storage control type

A.3.3.1 Type of control

A.3.3.2 Adaptation of thermal losses for monthly or annual step time

A.4 Operative conditions for method A - hourly calculation time step

A.5 Operative conditions for Method B - bin, monthly or annual calculation time step

Annex B (informative) Default Input data

B.l Model information

B.2 Product description data

B.2.1 Storage type

B.2.2 Type of energy use (services)

B.2.3 Storage fuel

B.2.4 CE marking

B.2.5 Dimension

B.2.6 Energy input/output

B.2.7 Multiple energy input/output-

B.2.8 Stand-by thermal losses

B.2.9 Factors for energy recovery

B.3 Design data

B.3.1 Localization

B.3.2 Hydraulic connection

B.3.3 Storage control type

B.3.3.1 Type of control

B.3.3.2 Adaptation of thermal losses for monthly or annual step time

B.4 Operative conditions for method A - hourly calculation time step

B.5 Operative conditions for Method B - bin, monthly or annual calculation time step

Annex C (normative) Selection of methods

C.1 Method A - Model based on a representation of stratified temperature in the storage

C.1.1 Applicability of the stratified model

C.1.2 Selection of the number of volumes to model the storage unit

C.2 Method B - Model based on a representation of an homogenous temperature in the storage

Annex D (informative) Alternative presentation for Method A

D.1 Step 2 - Direct withdrawal of a heat quantity (volume to w ithdraw )

D.1.1 General

D.1.2 Additional

D.2 Step 3 - Temperature of the storage after volume withdrawal

D.3 Step 6 - indirect heat input and output

D.4 Rearrange temperatures in the storage to a natural state

D.5 Heat exchanger - additional

D.5.1 General

D.5.2 Indirect heat input in the storage, using a solar collector loop

D.5.3 Indirect heat output from the storage to the space heating service


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