ДСТУ EN 12109:2018 Вакуумні дренажні системи всередині будівель (EN 12109:1999, IDT)

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Наказ від 26.06.2018 № 187

EN 12109:1999

Vacuum drainage systems inside buildings

прийнято як національний стандарт
методом «підтвердження» за позначенням

ДСТУ EN 12109:2018
(EN 12109:1999, IDT)

Вакуумні дренажні системи всередині будівель

З наданням чинності від 2018–07–02




1 Scope

2 Normative references

3 Definitions

4 System description

5 Principal design factors

5.1 General

5.2 Health and safety

5.3 Availability

5.4 Reliability

5.5 Maintainability

5.6 Noise and odour control

5.7 Energy economy

5.8 Fire resistance

6 Performance

6.1 Wastewater discharge

6.2 Vacuum at line extremities

6.3 Vacuum recovery time

6.4 Automatic restart

7 Design

7.1 General

7.2 Static losses

7.3 Wastewater flow rate

7.4 Dynamic losses

7.5 Vacuum recovery

7.6 System controls

7.7 System status monitoring

8 Installation

9 Commissioning

9.1 General

9.2 Commissioning tests

10 Maintenance

11 Verification

11.1 General

11.2 Performance requirements

11.3 Design requirements

11.4 Installation requirements

12 Assessment of general performance

13 Quality control

Annex A (normative) Methods of verification of compliance with the requirements of this standard

Annex B (normative) Test procedures

B.1 Tightness tests

B.2 System performance tests

Annex C (normative) Calculation of probable wastewater flow rate

C.1 Probability calculation

C.2 Discharge from domestic sanitary appliances

C.3 Selection of the reduction factor (K)

C.4 Vacuum toilets

Annex D (informative) Vacuum drainage systems products — Requirements and verification

D.1 Performance requirements

D.2 Design requirements

D.3 Verification of compliance with requirements

D.4 Quality assurance

Annex E (informative) Applications of vacuum drainage systems

E.1 General

E.2 System layout

E.3 Support

Annex F (informative)


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