ДСТУ ISO/IEC 18384-2:2018 Інформаційні технології. Еталонна архітектура для сервіс-орієнтованої архітектури (СОА). Частина 2. Еталонна архітектура для SОА-рішень (ISO/IEC 18384-2:2016, IDT)

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Наказ від 11.12.2018 № 475

ISO/IEC 18384-2:2016

Information technology — Reference Architecture for Service Oriented
 Architecture (SOA RA) — Part 2: Reference Architecture for SOA Solutions

прийнято як національний стандарт
методом «підтвердження» за позначенням

ДСТУ ISO/IEC 18384-2:2018
(ISO/IEC 18384-2:2016, IDT)

Інформаційні технології. Еталонна архітектура для сервіс-орієнтованої
архітектури (СОА). Частина 2. Еталонна архітектура для SОА-рішень

З наданням чинності від 2019–01–01




1 Scope

2 Normative references

3 Terms, definitions and abbreviated terms

3.1 Terms and definitions

3.2 Abbreviated terms

4 Notations

5 Conventions

6 Conformance

7 Overview

7.1 Introduction to SOA

7.2 Introduction to the SOA Reference Architecture

7.3 Metamodel

7.4 Capabilities

7.5 Reference Architecture for SOA Solutions

7.6 Common Services Categories

7.7 Assumptions and Key Concepts

8 Operational and IT Systems Layer

8.1 Overview

8.2 Details of ABBs and Supported Capabilities

8.3 Inter-Relationships between the ABBs

8.4 Significant Intersection Points with other Layers

8.5 Usage Implications and Guidance

9 Service Component Layer

9.1 Overview

9.2 Details of ABBs and Supported Capabilities

9.3 Inter-Relationships between the ABBs

9.4 Significant Intersection Points with other Layers

9.5 Usage Implications and Guidance

10 Service Layer

10.1 Overview

10.2 Details of ABBs and Supported Capabilities

10.3 Inter-Relationships between the ABBs

10.4 Significant Intersection Points with other Layers

10.5 Usage Implications and Guidance

11 Process Layer

11.1 Overview

11.2 Details of ABBs and Supported Capabilities

11.3 Inter-Relationships between the ABBs

11.4 Significant Intersection Points with other Layers

11.5 Usage Implications and Guidance

12 Consumer Layer

12.1 Overview

12.2 Details of ABBs and Supported Capabilities

12.3 Inter-Relationships between the ABBs

12.4 Significant Intersection Points with other Layers

12.5 Usage Implications and Guidance

13 Integration Aspect

13.1 Overview

13.2 Details of ABBs and Supported Capabilities

13.3 Inter-Relationships between the ABBs

13.4 Significant Intersection Points with other Layers

13.5 Usage Implications and Guidance

14 Management and Security (MaS) Aspect

14.1 Overview

14.2 Details of ABBs and Supported Capabilities

14.3 Inter-Relationships between the ABBs

14.4 Significant Intersection Points with other Layers

14.5 Usage Implications and Guidance

15 Information Aspect

15.1 Overview

15.2 Details of ABBs and Supported Capabilities

15.3 Inter-Relationships between the ABBs

15.4 Significant Intersection Points with other Layers

15.5 Usage Implications and Guidance

16 Governance Aspect

16.1 Overview

16.2 Supported Capabilities

16.3 Inter-Relationships between the ABBs

16.4 Significant Intersection Points with other Layers

16.5 Usage Implications and Guidance

17 Development Aspect

17.1 Overview

17.2 Details of ABBs and Supported Capabilities

17.3 Inter-Relationships between the ABBs

17.4 Significant Intersection Points with other Layers

17.5 Usage Implications and Guidance

18 Common Service Categories

18.1 General

18.2 Mediation Services

18.3 Interaction Services

18.4 Process Services

18.5 Information Services

18.6 Access Services

18.7 Security Services

18.8 Partner Services

18.9 Lifecycle Services

18.10 Asset and Registry/Repository Services

18.11 Infrastructure Services

18.12 Management Services

18.13 Development Services

18.14 Strategy and Planning Services

18.15 Business Application Services

18.16 Business Services

18.17 Considering Implementations of Common Service Categories using Reference Architecture

18.18 Summary

19 Related Work and Usages of the SOA RA


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