ДСТУ ISO/IEC 8825-2:2019 Інформаційні технології. Правила кодування ASN.1. Частина 2. Специфікація правил упакованого кодування (РER) (ISO/IEC 8825-2:2015, IDT)

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«Український науково-дослідний і навчальний центр
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Наказ від 16.10.2019 № 312

ISO/IEC 8825-2:2015

Information technology — ASN.1 encoding rules:
Specification of Packed Encoding Rules (PER) — Part 2:

прийнято як національний стандарт
методом підтвердження за позначенням

ДСТУ ISO/IEC 8825-2:2019
(ISO/IEC 8825-2:2015, IDT)

Інформаційні технології. Правила кодування ASN.1.
Частина 2. Специфікація правил упакованого кодування (РER)

З наданням чинності від 2019–11–01

Відповідає офіційному тексту

З питань придбання офіційного видання звертайтесь
до національного органу стандартизації
(ДП «УкрНДНЦ» http://uas.org.ua)



1 Scope

2 Normative references

2.1 Identical Recommendations | International Standards

2.2 Additional references

3 Definitions

3.1 Specification of Basic Notation

3.2 Information Object Specification

3.3 Constraint Specification

3.4 Parameterization of ASN.1 Specification

3.5 Basic Encoding Rules

3.6 PER Encoding Instructions

3.7 Additional definitions

4 Abbreviations

5 Notation

6 Convention

7 Encoding rules defined in this Recommendation | International Standard

8 Conformance

9 PER encoding instructions

10 The approach to encoding used for PER

10.1 Use of the type notation

10.2 Use of tags to provide a canonical order

10.3 PER-visible constraints

10.4 Type and value model used for encoding

10.5 Structure of an encoding

10.6 Types to be encoded

11 Encoding procedures

11.1 Production of the complete encoding

11.2 Open type fields

11.3 Encoding as a non-negative-binary-integer

11.4 Encoding as a 2's-complement-binary-integer

11.5 Encoding of a constrained whole number

11.6 Encoding of a normally small non-negative whole number

11.7 Encoding of a semi-constrained whole number

11.8 Encoding of an unconstrained whole number

11.9 General rules for encoding a length determinant

12 Encoding the boolean type

13 Encoding the integer type

14 Encoding the enumerated type

15 Encoding the real type

16 Encoding the bitstring type

17 Encoding the octetstring type

18 Encoding the null type

19 Encoding the sequence type

20 Encoding the sequence-of type

21 Encoding the set type

22 Encoding the set-of type

23 Encoding the choice type

24 Encoding the object identifier type

25 Encoding the relative object identifier type

26 Encoding the internationalized resource reference type

27 Encoding the relative internationalized resource reference type

28 Encoding the embedded-pdv type

29 Encoding of a value of the external type

30 Encoding the restricted character string types

31 Encoding the unrestricted character string type

32 Encoding the time type, the useful time types, the defined time types and the additional time types

32.1 General

32.2 Encoding subtypes with the "Basic=Date" property setting

32.3 Encoding subtypes with the "Basic=Time" property setting

32.4 Encoding subtypes with the "Basic=Date-Time" property setting

32.5 Encoding subtypes with the "Basic=Interval Interval-type=SE" property setting

32.6 Encoding subtypes with the "Basic=Interval Interval-type=D" property setting

32.7 Encoding subtypes with the "Basic=Interval Interval-type=SD" or "Basic=Interval Interval-type=DE" property setting

32.8 Encoding subtypes with the "Basic=Rec-Interval Interval-type=SE" property setting

32.9 Encoding subtypes with the "Basic=Rec-Interval Interval-type=D" property setting

32.10 Encoding subtypes with the "Basic=Rec-Interval Interval-type=SD" or "Basic=Rec-Interval Interval-type=DE" property setting

32.11 Encoding subtypes with mixed settings of the Basic property

33 Object identifiers for transfer syntaxes

Annex A Example of encodings

Annex B Combining PER-visible and non-PER-visible constraints

Annex C Support for the PER algorithms 

Annex D Support for the ASN.1 rules of extensibility

Annex E Tutorial annex on concatenation of PER encodings

Annex F Identification of Encoding Rules   

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