ДСТУ ISO/IEC 8825-3:2019 Інформаційні технології. Правила кодування ASN.1. Частина 3. Специфікація керівної нотації кодування (EСN) (ISO/IEC 8825-3:2015, IDT)

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Наказ від 16.10.2019 № 312

ISO/IEC 8825-3:2015

Information technology — ASN.1 encoding rules:
Specification of Encoding Control Notation (ECN) — Part 3:

прийнято як національний стандарт
методом підтвердження за позначенням

ДСТУ ISO/IEC 8825-3:2019
(ISO/IEC 8825-3:2015, IDT)

Інформаційні технології. Правила кодування ASN.1.
Частина 3. Специфікація керівної нотації кодування (EСN)

З наданням чинності від 2019–11–01

Відповідає офіційному тексту

З питань придбання офіційного видання звертайтесь
до національного органу стандартизації
(ДП «УкрНДНЦ» http://uas.org.ua)



Information technology – ASN.1 encoding rules: Specification of Encoding Control Notation (ECN)

1 Scope

2 Normative references

2.1 Identical Recommendations | International Standards

2.2 Additional references

3 Definitions

3.1 ASN.1 definitions

3.2 ECN-specific definitions

4 Abbreviations

5 Definition of ECN syntax

6 Encoding conventions and notation

7 The ECN character set

8 ECN lexical items

8.1 Encoding object references

8.2 Encoding object set references

8.3 Encoding class references

8.4 Reserved word items

8.5 Reserved encoding class name items

8.6 Non-ECN item

9 ECN Concepts

9.1 Encoding Control Notation (ECN) specifications

9.2 Encoding classes

9.3 Encoding structures

9.4 Encoding objects

9.5 Encoding object sets

9.6 Defining new encoding classes

9.7 Defining encoding objects

9.8 Differential encoding-decoding

9.9 Encoders options in encodings

9.10 Properties of encoding objects

9.11 Parameterization

9.12 Governors

9.13 General aspects of encodings

9.14 Identification of information elements

9.15 Reference fields and determinants

9.16 Replacement classes and structures

9.17 Mapping abstract values onto fields of encoding structures

9.18 Transforms and transform composites

9.19 Contents of Encoding Definition Modules

9.20 Contents of the Encoding Link Module

9.21 Defining encodings for primitive encoding classes

9.22 Application of encodings

9.23 Combined encoding object set

9.24 Application point

9.25 Conditional encodings

9.26 Other conditions for applying encodings

9.27 Encoding control for the open type

9.28 Changes to ASN.1 Recommendations | International Standards

10 Identifying encoding classes, encoding objects, and encoding object sets

11 Encoding ASN.1 types

11.1 General

11.2 Built-in encoding classes used for implicitly generated encoding structures

11.3 Simplification and expansion of ASN.1 notation for encoding purposes

11.4 The implicitly generated encoding structure

12 The Encoding Link Module (ELM)

12.1 Structure of the ELM

12.2 Encoding types

13 Application of encodings

13.1 General

13.2 The combined encoding object set and its application

14 The Encoding Definition Module (EDM)

15 The renames clause

15.1 Explicitly generated and exported structures

15.2 Name changes

15.3 Specifying the region for name changes

16 Encoding class assignments

16.1 General

16.2 Encoding structure definition

16.3 Alternative encoding structure

16.4 Repetition encoding structure

16.5 Concatenation encoding structure

17 Encoding object assignments

17.1 General

17.2 Encoding with a defined syntax

17.3 Encoding with encoding object sets

17.4 Encoding using value mappings

17.5 Encoding an encoding structure

17.6 Differential encoding-decoding

17.7 Encoding options

17.8 Non-ECN definition of encoding objects

18 Encoding object set assignments

18.1 General

18.2 Built-in encoding object sets

19 Mapping values

19.1 General

19.2 Mapping by explicit values

19.3 Mapping by matching fields

19.4 Mapping by #TRANSFORM encoding objects

19.5 Mapping by abstract value ordering

19.6 Mapping by value distribution

19.7 Mapping integer values to bits

20 Defining encoding objects using defined syntax

21 Types used in defined syntax specification

21.1 The Unit type

21.2 The EncodingSpaceSize type

21.3 The EncodingSpaceDetermination type

21.4 The UnusedBitsDetermination type

21.5 The OptionalityDetermination type

21.6 The AlternativeDetermination type

21.7 The RepetitionSpaceDetermination type

21.8 The Justification type

21.9 The Padding type

21.10 The Pattern and Non-Null-Pattern types

21.11 The RangeCondition type

21.12 The Comparison type

21.13 The SizeRangeCondition type

21.14 The ReversalSpecification type

21.15 The ResultSize type

21.16 The HandleValueSet type

21.17 The IntegerMapping type

22 Commonly used encoding property groups

22.1 Replacement specification

22.2 Pre-alignment and padding specification

22.3 Start pointer specification

22.4 Encoding space specification

22.5 Optionality determination

22.6 Alternative determination

22.7 Repetition space specification

22.8 Value padding and justification

22.9 Identification handle specification

22.10 Concatenation specification

22.11 Contained type encoding specification

22.12 Bit reversal specification

23 Defined syntax specification for bit-field and constructor classes

23.1 Defining encoding objects for classes in the alternatives category

23.2 Defining encoding objects for classes in the bitstring category

23.3 Defining encoding objects for classes in the boolean category

23.4 Defining encoding objects for classes in the characterstring category

23.5 Defining encoding objects for classes in the concatenation category

23.6 Defining encoding objects for classes in the integer category

23.7 Defining encoding objects for the #CONDITIONAL-INT class

23.8 Defining encoding objects for classes in the null category

23.9 Defining encoding objects for classes in the octetstring category

23.10 Defining encoding objects for classes in the open type category

23.11 Defining encoding objects for classes in the optionality category

23.12 Defining encoding objects for classes in the pad category

23.13 Defining encoding objects for classes in the repetition category

23.14 Defining encoding objects for the #CONDITIONAL-REPETITION class

23.15 Defining encoding objects for classes in the tag category

23.16 Defining encoding objects for classes in the other categories

24 Defined syntax specification for the #TRANSFORM encoding class

24.1 Summary of encoding properties and defined syntax

24.2 Source and target of transforms

24.3 The int-to-int transform

24.4 The bool-to-bool transform

24.5 The bool-to-int transform

24.6 The int-to-bool transform

24.7 The int-to-chars transform

24.8 The int-to-bits transform

24.9 The bits-to-int transform

24.10 The char-to-bits transform

24.11 The bits-to-char transform

24.12 The bit-to-bits transform

24.13 The bits-to-bits transform

24.14 The chars-to-composite-char transform

24.15 The bits-to-composite-bits transform

24.16 The octets-to-composite-bits transform

24.17 The composite-char-to-chars transform

24.18 The composite-bits-to-bits transform

24.19 The composite-bits-to-octets transform

25 Complete encodings and the #OUTER class

25.1 Encoding properties, syntax and purpose for the #OUTER class

25.2 Encoder actions for #OUTER

25.3 Decoder actions for #OUTER

Annex A Addendum to Rec. ITU-T X.680 | ISO/IEC 8824-1

Annex B Addendum to Rec. ITU-T X.681 | ISO/IEC 8824-2

Annex C Addendum to Rec. ITU-T X.683 | ISO/IEC 8824-4

Annex E Support for Huffman encodings

Annex F Additional information on the Encoding Control Notation (ECN)

Annex G Summary of the ECN notation

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