ДСТУ EN ISO 22975-3:2019 Енергія сонячна. Складники та матеріали колектора. Частина 3. Довговічність поверхні абсорбера (EN ISO 22975-3:2014, IDT; ISO 22975-3:2014, IDT)
ДСТУ EN ISO 22975-3:2019
(EN ISO 22975-3:2014, IDT; ISO 22975-3:2014, IDT)
Енергія сонячна. Складники та матеріали колектора.
Частина 3. Довговічність поверхні абсорбера
Не є офіційним виданням.
Офіційне видання розповсюджує національний орган стандартизації
(ДП «УкрНДНЦ» http://uas.gov.ua)
1 Scope
2 Normative references
3 Terms and definitions
4 Requirements and classification
5 Test methods for assessing material properties as measure of absorber performance
5.1 Sampling and preparation of test specimens
5.2 Sample conditioning
5.3 Solar absorptance
5.4 Thermal emittance
5.5 Adhesion
6 Tests for assessing the thermal stability of absorber surfaces
6.1 Principle
6.2 Apparatus
6.3 Procedure for execution of high temperature tests
6.4 Qualification procedure
7 Tests for determining the resistance to condensed water of absorber surfaces
7.1 Principle
7.2 Apparatus
7.3 Procedure for execution of constant condensation tests
7.4 Qualification procedure
8 Test for determining absorber surface corrosion resistance to high humidity air containing sulfur dioxide
8.1 Principle
8.2 Apparatus
8.3 Reference test specimen
8.4 Procedure for execution of corrosion test in high humidity air containing sulfur dioxide
8.5 Determination of shortest acceptable failure times in test by use of reference test specimens
8.6 Qualification procedure
9 Test report
Annex A (normative) Procedure for determination of solar absorption and thermal emittance of absorber surfaces
Annex B (normative) Temperature and failure time characteristics in assessment of thermal stability of absorber surface
Annex C (normative) Temperature/condensation and failure time characteristics together with qualification scheme in assessment of resistance to condensed water of absorber surface
Annex D (informative) Suitable designs for test apparatus to be used in the qualification testing of solar absorber surfaces
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