ДСТУ CIE 043:2019 Фотометрія прожекторів (CIE 043-1979, IDT)

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ДСТУ CIE 043:2019
(CIE 043-1979, IDT)

Фотометрія прожекторів


Не є офіційним виданням.
Офіційне видання розповсюджує національний орган стандартизації
(ДП «УкрНДНЦ» http://uas.gov.ua)


Section 1 - Foreword

Section 2 - Scope

Section 3 - Definitions

3.1 One-half-peak divergence (in a specified PLANE through the maximum intensity)

3.2 Half peak side angle (in a specified HALF PLANE through the maximum intensity)

3.3 Inner beam of a floodlight

3.4 Outer beam of a floodlight

3.5 Light output ratio

3.6 Reference axis

3.7 Photometric light centre

3.8 Auxiliary axis

3.9 Distribution of luminous intensity

3.10 Service correction factors

3.11 Types of floodlights

3.12 Recommended coordinate system for presenting luminous inten-sity distribution data

3.13 Ballast lumen factor

Section 4 - Acceptable order of accuracy for floodlight photometry

Section 5 - Laboratory equipment

5.1 Electrical power supplies and indicating instruments

5.2 Test lamps

5.3 Photocells and readout equipment

5.4 Test distance

Section 6 - Conditions for measurement

6.1 Standard test conditions

6.2 Practical test conditions

Section 7 - Procedure

7.1 General

7.2 Choice of goniometer

7.3 Selection of floodlight for test

7.4 Mounting of floodlight in goniometer

7.5 Lamp orientation in the floodlight

7.6 Focusing

7.7 Position of photocell receptor

7.8 Screening of stray light

7.9 Mounting of bare lamp for calibration of the readings in the relative method

7.10 Measuring conditions

7.11 Stabilisation of the lamp, floodlight and photometer

7.12 Measurement of floodlight

7.13 Calibration of photometer

7.14 Determination of correction factors

Section 8 - Presentation of results

8.1 Tabular data

8.2 Light distribution curves

8.3 Isocandela diagram

Appendix A - Method of measuring linearity of response of photocell

Appendix В - Method of checking stability of spectral response of a photoelectric cell using colour filters

Appendix C - Some coordinate systems and goniometers used for the photometry of floodlights

Appendix D - The use of type a and type c goniometers in connection with the recommended v-h coordinate system

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