ДСТУ EN IEC 61058-1:2019 Вимикачі для електричних побутових приладів. Частина 1. Загальні вимоги (EN IEC 61058-1:2018, IDT; IEC 61058-1:2016, IDT)

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Наказ від 20.12.2019 № 463

EN IEC 61058-1:2018

Switches for appliances — Part 1: General requirements

прийнято як національний стандарт
методом «підтвердження» за позначенням

ДСТУ EN IEC 61058-1:2019
(EN IEC 61058-1:2018, IDT; IEC 61058-1:2016, IDT)

Вимикачі для електричних побутових приладів.
Частина 1. Загальні вимоги

З наданням чинності від 2020–01–01



1 Scope

2 Normative references

3 Terms and definitions

3.1 General terms and definitions

3.2 Terms and definitions relating to voltage and current

3.3 Terms and definitions relating to the different types of switches

3.4 Terms and definitions relating to the operation of the switch

3.6 Terms and definitions relating to terminals and terminations

3.7 Terms and definitions relating to insulation

3.8 Terms and definitions relating to pollution

3.9 Terms and definitions relating to manufacturers' tests

4 General requirements

5 General information on tests

5.1 Testing shall be performed according to the general guideline information provided in Clause 5

5.2 Electrical information

5.3 Test loads on multiway switches

5.4 Test specimens

6 Rating

7 Classification

7.1 According to nature of supply

7.2 According to type of load to be controlled by each circuit of the switch

7.3 According to ambient temperature

7.4 According to number of operating cycles

7.5 Degree of protection against solid foreign objects

7.6 Degree of protection against ingress of water

7.7 According to degree of protection against electric shock for an incorporated switch for use in

7.8 According to degree of pollution inside the switch

7.9 According to degree of pollution outside the switch

7.10 According to marking

7.11 According to resistance to ignitability by the glow wire temperature

7.12 According to the rated impulse withstand voltage

7.13 According to the rated overvoltage category

7.14 According to type of disconnection

7.15 According to the type of coating for rigid printed board assemblies

7.16 According to type and/or connection of switches

7.17 According to configuration of switching device

7.18 According to duty type

7.19 According to linkage between contact and actuator speed

7.20 According to the type of terminals

7.21 According to the type of built in protection

7.22 According to the type of forced cooling

7.23 According to the capacitor provided with the switch

8 Marking and documentation

8.1 Switch information

8.2 Symbols

8.3 Load rating

8.4 Temperature rating

8.5 Operating cycles

8.6 Switches intended for use in Class II equipment or appliances

8.7 Required marking

8.8 Legibility and durability of marking

8.9 Switches with their own enclosure

9 Protection against electric shock

10 Provision for earthing

11 Terminals and terminations

11.1 Common requirements to terminals

11.2 Fixing of terminals

11.3 Location and shielding of terminals

11.4 Terminals for interconnection of more than one conductors

11.5 Thermal stress

11.6 Test sequences

11.7 Conductor escape test (TT1)

11.8 Terminal displacement test (TT2)

11.9 Strand escape test (TT3)

11.10 Multiple conductors (TT4)

12 Construction

12.1 Constructional requirements relating to protection against electric shock

12.2 Constructional requirements relating to safety during mounting and normal operation of the switch

12.3 Constructional requirements relating to the mounting of switches and to the attachment of cords

13 Mechanism

14 Protection against ingress of solid foreign objects, ingress of water and humid conditions

14.1 Protection against ingress of solid foreign objects

14.2 Protection against ingress of water

14.3 Protection against humid conditions

15 Insulation resistance and dielectric strength

15.1 General requirements

15.2 Measurement of insulation resistance

15.3 Insulation test voltage

16 Heating

16.1 General requirements

16.2 Contacts and terminals

16.3 Other parts

16.4 Heating test

17 Endurance

18 Mechanical strength

18.1 General requirements

18.2 Impact

18.3 Pull

18.4 Push

19 Screws, current-carrying parts and connections

19.1 General requirements for electrical connections

19.2 Screwed connections

19.3 Current-carrying parts

20 Clearances, creepage distances, solid insulation and coatings of rigid printed board assemblies

20.1 General requirements

20.2 Clearances

20.3 Clearances for disconnection

20.4 Creepage distances

20.5 Solid insulation

20.6 Coatings of rigid printed board assemblies

21 Fire hazard

21.1 Resistance to heat

21.2 Resistance to abnormal heat

22 Resistance to rusting

23 Abnormal operation and fault conditions for switches

24 Components for switches

24.1 General requirements

24.2 Protective devices

24.3 Capacitors

24.4 Resistors

25 EMC requirements

25.1 General

25.2 Immunity

25.3 Emission

Annex A (normative) Measurement of clearances and creepage distances

Annex В (informative) Diagram for the dimensioning of clearances and creepage distances

Annex C (normative) Proof tracking test

Annex D (informative) Switch application guide

Annex E (normative) Relation between rated impulse withstand voltage, rated voltage and overvoltage category

Annex F (normative) Pollution degree

Annex G (normative) Impulse voltage test

Annex H (normative) Altitude correction factors

Annex I (normative) Types of coatings for rigid printed board assemblies

Annex J (normative) Measuring the insulation distance of a coated printed board with type 1 coating

Annex К (normative) Routine tests

Annex L (informative) Sampling tests

Annex M (normative) Switch families

 Annex N (informative) Dimensions of tabs forming part of a switch

Annex О (informative) Common end product standards


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