ДСТУ EN ISO 4064-2:2019 Лічильники холодної питної води та гарячої води. Частина 2. Методи випробування (EN ISO 4064-2:2017, IDT; ISO 4064-2:2014, IDT)

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Наказ від 23.12.2019 № 486

EN ISO 4064-2:2017

Water meters for cold potable water and hot water —
Part 2: Test methods
(ISO 4064-2:2014)

прийнято як національний стандарт
методом «підтвердження» за позначенням

ДСТУ EN ISO 4064-2:2019
(EN ISO 4064-2:2017, IDT; ISO 4064-2:2014, IDT)

Лічильники холодної питної води та гарячої води.
Частина 2. Методи випробування

З наданням чинності від 2020-01-01



1 Scope

2 Normative references

3 Terms and definitions

4 Reference conditions

5 Symbols, units and equations

6 External examination

6.1 General

6.2 Object of the examination

6.3 Preparation

6.4 Examination procedures

7 Performance tests for all water meters

7.1 General

7.2 Required conditions for all tests

7.3 Static pressure test (ISO 4064-1:2014|OIML R 49-1:2013, 4.2.10)

7.4 Determination of intrinsic errors (of indication) (ISO 4064-1:2014|OIML R 49-1:2013, 7.2.3)

7.5 Water temperature test (ISO 4064-1:2014|OIML R 49-1:2013, 4.2.8)

7.6 Overload water temperature test (ISO 4064-1:2014|OIML R 49-1:2013, 7.2.5)

7.7 Water pressure test (ISO 4064-1:2014|OIML R 49-1:2013, 4.2.8)

7.8 Reverse flow test (ISO 4064-1:2014|OIML R 49-1:2013, 4.2.7)

7.9 Pressure loss test (ISO 4064-1:2014|OIML R 49-1:2013, 6.5)

7.10 Flow disturbance tests (ISO 4064-1:2014|OIML R 49-1:2013, 6.3.4)

7.11 Durability tests (ISO 4064-1:2014|OIML R 49-1:2013, 7.2.6)

7.12 Magnetic field testing

7.13 Tests on ancillary devices of a water meter

7.14 Environmental testing

8 Performance tests related to influence factors and disturbances

8.1 General requirements (ISO 4064-1:2014|OIML R 49-1:2013, A.1)

8.2 Dry heat (non-condensing) (ISO 4064-1:2014|OIML R 49-1:2013, A.5)

8.3 Cold (ISO 4064-1:2014|OIML R 49-1:2013, A.5)

8.4 Damp heat, cyclic (condensing) (ISO 4064-1:2014|OIML R 49-1:2013, A.5)

8.5 Power supply variation (ISO 4064-1:2014|OIML R 49-1:2013, A.5)

8.6 Vibration (random) (ISO 4064-1:2014|OIML R 49-1:2013, A.5)

8.7 Mechanical shock (ISO 4064-1:2014|OIML R 49-1:2013, A.5)

8.8 AC mains voltage dips, short interruptions and voltage variations (ISO 4064-1:2014|OIML R 49-1:2013, A.5)

8.9 Bursts on signal lines (ISO 4064-1:2014|OIML R 49-1:2013, A.5)

8.10 Bursts (transients) on AC and DC mains (ISO 4064-1:2014|OIML R 49-1:2013, A.5)

8.11 Electrostatic discharge (ISO 4064-1:2014|OIML R 49-1:2013, A.5)

8.12 Radiated electromagnetic fields (ISO 4064-1:2014|OIML R 49-1:2013, A.5)

8.13 Conducted electromagnetic fields (ISO 4064-1:2014|OIML R 49-1:2013, A.5)

8.14 Surges on signal, data and control lines (ISO 4064-1:2014|OIML R 49-1:2013, A.5)

8.15 Surges on AC and DC mains power lines (ISO 4064-1:2014|OIML R 49-1:2013, A.5)

8.16 Static magnetic field (ISO 4064-1:2014|OIML R 49-1:2013, 7.2.8)

8.17 Absence of flow test

9 Test program for type evaluation

9.1 Number of samples required

9.2 Performance test applicable to all water meters

9.3 Performance tests applicable to electronic water meters, mechanical water meters fitted with electronic devices, and their separable parts

9.4 Type evaluation of separable parts of a water meter

9.5 Families of water meters

10 Tests for initial verification

10.1 Initial verification of complete and combined water meters

10.2 Initial verification of separable parts of a water meter

11 Presentation of results

11.1 Object of the reports

11.2 Identification and test data to be included in records

Annex A (normative) Type examination and testing of checking facilities of electronic devices

Annex B (normative) Calculating the relative error (of indication) of a water meter

Annex C (normative) Installation requirements for flow disturbance tests

Annex D (normative) Type evaluation of a family of water meters

Annex E (informative) Examples of methods and components used for testing concentric water meters

Annex F (informative) Determining the density of water

Annex G (informative) Maximum uncertainties in the measurement of influence factors and disturbances

Annex H (informative) Pressure loss test pressure tappings, hole and slot details

Annex I (normative) Flow disturbers


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