ДСТУ EN ISO 15463:2021 Нафтова та газова промисловість. Експлуатаційне контролювання нових обсадних, насосно-компресорних і бурильних труб з гладкими кінцями (EN ISO 15463:2003, IDT; ISO 15463:2003, IDT)
Державне підприємство
«Український науково-дослідний і навчальний центр
проблем стандартизації, сертифікації та якості»
(ДП «УкрНДНЦ»)
Наказ від 12.03.2021 № 88
EN ISO 15463:2003
Petroleum and natural gas industries —
Field inspection of new casing,
tubing and plain-end drill pipe
(ISO 15463:2003)
прийнято як національний стандарт
методом підтвердження за позначенням
ДСТУ EN ISO 15463:2021
(EN ISO 15463:2003, IDT; ISO 15463:2003, IDT)
Нафтова та газова промисловість.
Експлуатаційне контролювання нових обсадних,
насосно-компресорних і бурильних труб з гладкими кінцями
З наданням чинності від 2021–03–15
Не є офіційним виданням.
Офіційне видання розповсюджує національний орган стандартизації
(ДП «УкрНДНЦ» http://uas.gov.ua)
1 Scope
2 Conformance
2.1 Normative references
2.2 Units of measurement
2.3 Tables and figures
3 Normative references
4 Terms, definitions, symbols and abbreviated terms
4.1 Terms and definitions
4.2 Symbols and abbreviated terms
5 Application
5.1 Basis for inspection
5.2 Applicability of inspections
5.3 Repeatability of results
5.4 Consequences of variability
6 Ordering information
7 Quality assurance
8 Qualification of inspection personnel
8.1 General
8.2 Written procedure
8.3 Qualification of inspection personnel
8.4 Training programs
8.5 Examinations
8.6 Experience
8.7 Requalification
8.8 Documentation
8.9 NDT personnel certification
9 General inspection procedures
9.1 General
9.2 Documents at job site
9.3 Pre-inspection procedures
9.4 Records and notification
9.5 Post-inspection procedures
9.6 Job site checklist
9.7 Documentation
10 Acceptance criteria, disposition and responsibility
10.1 General
10.2 Basis for acceptance
10.3 Responsibility for Rejections
11 Visual and dimensional inspection
11.1 General
11.2 Application
11.3 Drift mandrels
11.4 Precision callipers (micrometer, vernier calliper or dial calliper)
11.5 Length and diameter-measuring devices (steel rules, steel length or diameter-measuring tapes, and other non-adjustable measuring devices)
11.6 Depth gauges
11.7 External surface illumination
11.8 Internal surface illumination
11.9 Full-length visual inspection (FLVI) of new OCTG
11.10 Outside diameter verification
11.11 Straightness
11.12 Drift testing
11.13 Visual thread inspection (VTI)
12 Hardness testing
12.1 General
12.2 Application
12.3 Equipment
12.4 Calibration
12.5 Standardization
12.6 Procedures
13 Magnetic particle inspection (MPI)
13.1 General
13.2 Application
13.3 Equipment and materials
13.4 Magnetic particles
13.5 Illumination equipment and optical aids
13.6 General procedures
13.7 Calibration
13.8 Standardization
13.9 Periodic checks
13.10 End area inspection (SEA)
13.11 Inspection of unattached couplings (UCMPI)
13.12 Full-length magnetic particle inspection (FLMPI)
14 Electromagnetic inspection (EMI)
14.1 General
14.2 Equipment
14.3 Application
14.4 Calibration
14.5 Standardization
14.6 Equipment requirements and periodic checks
14.7 Inspection procedure
15 Residual magnetism and demagnetization
15.1 General
15.2 Application
15.3 Services
16 Gamma-ray wall thickness inspection
16.1 General
16.2 Application
16.3 Equipment
16.4 Calibration and standardization
16.5 Inspection procedure
17 Electromagnetic grade comparison
17.1 General
17.2 Application
17.3 Equipment
17.4 Calibration and Standardization
17.5 Inspection procedure
18 Ultrasonic inspection
18.1 General
18.2 Application
18.3 General procedures for calibration, standardization, and inspection
18.4 Inspection for longitudinal, transverse, and oblique imperfections
18.5 Standardization
18.6 Procedure for the detection of longitudinal, transverse, and oblique imperfections
18.7 Inspection of the body wall for wall thinning
18.8 Ultrasonic inspection of longitudinal welds
18.9 Manual ultrasonic thickness gauging
18.10 Manual ultrasonic shear-wave inspection
19 Evaluation of imperfections and deviations
19.1 General
19.2 Application
19.3 Equipment
19.4 Calibration and standardization procedures
19.5 Procedure for evaluating outside-surface-breaking pipe body imperfections
19.6 Procedure for evaluating inside-surface-breaking pipe body imperfections
19.7 Procedure for evaluating welds
19.8 Procedure for evaluating grinds
19.9 Procedure for evaluating large-area wall reduction
19.10 Procedure for evaluating imperfections in upsets
19.11 Procedure for evaluation of outside surface imperfections on couplings
19.12 Procedure for evaluation of visually-located thread imperfections
19.13 Procedure for triangle location and coupling makeup position
19.14 Procedure for evaluating straightness
19.15 Procedure for evaluating pipe diameter
20 Hydrostatic pressure testing
20.1 General
20.2 Application
20.3 Equipment, safety, and general procedures
20.4 Equipment calibration
20.5 Operating procedure
21 Marking
21.1 General
21.2 Authority
21.3 Guidelines
21.4 Marking of prime OCTG
21.5 Marking of no-drift OCTG
21.6 Marking of conditioned OCTG
21.7 Marking of conditionable OCTG (still to be conditioned)
21.8 Marking of non-conditionable OCTG (rejects)
21.9 Marking of OCTG not meeting ISO/API standards for hardness
21.10 Marking of prime couplings and connectors
21.11 Marking of conditioned couplings and connectors
21.12 Marking of conditionable couplings and connectors (still to be conditioned)
21.13 Marking of non-conditionable couplings and connectors (rejects)
Annex A (normative) Tables in SI units
Annex B (normative) Figures
Annex C (normative) Tables in USC units
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