ДСТУ EN 416-1:2015 Нагрівачі газові трубчасті випромінювального типу стельові з одним пальником, непобутової призначеності. Частина 1. Вимоги щодо безпеки (EN 416-1:2009, IDT)
ДСТУ EN 416-1:2015
(EN 416-1:2009, IDT)
Нагрівачі газові трубчасті випромінювального типу
стельові з одним пальником, непобутової
Частина 1. Вимоги щодо безпеки
Не є офіційним виданням.
Офіційне видання розповсюджує національний орган стандартизації
(ДП «УкрНДНЦ» http://uas.gov.ua)
1 Scope
2 Normative references
3 Definitions
3.1 Appliance and its constituent parts
3.2 Combustion circuit
3.3 Adjusting, control and safety devices
3.4 Operation of the appliance
3.5 Gases
3.6 Conditions of operation and measurement
3.7 Country of destination
4 Appliance classification
4.1 Classification according to the nature of the gases used (categories)
4.2 Classification according to the gases capable of being used
4.3 Classification according to the mode of evacuation of the combustion products
5 Constructional requirements
5.1 General
5.2 Requirements for adjusting, control and safety devices
5.3 Ignition devices
5.4 Main burner
5.5 Pressure test points
5.6 Injectors
6 Operational requirements
6.1 Soundness
6.2 Heat inputs
6.3 Limiting temperatures
6.4 Ignition, cross-lighting and flame stability
6.5 Pressure regulator
6.6 Combustion
6.7 Prolonged performance
6.8 Measurement of oxides of Nitrogen (NOx)
7 Test methods
7.1 General
7.2 Construction and design
7.3 Safety of operation
7.4 Other pollutants
8 Marking and instructions
8.1 Marking of the appliance and the packaging
8.2 Instructions
8.3 Presentation
9 Evaluation of conformity of POCEDs and their associated terminals
9.1 General
9.2 Type testing
9.3 Factory Production Control (FPC)
Annex A (informative) National situations
Annex B (normative) Appliance (flue) types
Annex C (informative) Equivalence rules
Annex D (informative) Calculation of flue gas mass flow rate
Annex E (informative) Identification of gas types in use in various countries
Annex F (normative) Special national conditions
Annex G (informative) Calculation example of the weighting factors for an appliance with several rates
Annex H (informative) NOx conversion calculation
Annex I (informative) National situations for countries whose national bodies are CEN Associate Members
Annex J (informative) An example of sampling plans
Annex K (informative)
Annex ZA (informative) Relationship between this European Standard and the Essential Requirements of EU Directive 90/396/EEC – The approximation of the laws of Member States concerning gas appliances
Annex ZB (informative) Clauses of this European Standard addressing the provisions of the EU Construction Products Directive
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