ДСТУ EN 60454-2:2022 Ленты липкие электроизоляционные. Часть 2. Методы испытаний (EN 60454-2:2007, IDT; IEC 60454-2:2007, IDT)

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ДСТУ EN 60454-2:2022
(EN 60454-2:2007, IDT; IEC 60454-2:2007, IDT)

Стрічки липкі електроізоляційні.
Частина 2. Методи випробувань


Не є офіційним виданням.
Офіційне видання розповсюджує національний орган стандартизації
(ДП «УкрНДНЦ» http://uas.gov.ua)


1 Scope

2 Normative references

3 Conditioning and specimen preparation

4 Determination of thickness

4.1 Test apparatus

4.2 Test specimens

4.3 Procedure

4.4 Results

5 Determination of width

5.1 Method A

5.2 Method B

5.3 Method C

6 Determination of roll length

6.1 Principle

6.2 Method A – Measurement of turns method

6.3 Method B – Length sensor method

7 Corrosion-related properties

7.1 General

7.2 Preparation of water extract for pH and conductivity determinations

7.3 Determination of pH value of water extract

7.4 Determination of conductivity of water extract

7.5 Detection of corrosive sulfur

7.6 Insulation resistance method

7.7 Visual method

7.8 Wire tensile strength method

8 Tensile strength and elongation at break

8.1 Apparatus.

8.2 Test specimens

8.3 Procedure

8.4 Results

9 Low-temperature properties

9.1 Principle

9.2 Test specimen

9.3 Procedure

9.4 Flexibility

9.5 Electric strength

9.6 Results

10 Resistance to penetration at elevated temperatures

10.1 Apparatus

10.2 Test specimens

10.3 Procedure

10.4 Results

11 Adhesion

11.1 Principle

11.2 Materials

11.3 Apparatus

11.4 Test samples and test pieces

11.5 Procedure

11.6 Expression of results

12 Adhesion to backing at low temperatures

12.1 Test specimens

12.2 Procedure

12.3 Results

13 Shear adhesion to backing after liquid immersion

13.1 Apparatus

13.2 Test specimens

13.3 Procedure

13.4 Results

14 Curing properties of thermosetting adhesive tapes

14.1 Bond separation during thermal treatment (adhesive to backing)

14.2 Bond separation after thermal treatment (adhesion to backing)

15 Flagging tests

15.1 Principle

15.2 Apparatus

15.3 Test specimens

15.4 Preparation of specimens for test

15.5 Test conditions

15.6 Results

16 Water vapor permeability

16.1 Apparatus

16.2 Test specimens

16.3 Procedure

16.4 Results

17 Electric strength

17.1 General

17.2 Test specimens

17.3 Procedure

17.4 Results

18 Electric strength after humid conditioning

19 Resistance to flame propagation

19.1 Principle

19.2 Apparatus

19.3 Test specimen

19.4 Procedure

19.5 Results

20 Flame test

20.1 Principle

20.2 Apparatus

20.3 Preparation of test specimen

20.4 Procedure

20.5 Results

21 Thermal endurance

21.1 Determination of thermal endurance (based on IEC 60216-1 and IEC 60216-2)

21.2 Voltage breakdown

21.3 Loss of mass

Annex A (normative) Rollers to be used in various tests

Annex ZA (normative) Normative references to international publications with their corresponding European publications


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